338 Ryn and Jeremys relationship (2/2)
Even when they were seating around the dining table, both Mrs Long and Mika were staring at Ryn and Jeremy. But they could not confirm their speculation when Ryn and Jeremy no longer interact with each other. No word nor touch.
Ryn was busy piling food into her plate while Jeremy turned his attention to his phone while drinking a cup of hot coffee. It seemed like he was doing some works using his phone.
”Why didn't you eat, Mika?” Ryn asked after she finished the third sausages. She finally noticed both Mika and Mrs Long did not even touch any food or drink. They just sat there quietly in a daze. ”Aunty?”
Both Mrs Long and Mika turned to look at Jeremy almost at the same time but none spoke anything. Then, they turned to look at each other, sharing the same confused look.
What was the real relationship between Jeremy and Ryn?
”Aunty? Mika? Are the two of you alright?” Ryn asked when none of them said anything. Had the wedding preparation's stress made them absentminded until they could not do anything but worried about it? But how could they even skip breakfast? The cook even prepared baked corn pudding and triple chocolate cake for dessert!
Again Ryn looked at Jeremy for help but her boyfriend was busy dealing with his work. He was giving Jacob things to do while he was not at work today and even ordered him to bring the files to his place so Jeremy could check on them.
With a sigh, Ryn looked at her plate and found it empty. She checked her stomach and decided she could still eat two pots of the pudding and three slices of the cakes to officially end her breakfast.
She could just wait until later to ask about their weird behaviour. She could not depend on her boyfriend now.
'Useless' her heart complained about Jeremy but of course, she would not say this out loud, especially in front of his mother. She was not that stupid!
Mrs Long and Mika followed Ryn and Jeremy who was still on his phone to the living room after the breakfast ended. Both mother and daughter shared the same sofa while Ryn took another one. Jeremy, on the other hand, excused himself and went to another room to have the phone call with Jacob.
”Ryn, tell us quickly,” Mika said hurriedly once her big brother left the room.
”What? What?” Ryn was taken aback with Mika's sudden action. What was wrong with this silly girl? Suddenly grabbing her hand and giving her that sparkly eyes.
”What is your relationship with Jeremy? Are you two back again? Can we expect a wedding bell soon?” Mika asked hurriedly. Mrs Long who was sitting beside her nodding quickly. Their eyes shared the same expected sparkle.
Ryn almost fell on her back with such excitement 'hitting' her. She grabbed hold the sofa and tried to ask for Mrs Long help to subdue the excitement of Mika but it was no use. Mrs Long was sharing the same excitement as well.
”Well... Jeremy and I... well, both of us are just...” Ryn paused. How could she say this? She was not ready to reveal their relationship yet. It was too soon.