Chapter 182 - A worrier (1/2)

Ryn made sure she was sitting beside Mika and Mrs Long, not Jeremy. She avoided sitting close to him, refused to even speak with him.

He sighed, now regretting with what he did earlier. He should just keep his cool, not letting his jealousy to overtake his rational. He should not act that way.

”Do you like the fish?” Jason asked, helping Mika to take out all the bones from the fish. He placed the fish meat into Mika's small plate for her to enjoy.

”Hmm...” Mika nodded. She took a small piece of the fish and ate it with her rice. Her chopstick reached for the tomato with egg to put into Ryn's bowl.

Ryn looked at the small cubes of tomatoes and murmured her thanks. Then, she took some tomatoes for Mika. She placed down the chopsticks on its small stand and turned the turnover to get the spicy meat.

Their meal was accompanied by a woman playing a harp. At first, Ryn was not used with it but later on, the food grabbed her attention and the existence of the woman was forgotten. The food was more important.

The woman excused herself once she was done playing five songs. She left the harp in the room and got out of the room to get some breath. Although people were smiling and eating happily, the woman could feel the air of awkwardness. It was a slight moment but it did affect the room.

”No matter,” she said, ”My work is done... finally.”

The families who were finally done with their meals just watched as the waiters retrieved all the dishes. Two waiters helped refilling the drink.

”Do you like it?” Jason asked, his finger playing a twirl of her hair while rubbing her nape gently.

”Yes. Thank you, Jason,” both shared a light kiss.

They all smiled seeing the couple interacted. It was sweet, almost innocent as Jason was worried he would hurt her with his action.

They spent another ten to fifteen minutes before decided to start moving. Jason only sent Mika to the car before he joined his parents in their car. The goodbye kiss given by Jason took was so long, Jeremy had to tap his shoulder to break the kiss.

”Oh, man, control yourself. It's not like you won't see her ever again. You'll see her tomorrow, for Godsake,” Jeremy groaned.

Jason, ignoring the reminder from Jeremy and kissed Mika's hand gently. Then, he leaned forward for another kiss but it was stopped by Jeremy who pulled him back and pushed Mika into the car even deeper.

”No, man, no more kisses. Go home,” Jeremy told Jason.

The elder couples behind just smiled watching their antics. It was funny.

Ryn, on the other hand, was chewing her lower lip nervously. She had postponed telling Mika about her new place to live for so long and now, she had to tell Mika whether she liked it or not. Mika would be asking why she did not return to the mansion once they started moving.

The Long couple and Jeremy looked at Ryn full of question. They were waiting for Ryn to confess about her new home. None of them wanted to start telling Mika first. They wanted Ryn to break the news.

Ryn sighed. She did not sit next to Mika this time. She let Mr and Mrs Long sitting next to Mika. Mr Long on her right side while Mrs Long sitting on her left side. Ryn sat facing Mika.

”Why are you sitting over there?” Mika asked in puzzled. Usually, Ryn would sit next to her, if they were sitting on the passenger side at the back.

”Actually... err...” Ryn looked around nervously.

”Ryn?” Mika looked at her best friend.

Ryn stole a look at Jeremy, hoping she would help but he gave her a poker face. Silently cursing him under her breath, she gave Mika a weak smile. She leaned forward to grasp Mika's hand.

”Ryn?” Mika was puzzled seeing how nervous Ryn was. She looked at Jeremy, but her big brother did not give any reaction.

Ryn took a deep breath to calm herself. She could do this.

”Mika, babe, I have something to tell you.”


”I... I have moved out.”

”Excuse me?” it might be the noisy engine (although it was quiet in the car) made she heard it wrongly.

”I... I rent a house and I want to invite you to my housewarming party tomorrow.”

”What?” Mika's loud voice even surprised the quiet and colemn driver.