Chapter 115 Should he attend the dinner? (1/2)

An hour later, the whole family was sitting around the dining table. Plates and bowls were neatly arranged, almost filling the whole huge table. The cook had outdone herself!

Apart from the Master and Madam who were chatting cheerfully with each other, well, more like exchanging love words, the other kept quiet and ate their food. Even Angel who was sulking just few minutes before was wolfing down the food.

The food was better than the convenience store. In fact, she did skip her meals for quite a time and now, seeing the food spreading on the table looking so delicious, her stomach growling loudly.

The siblings, on the other hand, was scared to even make a sound. Although their mother seemed so happy and cheerful right now, unlike just minutes ago, she could change into a monster at the flip of a hat. Better stay safe than challenge the tigress.

An hour passed before the dinner finally ended. The siblings quickly scrambled to their respective room to continue their hiding.

Unlike the siblings who were 'forgotten' by the Master and the Madam of the house, Angel did not share the same fate, though. The younger sister of the Master was pulled toward the living room for further 'interrogation'.

”Well, what do you say now?” Mrs Si crossed her arms and cocked an eyebrow. She was now sitting on the couch, comfortably in her husband's arms.

”What do you expect me to say?” Angel replied back. She was still angry at the thought of this 'kidnapping'.

”You, Angel, are so stupid. He is not the only man in the world. You are still young and beautiful. Just help your brother in the company and at the same time look around for available man there.”

Her husband nodded. Whatever his lovely wife said was right. She was always right.

”Don't you think you are overbearing right now? Stop trying to control my life!”

”Angela, listen to your sister. She only cares about your future,” Mr Si spoke when both women started to argue back. He held onto his wife carefully, not wanting his love to get sick again.

”You are being unfair!” Angel cried, pointing a trembling finger at her brother. Who could guess the big brother who loved and spoiled and even protected her from young would treat her like this?

She missed the brother whom he used to be. Big brother, where had you gone to? Come back, please, I beg you.

”You can start tomorrow. You will help me with a project... Yes... yes... that one is suitable for you,” he tapped his chin thoughtfully.

”Big brother!”

”You are so great, my love. No wonder I love you so much~” Mrs Si kissed her husband's left cheek and then lightly kissed his lips. She also hugged him tightly.

He smiled widely when his lovely wife rewarded him with a big kiss and a grateful hug. He wrapped his arm around his wife's shoulder even tighter. He was so happy to receive the reward, now he was thinking more to get more kisses from her.

”I can't believe this at all. You should be on my side. You are my brother!” Her body shaking in anger. Her trembling finger pointed at his face angrily.

”Stop being so childish. You are moving here back starting today. Tomorrow you will follow your brother to the office.”

”You are being unreasonable!” Angel cried and rushed upstairs.

”Dearest, do you think I'm being unreasonable?” Mrs Si lifted her head and looked at her husband sadly, her lips trembling in sadness.

”Noooo... Who dares to say that? Who?” his eyes widened hearing his wife's sad wail. Who said his lovely wife unreasonable? Who???

”Your sister~” she cried sadly.

”She is just jealous of your beauty. Come, let's go to sleep. You must be tired after taking care of the family and the house. Tomorrow we will have candlelit dinner, okay? I have booked the restaurant you love to go,” he coaxed gently.

”Only the two of us? Not the kids?” she asked hopingly. Her eyes sparkled brightly at the thought of both of them dating. It had been too long already since the last time they went out just the two of them for a real dating. Was it last month? Too long already.

”Of course. You can even wear your wedding dress. I will wear mine. It will be our anniversary,” his eyes twinkled naughtily.