Chapter 94 The only condition for the show (1/2)
Mr Su waited nervously. What was the condition Miss Ryn has to appear in his show? Was it money? Did they have to prepare anything prior to the filming? Did she want to have a particular guest to accompany her during the recording in the studio?
”The only condition we has is not to film during Ryn's class,” Mei Li spoke firmly. She looked at the producer in the eyes, ignoring the happy Ryn enjoying her food.
Seriously, this girl was so laid-back, she just pushed all the responsibility to her. Once she told whatever in her mind, all her worry disappeared and the responsibility to handle everything switched to Mei Li.
Then, she corrected herself regarding her unhappiness. She was the manager. Of course, she had to have the most headache for Ryn. What was the point of Ryn hiring her as a manager if she still had to do everything? This was the job of a manager. She gathered her energy and put on her professional face.
Ryn, on the other hand, called for the waiter to come in by pressing a small button on the rectangular device on the dining table. To the surprise of others and the bemused Mei Li, Ryn ordered more food. The female assistant slowly moved closer to Ryn and the waiter and with a worried finger pointed at the food she wanted. Ryn looked at the woman and smiled. Instead of one, she asked for two portions.
Both shared an understanding smile. They found someone who shared their interest in food.
The assistant sat next to Ryn, not talking but just wanted to sit next to her food comrade. Both did not exchange a word, just smiles.
Mr Su stared at his female assistant while the male assistant covered his face in ashamed. Trust Lucy to forget everything when she could eat delicious food. Not to mention she did not have to pay a single cent for it and could even ask for more food without worry. Their boss would pay for everything. They did hear rumour about Ryn loved eating so much but they did not believe it. How could a supermodel ate so much? It must be a rumour.
Just a rumour.
No. It was real. Miss Catherine really loved eating so much. The food she just ordered usually was for three people. And she just ate steak! A whole plate of steak!
And the childish and innocent Lucy joined the foodie team!
”Ehem, about our condition,” Mei Li cleared her throat to grab back their attention to their topic, the reason behind why they were gathering here.
”I agree. You can even choose the date for the team to come.”
”Good. When can we sign the contract?” Mei Li asked. She was a bit thirsty but she wanted to settle this matter first. She quickly took a sip of her cappuccino while waiting for his reply.
”We can sign now, ” Mr Su signalled his assistant to bring the contract.
Lucy swallowed her pineapple fried rice hurriedly and fumbled in the bag to retrieve the contract. She handed the file politely to her boss. Then, thinking she was no longer needed, she returned back her attention to the food.
Ryn waited until Mei Li nodded her approval before she put down her signature. Now they had committed to this. She shook Mr Su's hand, smiling.
Then, she turned back her attention to the food that was just arrived.
Lucy joined her with the 'party'.
The other three were speechless watching these two girls' behaviour toward food. Seriously, could these two calm down and acted like elegant women? Especially Ryn as a supermodel. Where was her poise and model attitude?