219 Is there anything I should forgive you with? (1/2)
Ryn kept giving her a puzzled look. She did not understand what Rebecca meant by it. Was she apologizing on behalf of Irene for what Irene said that day? Had she become so muddleheaded and just followed whatever Irene wanted?
”Ryn... I...”
”Is there anything I should forgive you with?” Ryn cut her words and asked her back.
Rebecca sank her upper teeth onto her plump bottom lip. Her mind quickly arranged words for her to speak.
”I'm sorry for what Irene... and all of us said,” Rebecca said finally, after taking another deep breath to gain her courage.
Ryn shook her head in bemused. She was right. Rebecca took it upon herself to apologize for Irene. Where was Rebecca dignity and pride? Why would she lower herself just for the sake of Irene?
”Don't you think it is more appropriate for her to apologize in person rather than having you throwing away your dignity and pride for that selfish woman?” Ryn rested her chin on her hand and looked at the flustered Rebecca with twinkling eyes.
Rebecca jerked backwards at Ryn's words. Her jaw dropped. Her watery eyes even went wider, which Ryn thought was impossible. Ryn subconsciously wondered if Rebecca's eyes could go even wider but she did not say anything about it.
”I didn't know you've got to be her faithful follower when you're joining her,” Ryn made a quote sign and said, ”group. You just allow her to boss you around.”
”Bossing? No, I didn't,” Rebbecca denied but the way her expression looked showed how in denial she was.
”Ups to you. It's not my life and it's not related to me. Do whatever makes you happy,” Ryn shrugged.
Rebecca wanted to drink to cover her nervousness but she found that it was empty and she forgot to ask for a refill. She put it down awkwardly and tried to giggle to cover her nervousness.
But it was obvious.
Ryn stood up and took the glass with her to the kitchen. Without a word, she refilled the glass, giving time for Rebecca to ponder about it.
”Just take your time,” Ryn murmured. She did not quickly return to the sofa where Rebecca was. Instead, she leaned against the kitchen cabinet and started to daydream.
She was thinking about the time when she was still young. She just started to be Mika's friend and Mika, just like Irene, was expecting her to follow Mika's every whim. In the end, Mika was shocked when Ryn simply ignored her demand and ignored her completely.
She knew and accepted it unwillingly. How could she change her parents to be normal like other parents when they were so determined to keep hold onto their way and belief?
She could not even eat meat because since young her parents drummed it into her head that eating anything that used to have life was like eating another human being. Life was precious and should not be treated cheaply like food. everything she wore and ate was based on plants. She did not even own a deodorant. Everything was au natural.
Luckily for her, she did not smell bad.