274 their holiday started (1/1)

In his study, Jun managed to command everyone to make his office to be mobile during their holiday time. Susan will be their centre person to report and handling all the decision made by Jun and Harry for Shin corporation in Imperial, while they are going on holiday. Mia is handing down everything to Sally, who will report all the matter to Susan, who will summarize it to Ben, who is reporting it back to Jun. Liam appointed Max as his person to handle all of it in Imperial. Max was rejecting it straight away and begged Liam to put him back into surveillance work. However, he did not dare to revolt Liam decision. He was not happy at all when he got the responsibility of Choi Corporation on his shoulder while keeping his eyes on Madame An, Allan and Tan.

Ben and A Min are busy to prepare for the mobile office, but they are so happy to go on holiday. it has been a long time when they could go into scenery. Jun saw through his wife plan to empty the mansion. He asked Liam about their plan to ambush Leong in the mansion. after all the explanation from Liam, Jun look outside the window before he make a quick call to call Brian. Jun and Brian arrange them to go un notice in the morning. Jun made a personal phone call to Lorenzo to find out their final destination with his safe phone. The phone will not leak and get tapped by an outsider. Lorenzo told the name of a small city in Indonesia which he already booked a venue for his event. As soon as he closed the connection, He managed to book all the first-class cabin to all destination in the world for the next day. He also instructs all his jets to be in stand by and get clearance into all over the world to land. He also purchases first-class ticket cabin on the train to every city outside Imperial. He bought them in secret without anyone know it. He also brings Brian for their security detail. Jun also managed to invite Mike and his wife to be included in their group. Mike instructed Gao Yan to prepare for their trip and he does not want to leave a trail for madame Gu to suspect anything. They boarded the latest plane to Bali in the night and they will use the car to go to their destination in the morning. Kat was perplexed with Mike plan, but as soon as, he showed her Lorenzo's show invitation. She hugged and kissed him. She was so happy to get one of the invitation to his show. Kat is over the moon with Mike's on her side to Lorenzo's fashion show.

In the airport, Bella still thought that they will use Jun private jets. However, Jun dragged her to their first-class waiting room. He instructed to Ben and A Min to check in all of their tickets. A Min and Ben were startled when he has to be in every counter to collect their boarding pass while their boss awaited them in the nearby waiting room for first-class passenger. They check their luggage to Garuda Indonesia and check their boarding pass with six different destinations to Indonesia.

They have to travel as normal as they can to blend in with other passenger. Apparently, Garuda Indonesia only has a business class for their flight which made Jun and His friend startled for the legroom. Apparently, Jun booked the whole cabin for themselves so it will be not a problem for his leg.

Ben and A Min were tired halfway before boarding to the plane. At least, they will be seated in the economic cabin away from their boss. They can take a whole deep breath for a while. Brian was checking the business class cabin on their way to the plane and run a background check to all of the staff on board. Jun sat with Bella on the first row. They will fly for almost 8 hours of direct flight. The flight was almost full of many of them is returning back from a holiday on Imperial City.

Lorenzo is already in Yogyakarta and spent some time with Putri. She was a classmate of Bella in Switzerland and worked with Lorenzo in many events. She is a native Indonesian born and daughter of world-renowned flower arrangement artist. She also really talented makeup artist worldwide. Lorenzo always booked her for his show or event as his event decorator and make-up artist for Bella. Many companies set their eyes to Putri, but she chooses to stay back in her country and lead a humble life to give back to the community. She got really rare talent in her industry that many models were having a successful makeover on her hand. Ada was lucky to work with her in one of a catwalk show in Milan managed to learn all her technique on makeup brush to make the skin glow. She got this small villa called Omah Lavia outskirt of Yogyakarta. She was a really close friend with Bella during their school time in Switzerland. Bella will be surprised to see her at the airport.