Chapter 480 - The hungry ghost (1/2)
Harry tried to hide his excitement as he posed beside Ryn. He always dreamt of working beside her but he never expected it would become true again. She always took work at the international level while he was still a new model, too green to work together with her unless their agency created the chance. But, he knew that his agency believed in the model's own initiative and ability to grab the chance while their manager helped to suggest suitable gigs. Unless they were like Ryn, they had to undergo strict auditions and castings. He was lucky to get this gig and work together with Ryn. But... he did not see Ryn during the auditions. He glanced at her but her focus was on her work. She kept posing with her partner as they were working in two couples. She and her partner were showing off one pair of watches while Harry and his partner modeled another pair of watches.
”Harry, stay focus!” the director called out when he noticed his focus was on another person, not on his partner.
”Sorry, Sir,” Harry quickly apologized. He was ashamed being pointed like this when his reputation so far quite clean. It was very rare for him to make mistakes during his work. Even the boss said in a few more years, he could be on the same par as Ryn and every brand would fight to get him to work with them instead of him going from one casting to another to get a gig.
Ryn glanced at him but his partner was the one who gave him encouraging words. Ryn just smiled at him.
Harry smiled back at Ryn unconsciously. By looking at her beautiful smile, it gave Harry so much energy and encouragement to do his best. He quickly gathered his thoughts and started to stay focus. He could always chat and spend more time with her once they finish this job.
It took them hours before they could take a break for lunch. Mei Li quickly approached them but instead of going to Ryn, she went to Harry.
”Are you okay?” Mei Li asked.
”Yes,” Harry replied. He tried to find Ryn but the woman made a beeline toward the food section. She must be starving when she did not look left and right anymore.
Mei Li glanced at the 'hungry ghost' with a twitch of her lips. She had no comment about Harry. Besides, she was not worried about Ryn compared to how worried she was with Harry. Harry was after all still new in this industry. She preferred to focus on Harry despite assigning an agent for him as Ryn had no driver's license previously. But now as Ryn already passed her driving test, she only needed to buy a car. Ryn did mention that she did not need to have anyone to accompany her once she has a driving license. She could go to work alone without having Mei Li accompany her.
But deep down Mei Li had the worry that Ryn, without her or anyone's surveillance, would eat more steaks than she was allowed to. Even now when she forgot to watch over Ryn carefully, the young model managed to eat steak for every meal.
Hmm... she needed to discuss with Ryn on planning her work schedule once she was no needed to accompany the model. She did not want it to be the reason for Ryn to ignore good opportunities to go further into her profession. Surely Ryn would want to be more successful than now. Seeing how committed and focus she was when working, Mei Li did not think she would quit and become a housewife once she married Jeremy Long. She was the kind of person who had to work to feel fulfilled. See how she was still working even though her parents gave her monthly pocket money. She did not even touch the allowance and even sent some of her salaries to her parents.
”I want to take a photo of you with Ryn to post on your social media,” Mei Li announced. Ryn always expressed that she did not mind helping her junior and by using her name, Mei Li thought it would help Harry for his future work.
”Yes,” Harry said quickly without thinking. He was ecstatic when Mei Li suggested it. Of course, their manager was thinking from the perspective of work but in his mind, it was for his feeling.
Ryn, too far away to hear their conversation, was happily looking at the food.
She completely ignored the favorite among the models which was the salad. She chose one of the rice with three side dishes which included meat cooked in red gravy. She was not afraid of the gravy even though she was wearing a white dress. Her stomach was much more important.
She found a seat to sit and started to eat, ignoring the chuckle from the crew. Her stomach could not wait anymore.
”You...” Mei Li sighed as she took a seat beside Ryn. Harry sat on the other side, gazing at Ryn tenderly.
How could Ryn be so adorable?
”Ryn.” Mei Li had to call her name when she saw how focused Ryn was on her food until she did not look left and right, just looking at the food happily.
A male model, Ryn's partner to be exactly took a photo of Ryn eating. He did not include Harry because he did not want to create scandal and as Ryn was also one of his friends in the industry, he did not want her to be mad at him. He checked the photo and grinned hugely. Who could imagine the glutton in the photo was a model. If she did not have the overdramatic makeup and hairstyle, no one would believe her.
The model narrowed his eyes and without thinking quickly added a bubble shape for conversation in the photo. He made Mei Li some sort of a mother scolding her glutton daughter. Then, he laughed as he read his work. It did not stop there. He posted it to his social media. He did not think Ryn would be mad at him as it was funny and she also knew how everyone looked at her. A glutton.