400 Visitting Harry 3 (1/2)
”You should eat something too,” she said. ”Your mother said you haven't eaten anything since this morning.”
Harry did not even look at his mother when Ryn mentioning her name. He also ignored Mei Li presence. The maid? Once Ryn put down the glass on the tray, she cleverly took steps back and pretended to be invincible. She reacted accordingly and waited for any movement from any of them for her next action.
In Harry's eyes, he could only see her, Ryn. He could not believe Ryn would come to visit him once she knew he was unwell. Does this mean she has feeling toward him? Just a little bit?
His heart pounded hard at the thought. Even his paled face has some color in it as he blushed a bit. Ryn liked him. She only did not realize it.
But Ryn did not notice his blushing face at all. She turned to look at her side and the maid quickly stepped forward with the tray. Ryn took the bowl from the tray and brought it closer to Harry.
He opened his mouth obediently when he thought Ryn was going to feed him but to his disappointment, she handed the bowl of porridge to him. His big eyes looked at her longingly. He did not speak a word, just using his eyes to express his feeling.
Mei Li looked at him speechlessly. This was not good at all. Not good.
”Oh dear, Harry doesn't have the energy to eat by himself. Catherine, Aunty doesn't want to trouble you but could you help to feed him?” Mrs. Si requestes, blinking her eyes cutely at the younger woman.
It was weird to see an older woman acting coquettishly and Ryn almost shivered but she managed to control herself. She looked at her manager for help but Mei Li could only shrug helplessly. They did come to visit the sick but it turned out like this. This was getting awkward...
”Please...” Mrs Si gave her best puppy-eyed look, the one she reserved for her husband.
Ryn gulped. She looked at Harry who was giving her a hopeful look.
What should she do? This was not what she was supposed to do. She did not remember having to feed the sick when visiting. So how could she end up expecting to do it? How she wished she could turn back the time and not promise Angela to come here. She felt so weird right now. So awkward.
”Ehem,” Mei Li cleared her throat to grab everyone's attention. She gave them a sheepish smile once everynpair of eyes, including the maid, turned to focus their attention to her.
”It is getting late and we do not want to-” Mei Li was trying to give an excuse to leave but Mrs Si shook her head and waved her hand to stop her. Mei Li's words trailed off as she looked at the older woman nervously. Did she say something wrong?
Mei Li pursed her lips. She gave up. It was better for her to pretend she was not here. It was clear that her presence was unneeded right now. The important person in their eyes were Ryn.
Which was not good.
But she did not know how to solve this. No wonder Jeremy refused to let Ryn came here to visit Harry. He already knew that Harry has feeling toward Ryn. Although he knew it was impossible for Ryn to accept Harry's feeling but the jealousy and possesiveness made Jeremy forgot about Ryn's feeling.
But right now, why did Mei Li think that Harry has some chances to steal Ryn from Jeremy? Looking at the family status, both came from two wealthy families. From super rich families. And seeing how excited Mrs Si was, it was clear that she accepted Ryn. Just like Jeremy's family accepted Ryn with opened arms.
Both families accepted her for herself. They believed in love and only marry for love. As long as the child loves his/her partner, the family doesn't care about the family status nor the background.
Mei Li guessed Jeremy found a real love rival now. If only Ryn was not that dense and noticed Harry's feeling. She might not act this way. This would only make Harry not giving up and fired up his courage to court her.
Not good at all.
”I...” Harry looked at his hands, pretending to have no energy to even lift the spoon. He looked at Ryn sadly. ”Can you... Help me?”
Ryn chewed her bottom lip uncomfortably. This was not right. She is Jeremy's girlfriend and should not easily feed another man, especially behind her boyfriend's back. This was not ethical at all. Although she was quarrelling with Jeremy, it did not mean she could get too close to another man.