326 I can answer this. I can answer that. I can answer all! (1/2)

There were some noises from the other side before a familiar voice hit his hearing. He pursed his lips thoughtfully. It seemed like the couple was still together. No wonder Mika was still not in the office. She was busy spending time with her own fiancé!

”Jeremy? This is Jason. Mika is not well today. She's having a fever,” Jason explained hurriedly. He gave a comforting smile at the worried Mika. He did not let his fiancée answering the 'interview' from his best friend. Knowing Jeremy, this friend of his would not satisfy until Mika cried and rushed back to the office.

And Jeremy heard coughing coming from the other side. He frowned. Fever around this time? Talk about unsuitable time to fall sick.

He needed her to be in the office to cover all the meetings while he went to accompany Ryn during her exam.

”Make sure you bring her to see the doctor. I want to see the medical slip,” Jeremy said finally.


Jeremy simply ended the call without listening to Jason's sputtering. He did not have the time to worry about Mika. Jason was enough to take care of her.

Jeremy looked at his frozen assistant, cocking an eyebrow.

”Aren't you going to take the files?” he asked.

It was as if someone flipped the switch to wake him up from his stupor. Jacob quickly stumbled to the door along with his diary, trying not to make too much noise. He went to his desk and gathered a huge mountain of files that have been piling for these two days. He carefully brought them into the boss office, making sure not one of them fell down.

Jeremy, his boss, was looking at his phone. Jacob had no idea why his boss was frowning again. What made his boss having a bad mood so early in the morning? He did not think any of his colleagues even had the chance to create trouble when he came.

He hid a grimace. Sometimes he wished he found another job where the boss not having a bipolar mood like this but where could he find a job with his lack of experience, and with such a high salary as well? Even the benefits the workers received were more than what the other companies provided. It was hard to find a job, especially a high salary job like this.

”Are these important?” Jeremy asked, staring at the huge mountain of files.

”These are the revision you asked,” Jacob explained as he took five files from the top. ”These are the new proposals.”

Half of the files were taken from the pile.

”And these?” Jeremy asked at the rest of the files. There were more than ten files left.

”The reports for the current projects,” Jacob replied.

”And these are important?” Jeremy cocked an eyebrow at his assistant.

”Yes, sir,” Jacob nodded seriously.

”No wonder you're always under stress,” Jeremy shook his head at his too serious easy to get nervous assistant.

He was stuck in the middle of the boss and his other colleagues!

Jeremy sighed. He began reading by taking the top file. Before he opened the file, he glanced at his phone. Then, afraid that he would take a longer time than he should, he quickly set the timer. Whether he managed to finish all the files or not, he would go back to Ryn to bring her out for lunch. He did not want her to eat cold lunch even though he did buy them for her.