85 Conspiracy (1/1)
”Old Xu, how did the stupid woman give you the access to the vault?” Madame An curiosity came out. ”I believed she still has trusted me, even though you stole my heart already,” Mr Xu explained to her. ”She called me in her house before you killed them in the accident. She managed to give me a letter which I throw it out, I kept only the key to access it and the bank card with all the accounts and detail,” Mr Xu said to her. ”Basically, we still can live a luxury life without killing them,” Madame An said to him. ”It is safer if we got rid of them. But remember, you have to stage it like their parent accident or something else without implicating us.” Mr Xu said to her while enjoying the scenery and his tea. Lianne shocked to hear his father plan to eliminate someone so easily. She overheard their plan and history of getting rid of someone so easily. It seems her world starting to crumble down unto her head. She walked back to the car without saying anything. It still so hard to accept the reality about her father.
Jun straight away go to his study when Brian waits for him. Suddenly, Jun mobile ring. ”Jun Shin speaking,” Jun answered while sitting down on his working chair. ”This is Liam speaking. I just want to warn you some lady try to take your life and Bella. If you have any enemies out there, do not implicate Bella live on the line.” Liam warned him. ”Thank you for your concern but Bella safety is my responsibility. Whilst, you outsider minds your own business,” Jun said strongly to Liam. ”We both know that our life surrounded by enemies. But we must protect the love of our life. I will help you to protect my Bella,” Liam said openly to Jun which make him annoyed to hear the word of ”My Bella”. ”As I told you to mind your own business!!” Jun close the connection. It already enough to make his day become black and gloomy to hear another man praise his wife. ”Yes, Brian. What is your report?” Jun still felt annoyed with Liam phone, he throws the glass in front of him to vent his anger. ”Are you okay boss? There is a hit put up in the black market for your life and Madame. Unfortunately, this government havoc is the same person tried to access your family vault in Switzerland. It means that there is the connection between the hit job and your parent death mysteries.” Brian explained to Jun. ”Do you mean that my parent death was not an accident?” Jun asked him. ”I tried to investigate the brooches last week and found the connection with the Shin Vault found in Geneva. If you were not tried to open the account on that bank. You won't find the Vault under your name opened by your parent,” Brian explained to him. ”I did find it so bizarre about the letter found with all the Jewellery, the cheque and some important paper inside of it. It said if I read the letter, it means that the original letter with the key was not in my possession and my mother got betrayed by the person she believed most. That letter triggered me to investigate their death.” Jun said to Brian. ”Have you emptied it and moved it? I believed there was a bounty for your parent death and I am waiting for the main culprit to start the bounty job for you and Madame. Liam Choi refused them already and gave warning for all his subordinate and other clans under his command. You knew Liam is exactly like you. No one dares to cross into his bad side,” Brian said to Jun. ”I know it already from Liam. Unfortunately, Liam got tame by Bella. The phone call was from him to inform me about the job” Jun said to him. ”I will investigate further about your parent incident,” Brian said to him. ”I have emptied the vault and told to the bank to inform me if anyone wants to access that vault. I want you to put more securities detail in place for Bella. I don't want something to happen to her and our baby,” Jun instructed to Brian. ”Congratulation Boss,” Brian said to Jun. Suddenly there is a voice called Jun for help. ”Jun... Jun.... help...” Bella screamed to Jun from another room.