Chapter 421 - Meeting the families officially (2) (1/2)
Ryn opened the door once they arrived in front of her home. She stepped into the house and turned around, looking at him.
”I'll see you later?” she asked, just trying to stop this awkwardness.
”Hmm...” he nodded. Then, he ran his hand over his hair as he sighed.
She watched him with eyes opened. Why was he seemed to be so lost in his words? Why didn't he speak up? He always told her everything in his mind, which made it easier for them to argue because he did not think it through before he said something.
But now, why it seemed like he was afraid to speak?
She c.o.c.ked an eyebrow.
”I promise that I will change,” he said finally.
She frowned.
”Love, it will take time for me to change but I hope you can give me... no, give us another chance. I really love you and I would do anything for us to be together. Even if I have to change, I will,” he promised.
She blew out a sigh. She did not notice she was holding her breath when he started to speak. But... could he really do it? Could he control his jealousy?
Of course, she was opened to give him another chance, which she has decided earlier but to be told to give him another chance, it took her by surprise.
”Well... I won't force you... well, try not to force you. I want you to not feel pressured to join our small family in marriage. I don't want you to feel forced on the day you're married to me. I will wait until you are ready to be with me,” he said hurriedly before he bent down to kiss her forehead gently and went straight to the elevator without any warning, leaving her blinking her eyes in a puzzle.
What was that all about?
She watched his body disappearing into the elevator. Then, she shrugged it off. It was no use in breaking her head thinking about his weird behavior when she could spend the time sleeping.
She needed to prepare her mind and body for the lunch date with Mika later. She locked the door and threw her bag onto the couch. Then, she went into her bedroom to continue her sleep.
Ryn's mother was sweeping the floor when she noticed so many vehicles stopped right in front of her house. She stopped her sweeping and walked to the door, curious about the identity of the newcomers.
The first person who got out from the first vehicle was someone unfamiliar to her. She narrowed her eyes, thinking hard.
But she could not remember who the person was. Even the older woman holding a cane walking toward her house was unfamiliar. The curiosity was amplified when from the other vehicles, girls kept coming out holding beautiful boxes on trays.
Okay, now she was interested.
”Catherine's mother? Hello, I am Jeremy's mother,” Mrs. Si greeted the confused woman enthusiastically. She even held both Ryn's mother's hands and shook them eagerly.
”Err... hello...” Ryn's mother's replied a bit awkwardly. Nobody told her about their arrival and why did it feel like they were here to propose marriage to her daughter, Ryn?
Although she was in a puzzle with their arrival, she still invited them into the house and watched, with widened eyes as the maids arranging all the boxes neatly. Ryn's mother just watched them with her heart pounding hard. Mrs. Long and her mother-in-law did not speak yet, just watching the maids doing their work with hawk eyes. Nothing could interrupt their plan.
”I'll go make some drinks,” unable to hold the awkwardness, Ryn's mother excused herself and went to the kitchen.
”Let us help you,” two of the maids got up and made a move to follow the older woman.
”No... no... no... you all just sit down,” Ryn's mother's quickly stopped them, feeling more awkward by now. She was trying to escape but these two girls...