Chapter 412 - We need to talk (1) (1/2)
Mei Li watched as Ryn wolfed down two plates of steaks. The steaks Ryn was eating was the heaviest steaks offered in the restaurant. It was actually less than her usual portion but it seemed like Ryn has less appetite today. Mei Li frowned at the thought. Was Ryn not feeling okay?
”So, what's our schedule after this?” Ryn asked after she sipped her juice. She was too lazy to check her phone and wanted her manager to inform her.
Mei Li took out her phone and frowned. She forgot about the shooting for the program. She has already discussed everything with the producer once she was contacted by him. Or has she told Ryn about this? She was not sure.
”Ryn,” she started. She put down the cutlery she used on the plate and patted her lips with the napkin.
”Hmm...” Ryn chewed a small piece of the steak before reached for another sip of her drink. The steak, although not as delicious as Harry's cooking but still acceptable. Besides, she was too hungry to be too picky.
”Have I told you about the shooting for 'A Day In My Busy Life'?” Mei Li asked carefully once she saw Ryn already gulped down another sip of juice.
Ryn frowned. Haven't they already shoot it last time?
”What about it? I thought we've done it already.”
She guessed she forgot to inform Ryn but the date... She gulped.
”Actually, the producer wants to shoot another episode and the date is... next week... during your driving test,” Mei Li revealed.
Ryn's eyes widened. Her driving test?
”Are you sure?” she choked out.
”Yes. I find that it is suitable and can show your other side,” Mei Li explained.
Another side? Ryn narrowed her eyes at her manager suspiciously. Was Mei Li taking her as a joke? She did not do any jokes.
”What I mean is... they like your episode so much. It's the side of a model that is very very hard to find. So they want to know more about you. Besides, didn't you get to be the spokesmodel for the steak restaurant after your episode being on air?”
Ryn frowned, thinking. She did receive the offer after the episode being aired.
”But... it won't get me a free car,” Ryn mumbled without thinking.
”Catherine,” Mei Li gasped in shock. She could not believe what she just heard. Was this woman for real? And... since when Ryn cared about material things?
”Fine. Just kidding,” Ryn shrugged. She did not expect much.
Mei Li blew out a sigh. Fortunately, it was just a joke.
”So, this Wednesday?” Ryn asked as she took out her phone and typed down the information. And then, she frowned. ”But what if I still stay in the hotel?”
Mei Li's face changed. What to do? Then, she looked at Ryn hopingly, ”What if you stay the night there? Surely you don't have to take too long to think, right?”
Ryn pursed her lips.
”Please, Ryn? Or we can shoot at your new place,” Mei Li suggested.
”No,” Ryn replied bluntly. She did not want her new place being 'invaded' by others except those close to her. She did not want her new address to be known by others. She did not want what happened last time, the reason behind her moving house, repeated again. She hated the feeling of vulnerable and scared.
Once was enough for her.