Chapter 497 - Its late. You should go home. (1/2)

They reached her home quite late. It was almost 9.00 pm when they arrived in the neighbourhood.

She, of course, slept on the way and he put on romantic music to accompany her in her slumber. He made sure to be as quiet as possible so not to disturb her sleep. Even the music was playing so soft, it was barely heard.

When the car came to a stop, he shut the engine off and let out a sigh of relief. Today was a long day. Of course, he was happy to be with her but as the night getting late, the exhaustion hit him hard.

He guessed he was getting older.

He turned to look at the Sleeping Beauty beside her and smiled. Growing old together with her would be his wish. He would do everything to be with her.

His hand reached for hers and kissed it gently. His eyes landed on her ring finger and wished he could put a ring on it. But his grandmother already warned him to follow the plan. In order to realize his dream, he must be patient.

And he was planning the perfect proposal event to make her remember for the rest of their life. And it would be perfect. He would make sure that she would remember that moment. She only deserved the best and he would deliver it to her.

Because she worth it.

He leaned forward and kissed her lips gently, carefully. She did not even stir when they were kissing lightly. When he pulled back, she did not even move or sigh, too deep in her slumber to notice his naughty act.

He grinned.

”Beautiful Princess, it's time to wake up,” he whispered in between stealing kisses on her face. He did not get tired of kissing her. He loved kissing her... all of her.

She finally woke up and sighed as she blinked her eyes open.

”We've arrived. Do you want me to carry you?” he asked. He did not mind carrying her around. He loved doing it too.

”No need,” she yawned. She rubbed her eyes and then shooed him to give some space was her to walk through.

”Good night, J. Bye,” she murmured.

He paused on his way to close the door and followed her when he heard her words. Goodbye? ”Ryn?”

She stopped and turned around to look at him calmly. ”Yes?”


”Err... yes. You've sent me home. It's late. So you should go home,” she explained rather seriously.

”I thought I'm going to stay the night here?” he asked rather uncertainly. Was she kicking him out of the house after their dinner?

”It's... late?” she gave him a puzzled look. It was already late at night. Their dinner ended later than she thought it would be. And she was exhausted.

The tidying up plan tonight? She already cancelled that idea the moment she got into the car when they returned from the restaurant. She was too exhausted and sleepy to do any housework. She just wanted to lie down on her bed and sleep for the rest of the night.

”Love,” he sighed heavily.

She returned and pulled his head lower so she could kiss his lips. ”Good night. Call me when you've reached home.”

”Ryn...” he choke out but she was already at the door, unlocking it by pressing the password. Instead of returning back to the car and going home like she asked him to, he went to her. He put a hand to block the door from closing and stepped into the house.

”J?” She frowned.

”I'm staying here tonight,” he announced.

She was speechless. Didn't he just tell her during dinner that he would make her happy? Heven promised to respect her decision.

And now he just told her... No. He actually decided not to honor his own promise.

”I will help you arranging your things,” he announced. He went to the kitchen and reached for two glasses. He poured water into both glasses and handed one to her.

”You go have a bath while I start working,” he said after she finished the glass of water.

He took the glass from her hand and put it under the running water. Then, he put both glasses away. When he turned around, she was nowhere to be seen.