329 Real relationship with Jeremy? (1/2)

”What a second,” a woman cried, blocking her way out.

”What is it?” Ryn asked with a frown. She was tired and hungry. The burgers she ate for lunch were all digested from answering the questions. She needed a refuel to feel energetic. She was low in energy and enthusiasm. She had no mood to deal with a bunch of childish women.

”What do you want?” she asked once they gathered at a corner away from the others. She crossed her arms and waited impatiently.

”What is your real relationship with Jeremy?” Irene demanded with her hands on her hips.

”To be honest, what's that related to you? Whether I am close to him or not, I don't think you have any business to know,” Ryn replied back without afraid. ”Besides, we are not that close for me to tell you anything about my private life.”

The girls gasped when they heard her words. Irene especially was so angry she wanted to slap Ryn's mouth but Rebecca who was standing beside her managed to stop Irene. Rebecca shook her head desperately.

Please, Irene, do not do anything you would regret later.

”How dare… how dare you said that?” Irene choked out, her body shaking with anger.

”I dare because I don't think it is important. He's a famous singer, I admit, but his relationship with me has nothing to do with his profession,” Ryn said.

”Nothing?” Irene snorted. ”Yeah, keep telling that, you, stalker.”

'What the…” Ryn was speechless when she saw how crazy Irene turned out to be. Why didn't she notice this before? Yes, she noticed how selfish Irene was most of the time and everyone had to give way to her but not to this level.

”Irene, whether you accept it or not, Jeremy and I knew each other since young. In fact, his little sister and I are best friends. Whatever you do or thing, my relationship with the siblings won't change. Accept it or deny it, that's your own mind, not mine. Now, please excuse me, girls. I still need to study for tomorrow's paper.”

With all her might, Ryn pushed through the 'wall' and managed to get away from them. She was too tired to deal with them anymore. Her mind was full of bed and food. She need refuel as well as sleep. She went to the same spot Jeremy sent her and sighed in relief seeing a familiar car. It seemed like he managed to finish his work on time and even have the time to change the car into one of his old ones. The one he bought when they were still together years ago.

Without wasting any more time, she opened the door and got into the car. Her expression softened seeing him still reading a file seriously.

”If you're busy, you don't have to come to pick me up,” she told him gently.

She smiled but did not say anything more. She pulled the safety belt and adjusted her bag on her laps.

”Are you hungry?” he asked as he changed the gear.

”Hmm… and sleepy too,” she nodded. She did not cover her exhaustion with him. It was tiring to pretend in front of people. And they knew each other for so long so why should she pretend to be shy or proper?

”Don't worry. We'll eat first then we'll return home. You should have a nap before we start studying for tomorrow's paper.”

”Ergh… when will all this exam end? I can't continue anymore,” she cried in frustration. She did not mean to burst out like this but her brain was tired. It was only the second day but she was already sick of it.

His lips twitched but he knew not to comment. He felt sorry for her. He knew how frustrated it would be for her to face this alone. Unlike her, Mika and he did not feel anything during their exam. It was a piece of cake for them.

She did not care when he did not speak at all. She only needed a channel to release her tension and he was the victim. Once she felt better, she just closed her eyes and fell asleep.