Chapter 429 - Misunderstanding the letter? (1/2)

He walked to the small space in his office and frowned.

Even if he wanted to redecorate this place, he needed to remember that he would switch to the main company in a few months' time. This place would belong to Mika once he relocated.

He scratched his head. It seemed like he was getting tired when his mind drifted to another way instead of focussing on his work.

”Maybe I need to sleep,” he murmured.

He turned to look at the table where there were still unread files. It was lesser than when he first started.

Well, at least, his work progressed so much. And the meetings for tomorrow. He had no idea why he was needed in the meetings with the clients when he has so many managers from the main company. Luckily, he managed to push the party and dinner part to his parents. Phew... But he knew they would not give him the space for the night too long to spend time with Ryn because he needed to shoulder the burden of carrying the family's name and company.

He reached for his phone on the table and started to scroll the media social. Of course, the first account he would check would be hers. It seemed like she already posted the picture of today and it was of her in a wig.

Ryn did not show what kind of outfit she was wearing for the photo shoot. It was a full head photo so he could only see the wig and the make-up. It was whimsical make-up, which made Ryn looked more angelic. Maybe the theme for the shoot was angelic.

Jeremy caressed her face unconsciously. His eyes looked at her face tenderly. His heart swelled with more love for her. She looked so beautiful in that makeup but he honestly did not like the wig. He did not know the reason behind that silly wig. It must be a part of the theme. Who knew? But he could not wait to see the photos. He always bought all the magazines that have Ryn's pictures. He also bought all the products that have her in the photos or products that gave her posters as gifts.

Of course, the first thing he did was to like her photo. All the pictures she posted on her Instagram has been liked by him.

He checked her other photos. He needed something to distract himself from calling her. He knew he has no more mood to do work. Spending hours with work with just a short break to order food for himself and Ryn. Of course, he ordered her food to be delivered to her place. Right now, close to 6.30 pm and his back was killing him. His back and his neck.

He was still mooning over Ryn's photo when the door was knocked and he heard Jacob's voice. He frowned at the interruption.

What is it this time?

”Come in,” he ordered.

His personal assistant came into the office room nervously.

Jeremy crossed his arms and frowned. It was getting late and his assistant wanted to drop more work on him?

”What do you want?”

”Sorry, boss but I have just received a fax from RX Corp,” Jacob reported slowly.

”What do they want?” Jeremy went to sit on his thick comfortable leather chair. He leaned his back and crossed his legs. He c.o.c.ked an eyebrow.

”Here, boss,” Jacob placed the paper on the table with the page toward Jeremy's side. He stepped back and clasped his hands to his front as he took a deep breath to calm himself. He was still a bit shock when he read the letter.

With his brow still c.o.c.ked, Jeremy pulled the paper over and started to read it. He did not take much time before he chuckled as he pushed the letter away.

”Why are you getting into trouble with this?” he asked his assistant.

Jacob gave Jeremy a puzzled look. Why was the boss looking bemused after reading the letter? Has the boss misunderstood the letter? Or had he read it wrongly?