Chapter 503 - Should discuss first with Ryn (1/2)
”Ryn,” he choked out, feeling scared when all he could hear was her sigh.
”I don't know, J, I really don't know.”
”Baby, why don't you have a nap to clear your mind?” he suggested desperately. He wanted her to be distracted from thinking about their problem until he found a way to solve this.
She grunted her agreement before they ended their conversation. He let out a huge sigh as he stared the phone.
He must do something to save their relationship.
His brows knitted together as he thought fast and hard. What should he do to save them?
”Jason,” he called when he reached downstairs.
Jason who was in the middle of video chatting with Mika lifted up his head and looked at Jeremy. ”Yes?”
”Is that Mika?” Jeremy asked with a frown.
”Of course,” Jason replied with a huge grin. He even brought his phone so Mika could see Jeremy too.
”Aren't you going to work, big brother?” Mika asked. She was not wearing any of her usual outfit for work so Jeremy knew she still refused to go to work even though all the gowns were ready for the wedding.
”Are you?” Jeremy ċȯċked an eyebrow, asking her back.
”Jason baby~” Mika whɨnėd when she realized he was going to scold her. She already received approval from their father to have days off until the honeymoon after Jeremy told her to go to work a few days ago after she announced that she was done with the dresses. As someone who did not have any experience preparing for a wedding, he did not know there are more than dresses to prepare before the day. They haven't even checked the flowers and cakes. And her hen party. She still needed to remember to remind Ryn about it.
”Jeremy, you have already approved of her holiday that time,” Jason reminded with a chuckle. He knew Jeremy would not hurt Mika. It was just a bit of harsh words but all were just empty words.
Jeremy ċȯċked an eyebrow. He was not afraid of Jason's admonishment. As the boss, he has the right to cut down how many days Mika could take days off.
”Jeremy,” Jason narrowed his eyes dangerously. He would do anything for Mika, even if it meant he would need to argue with his own best friend.
Jeremy sighed as he rubbed his face. ”Whatever. I don't care anymore.”
Jeremy walked into the kitchen and looked for something to eat. Thanks to the maids, his kitchen was always full. There would be no problem when Ryn came and decided to cook meals for them.
Catherine, his sweet and lovely Catherine.
If only she was here instead of Jason. Maybe he could have a heart-to-heart conversation with Ryn and save their relationship.
”Just ignore him, babe. He's just having a rough day,” Jason coaxed his fiancée. He continued giving encouragement and loving words to make Mika happy this morning. As Mika was busy with the other parts of wedding preparation, Jason did not want to distract her and decided only to meet during meals.
Of course, each time they met, he would make sure to make it special.
Anything for his love.
Jeremy, on the other hand, opened the refrigerator and looked inside. Even though his eyes were cataloguing the items in the refrigerator, his mind was actually on Ryn and their relationship.
He closed the refrigerator's door and straightened his body. He went to the cabinet and opened one of them.
And then he frowned.
He quickly opened the other compartments but could not find what he was looking for.
”Hey, have you seen the instant noodles?” he shouted at Jason.