169 Chapter 169 Solitude and Longing (1/2)

Late one night, in front of the Phoenix Palace's gates, a handsome young man is staring blankly at the fully restored burnt building. His eyes show a hint of confusion as he tries to recall why he was there. His personal guard quietly stood by his side equally confused as to why his master has that look. Then a series of footsteps slowly approached his direction so the young man swiftly hid himself behind a pillar. The guard naturally followed albeit weirded out by his master's action.

Not long later at a short distance, he saw two eunuchs walking pass the Phoenix Palace's gates. But both of them halted and solemnly looked towards the Place. ”It's a pity that her majesty, Empress Lin Xulian died tragically. I didn't even get a chance to serve her. It was my goal back then.” Said one of the eunuch.

”Me too. I almost made it but the incident kept me from realizing that dream. Sometimes I wake up in tears after dreaming about all the possible encounter I can have while serving her. Unfortunately, I can only dream.” Another one added with teary eyes.

The two eunuchs sighed heavily while still gazing longingly at the empty palace. The servants currently assigned in the palace are only there to keep it clean but the air is not that of a habitable space. It has become sullen and suffocating despite of all the efforts to erase the incident's trace.

With one last bow, the two eunuchs paid respects to the ”deceased” empress then continue threading their way back to the servant's courtyards. And when the man is certain that no one else aside from him and his guard is there, he returned in his previous position. But this time his look is no longer confused but of shock.

”Xi, would you believe me if I tell you that I forgot about Lin Xulian?” The young man asked towards his personal guard by his side.

The guard, with his head lowered, sneak a peek at his master's face trying to decipher if he is serious or just messing with him. As a guard who accompanies his master everywhere, he knows that his master fancied the empress. Well, seeing that fairy-like face, no normal man would not admire her. But his master had it worst. So for him, his master forgetting about Lin Xulian is impossible.

”Replying your highness, if your highness says so then this one believes.” The guards chose a safe answer. He wouldn't dare oppose his master's words, would he?With the guard's answer, the young man laughed mockingly. But not towards his guards but to himself. ”You don't believe me. I can't blame you though. But it's true and I don't know why. This is frustrating.” The young man said with a gradually cracking voice as he continues gazing at the Phoenix Palace.

The young man is no other than the fifth prince, Feng Jun Yun, who deeply loved Lin Xulian at first sight. And the fact that he had forgotten about her for some time delivered a blow on his heart and made him question how deep his love for her truly is.

His personal guard couldn't hide his surprise hearing his master's revelation. Even as a nobody behind the scene, he had never forgotten about the empress. What more for the fifth prince. ”Don't be too hard on yourself your highness. The mind is the most powerful part of ones being. Sometimes when one is in great grief the mind will instinctively erase the cause of it.” The guard said to reassure Feng Jun Yun although he has no background in medicine.

”I hope that's just it. Or else I will hate myself until my death.” Feng Jun Yun said solemnly. Then he started to walk back to return to his own manor. ”What is the situation in emperor brother's end?” He added in inquiry.

”Replying your highness, the emperor pulled back his men not long ago after the previous missing group returned. No one knows why. Even the surviving guards had no idea. But I managed to learn that the Lin clan were in the An Valley after Empress Lin's death. Unfortunately, they also left without informing anyone where they are going.” The guard reported.

Feng Jun Yun halted and turned around to look at his personal guard. ”Are they fleeing? I had no idea that the mighty Lin Huang will choose run with his tail between his legs rather than seeking justice for his supposed beloved sister. Even emperor brother already gave up. So much for his claim that he truly loved her. He is a big dumb liar!” Feng Jun Yun stated furiously.