Chapter 83 Ryn and her high calories food (1/2)

Ryn rubbed her sleepy eyes as she walked downstairs. Last night she went to bed quite late. True to Mika's playful self, the girls spent the night talking and giggling. Mika even told her how excited she was to get married to Jason even though both of them had not agreed with the date.

Both were too busy with their work!

Their parents had given them warning to decide quickly before they took charge.

They finally went to sleep when the clock reached 2 in the morning. Crazy!

Even now, it was almost 8.00 in the morning, Mika was still deep in her sleep. Despite the call and shaking, Mika refused to wake up, mumbling about taking a day off today.

Ryn had already pictured that when Mika announced about the pajama party last night.

Before she reached the kitchen, she could already smell the fresh coffee and delicious smelling toast. She cocked an eyebrow seeing Jeremy busy in the kitchen.

”Good morning,” she greeted, amused seeing his crooked tie.

”Morning. I've made breakfast.” He smiled at her, holding a pot of hot coffee.

”Toast and coffee?” she asked, checking what he made.

He could only scratch his head, smiling sheepishly.

She shook her head and went into the kitchen, helping him with breakfast.  How could these two siblings survived on toast and coffee alone? She quickly looked for more things to make.

”I forgot to buy oranges,” he mentioned when he saw her being so busy.


”Also the ham and sausages...” he added.



”J, stop. Just drink your coffee. We'll have breakfast outside,” she muttered as she closed the refrigerator and walked to the stairs.

Jeremy hid a smile behind his mug of coffee. She looked so cute holding her temper desperately.

Jeremy was tying his tie back after eating two slices of toasts and a mug of coffee when both girls reached downstairs. He grinned seeing how sleepy his little sister looked while Ryn, the beautiful Sleeping Beauty looked so bright eyes, it was hard to connect her to her sleepy self. Maybe she would fall asleep in the car... Who knows?

”Why can't you just pack breakfast for me?” Mika grumbled when Ryn pushed her handbag into her hands.

”Jeremy will send me straight home after breakfast. I'm not returning back to this house,” Ryn replied.