Chapter 489 - I was hungry (1/2)
The group of hosts soon were shocked to see how focussed Ryn was when eating two buns at one time. They were speechless. Nothing came out of their mouth as they blinked and blinked.
”I was hungry, I guess,” Ryn shrugged.
All of them looked at her silently.
”Ah, this is the day I take my driving test,” Ryn said calmly. She thought it was no use for her to be ashamed or shy over what she did. What happened already happened. It was all in the past. She should just strive forward and do better in the future.
”Driving test? I heard that you're always screaming during your class,” the host that liked to ask her tricky question did not waste the moment to ask.
Ryn did not bat an eye at the question. Mika did record one of her driving classes and post it into her Youtube channel so many of her followers knew about it. They had fun teasing her in her Instagram account and she did not mind at all. She was scared and she was not ashamed of it. She did not explain to them the reason why she seemed scared of driving for she felt it was too private for her. Only Jeremy, Mika, Jason, and Mei Li knew about it... and yeah, her parents and the Long's. Other than them, she did not find it important to explain.
”Why don't we watch more to know?” she winked and gestured for the video to continue.
The hosts could not argue with that. If they asked more, it would not create suspense to keep the viewers to stay tuned until the end. They twitched their lips and just watched as Ryn and Mei Li talked in the car.
”Dowager?” the youngest host asked, managed to catch one 'interesting' word during the conversation.
Ryn gulped and laughed sheepishly.
The hosts were about to ask more when someone knocked on the door. Everyone turned to look at the door in a puzzle. Especially the hosts because they were not informed of any surprise or any other guest.
”Surprise,” a woman said cheerfully when she opened the door and popped her head through the door.
It was Mika.
Ryn blinked her eyes in a puzzle. Mika? Why was she here? Didn't she say she would stay in the waiting room?
”Is there a place for me to sit?” Mika asked, acting all coy and cute as she walked into the studio.
The men quickly stood up and looked for a chair for Mika. One of them found one and quickly pushed it to beside Ryn.
Ryn wiggled her brows at Mika. What are you doing here?
I'm saving you. Mika's brows danced in answer.
The hosts looked at each other. This was not in their script. Usually, they were the ones shocking the guests with their questions but right now they were not sure what to ask anymore with the addition of Young Mistress Long... especially when she came in that Gothic Lolita make-up and attire.
What to do now?
”Ah... was this the day you're taking your driving test?” Mika asked when she saw the video.
”Yes,” Ryn nodded.
”I wonder what you're doing that day. Have you started to eat any meat?” Mika asked as she looked at her best friend suspiciously. She remembered the first episode of her best friend. Imagine her shock when she saw how much steak Ryn consumed that day.
The hosts hid a smile.
So far Ryn did not eat any steak yet but it was still early. They were waiting for the steak mukbang so they could ask questions about her diet.
”I didn't eat steak,” Ryn denied quickly. She only had buns and noodles but not steak... yet. Did she have any steak that day? She seriously could not remember that bit.
”Let's continue watch this,” Ryn said as she quickly signalled for the video to continue. Right now she was walking with Mei Li into the driving test place and Mika was chattering happily.
”Thats...” one of the hosts pointed at the older woman who joined them.
”My mother,” Mika replied with a shy smile, ”and my fiance.”
The hosts 'oohe' and 'ahhed'. Although they knew that Mika and Ryn were close as it was evident when Mika came on behalf of Ryn for the first episode and whenever they asked question, Mika answered it quickly and with full confident. It showed how close they were.
”Your mother knew Ryn?” the male host asked, trying to find a chance to ask the question that he knew everyone wanted to know.
Ryn looked at Mika and Mika grinned. With an almost embarass smile she opened her mouth, ”Aunty Long is my godmother.”