Chapter 450 - Not pulling her leg (1/2)
She woke up hours later, frowning as she stared into the darkness blankly. Several minutes later then she remembered where she was but could not remember why she was here instead of her own place.
She sighed.
How long has she been sleeping? She could not remember her last thought before she went into the dreamland. Why was she here? What was she supposed to do in Jeremy's place?
She let her feet swallowed by the thick carpet as she walked slowly into the bathroom. Her body felt so tired still. She did not know what was wrong with her today. But, if she kept following her mood to continue her sleep, she knew she would not be able to sleep tonight. She did not want to create havoc to the clock in her body system.
She did not take too much time to freshen up herself. She found a set of clean clothes on the nightstand with no underwear. Her lips twitched but she put them on. Her used underwears were hanging in the bathroom so she could not use them.
Once she was done with her clothes and putting her hair into a messy bun, she went downstairs. Her stomach was growling in hunger and she was hoping there could be something in the kitchen for her to chew. If Jeremy still failed to prepare such a simple thing, she decided to take a cab and go home. At least at her home she still have a few eggs she could cook.
Jeremy was sitting on the couch watching the television when she arrived. He turned to look at her and smiled.
”You must be hungry. I'll cook the steaks,” he announced as he jumped onto his feet and went to drop a kiss on top of her head.
”What time is it now? Why aren't you sleeping?” she asked as she followed him to the kitchen. With the corner of her eyes, she saw the decoration on the dining table. Her brows lifted in a puzzle. Why was it arranged as if they were going to have a romantic candlelight dinner?
Wasn't the night too late for this kind of dinner? She thought she could have a simple noodle to fill her stoamach.
”I can't sleep,” he shrugged. He was too excited for their romantic dinner until he could not feel any sleepiness and tiredness. He just waited for her to wake up so they could have their romantic dinner. He even prepared a slow romantic music to accompany them.
”Well, ok... Do you need my help?” She watched as he took out a container from the refrigerator. Again, she was taken aback to see how full the refrigerator was. Without thinking, she went to one of the cupboards and opened it. It was full to the brim! She opened another and another and another to check.
She was impressive with how good Jeremy was. She did not think she slept too long just now but in just a couple of hours, this boyfriend of hers managed to buy so many things to fill the empty kitchen.
”Good job,” she praised him.
He grinned proudly. He did not plan to tell her that with a simple call, the maids came to fill the kitchen with everything that they needed. He told himself that if he did not call the house, no one would know the pitiful state of his kitchen and would come with bags and bags of food. So, he did do something and deserved to receive the praise from his love.
He made a show of flipping the steak, grooving a bit as he was so happy with her praise. It was hard to hear her praising him especially lately. In fact, if he was a dog, he would wag his tail.
”So our menu for tonight is steak?” she asked as she checked the refrigerator. Her eyes rounded at the container labelled breakfast and her lips twitched. Somehow she had the feeling the person who was doing the shopping and filling the kitchen was not the same person standing in the same room as hers. However, seeing how delightful and excited he was, she did not point it out. Just let him take the credit if it made him happy. Besides, her heart mused, without his order, none of the maids would come to bring the groceries.
She took out a container labelled dinner. It was filled with whipped potato. A smaller container was for the gravy. She took both out and put them into the microwave to reheat.
”You don't have to do it. I can do everything,” he said when he saw her started to help preparing the food.
”Two pair of hands are better than one,” she replied. ”It's quicker.”
”You can help,” he sighed. He thought he could prepare everything for her and give her a surprise. But he guessed she was too hungry to wait and wanted to have her dinner as quick as possible.
She made it seemed so simple as she moved around, behaving as if the kitchen belonged to her. She did not find any problem to look for the utencils or any items. In fact, sometimes he had to move to give some space for her to get her things and prepare the rest.
The irony of this, he found, that he was still in the middle of cooking the steak while she was done with the rest. To make him feel more helpless, she even made fried instant noodle with four sunny-sided up eggs.
Where was his romantic candlelight dinner?