264 Inherit from the father (1/2)

The passenger side door opened, revealing a pair of long legs. She squinted her eyes, trying to see the person clearly but the sun was already out and she made use of the light from her house to help her trimming her hibiscus.

”Catherine?” her mother choked out.

”Mother,” Ryn greeted politely and went to hug her mother tightly. She closed her eyes as she tightened the embrace. She missed her mother so much. It had been months for her to meet her mother face-to-face.

”Jeremy?” her mother choked out when she noticed another person approaching her.

”Hello, aunty,” Jeremy greeted politely, holding the basket of fruits.

”What… what are you two doing here?” her mother seemed to be still surprised with the appearance of these two right in front of her. Why were they here?

”Of course I have to come after you told me dad is sick. Where is he, by the way?” Ryn looked around but could not see her father.

”And I told you that you don't have to come,” her mother sighed heavily. She looked at Jeremy who was waiting patiently at the side. ”And what about you? Did my daughter ask you to accompany her?”

Jeremy looked at Ryn with a smile on his face. He was about to answer her mother when Ryn gave him a warning glare.

”He has a business appointment over here so he gave me a ride,” Ryn answered quickly. She wrapped her arm around her mother's arm and pulled her mother toward the house, leaving Jeremy shaking his head in bemused.

Why would Ryn lie to her mother? She could just tell the truth. There was nothing wrong in saying he wanted to accompany her visiting her parents. It was not even a crime.

Or was she shy?

He grinned at the thought.

He followed the mother-daughter duo into the house, still holding the basket.

He greeted her father and handed the basket to him. When her father who was still confused with the sudden arrival looked at him inquiring, Jeremy just shrugged and nodded at Ryn. It was better for their daughter to explain.


It was early in the morning when Jeremy walked into the kitchen. He grinned when he saw his love being nagged by her mother. It must be because Ryn forgot that she was not supposed to eat eggs and meats in front of her parents and due to her grogginess, she forgot and went to buy them at the stall nearby.

”Good morning, aunty, Ryn,” he greeted and without asking took the plate of fried tofu and something weirdly looking to the dining table.

”Uncle,” he greeted at the elder man sitting at the dining table.

”Jeremy.” Her father murmured but his focus was on the food Jeremy just placed on the table.

”What hospital?” her father acted dumb.

Last night Ryn already explained why she returned home even though she just arrived from abroad. Of course, her parents refused to agree with her, even telling her off for returning without their knowledge. Even her mother declared she did not call her to make her worry but just to inform her of their latest news.

Jeremy looked at the elder man with his twinkled eyes. He had no doubt his love would start her nag once she knew about this. He, on the other hand, was just the driver. His time was fully foe her and she could do anything to him and with him.

He hid a grin at his thought. She would get mad if she knew what he just thought.

”It's not that I think you're wasting your money, sweetheart, but you do know how just a small piece of meat is from a healthy adult cow and the eggs… they are chicks. Don't you feel ashamed for separating mama and papa chickens from their children and baby cow with its papa and mama?”

Ryn did not answer. She simply sat on one of the chair, coincidentally beside Jeremy, and pulled the plate she was protecting closer to her.