Chapter 474 - Being too thin is not good for your healtht (1/2)
The dowager thumped her cane two times, attracting the attention from everyone. However, her eyes were on her little granddaughter, full with displeasure.
”Grand... grandmother?” Mika choked out questioningly. Unconsciously her hand reached for her fiance's hand, searching for strength to face the dragon. Oh no, what did she do wrong? She did not think she had made a mistake... yet. She just arrived at the restaurant with Ryn and the boys and already grandmother looked unhappy with her.
Seriously, grandma, couldn't you wait until at home if you wanted to scold me? My in-laws are here. Please take care of my face today... please...
”Your wedding is getting closer and I don't want you to get sick before that, ” the eldest said with another thump of her cane.
The parents of the engaged couple hid their smiles. They too were worried when they saw how thin Mika has become. The women did hint about it but poor Mika thought they were encouraging her to fit into the wedding dress, forgetting that she was the one designing and sewing the dress so she could make any size she wanted.
Ryn looked at Mika interestingly. She did notice how thin her best friend has become but she did not know how to open the topic without hurting Mika's feelings. The future bride was quite sensitive regarding her weight and appearance. The never-ending diet that Mika kept venturing in also drove Ryn nuts because she sometimes felt guilty eating all the meats when Mika could only watch.
”I...” Mika was speechless. Why did she feel like she was being attacked by every corner? She did not do any wrong at all.
Why did it seem like she was being blamed for something she did not do? Why did it feel like her grandmother thought she would faint or get sick soon?
But she was healthy now. She felt healthy. In fact, with her wedding just around the corner, she was more excited than ever. Even though she would move out from her family and live with him, he told her that they would live just two of the first in a condominium he bought right before he proposed to her. Maybe once they have a child or two then they would move into the mansion so his parents could look after their child and they could continue living like a newlywed.
”Once the food is here, put a plate of meat each for Mika and Catherine. Also a plate of vegetable for her, ” the dowager pointed at Ryn who gave her wide eyes when being pointed just like that out of nowhere. Wasn't Mika the target of the nag, not her?
Ryn was confused and puzzled by the sudden implication. Then, when the real meaning was digested in her brain, her eyes widened in horror.
One whole plate of vegetable?
Her alone?
”And you two, ” now the finger pointed at two other people; Jeremy and Jason.
Both men pointed their fingers at their faces. Now it was their turn to get the nag? They looked at the dowager silently, accepting their fate willingly.
It did feel like the dinner was for the four of them to receive nag from the eldest Long.
”You two are not allowed to help them to finish their plate, ” the dowager ordered firmly.
”Yes, grandmother, ” both Jeremy and Jason answered her calmly but they could not hide the smile on their face. It did feel like four of them being treated like little children instead of four young men and women.
It did feel weird being treated like this when everyone else treated them with respect. With the men's status as the heir of the family and their status in the company, everyone would be careful with them. Even some when they saw the men, they would turn and go another way just to avoid them.