Chapter 14 Whats wrong with glitter? (1/2)

Mika skipped into the room and smiled happily seeing Ryn just woke up. Without warning, she jumped onto the bed and hugged the still sleepy Ryn.

”Wake up, sleeping beauty. The show is almost starting and my supermodel needs to get ready. You'll love the dress I designed.”

”I need to fresh myself first. Give me just a minute.” Still yawning, Ryn went into the bathroom.

Mika adjusted the hem of her dress. For today's event, she designed a glamorous gothic Lolita dress. She even put on fascinator with black and red flowers, which she designed herself.

She loved her job so much. It's so satisfying wearing her design and watching others wearing her design.

She admired the dress she brought for Ryn. A couple set, pairing with the dress she was wearing. Ryn today would be the Princess of Darkness while she becoming the twin sister of Ryn.

So perfect.

Mika squealed at the thought and skipped to the bathroom, ”Ryn, hurry up. Hurry. Hurry.”

”You're such a kid, Mika. Did you eat candy before coming in?”

”How do you know?” Mika scrambled to get her mini Skull clutch and took out a handful of strawberry candies.

Ryn, only wrapped in a white fluffy bathrobe, took the dress on the edge on the bed and went back into the bathroom to put it on.

”I still can't believe you'll make a dress for me just for the red carpet.” Ryn finally came out again, this time in the dress. She showed her back to Mika, signalling her best friend to zip it up.

”So perfect. I knew your size wouldn't change after all these years after seeing you wearing your favourite t-shirt of the past five years.”

”Yeah, right. Mei Li gave my measurement, right?”

Mika made a zip sign to her lips and giggled. She helped to brush Ryn's hair before putting a fascinator on it. Then, she put some make-up for Ryn, a suitable style for the dress and not too complicated so when Ryn went backstage to get her make-up and hair done, the hairdresser and the make-up artist only need to touch up a bit.

”Why do I have to walk through the red carpet as well? I'm working.”

”The reporters want to take your photos. We are giving them what they want and you, dearest, is giving the company public. It's a win-win situation.”

”Says you.”

”Let's go. Let's go. I bet everyone is waiting for us.”

”Fine. Let's go.”


Harry chuckled when he received another message from his mother and sister. They were preparing themselves to come to the show. After all, this was his first show (and his first job).They wanted to cheer him up by supporting him.

It was weird when he kept receiving reports every minute. Well, more like questions.

He had told them when his turn was and what he would be wearing but they were too excited, it felt like he was talking to air. He kept repeating the same answer again and again.

His dad grumbled about him 'stealing' his mother's care. His aunt had taken half of the focus and now because of him being a model (or future supermodel according to his mother), his father was being ignored again.

”Quickly grow up and be independent like your aunt,” he muttered before kicked Harry out from his study room.

It was funny seeing his stiff and serious father being jealous over his own little sister and children. All his father cared was how much his mother focus and shower her love upon him.