Chapter 2 Are you happy now? (1/2)

A month later…

She grabbed another bottle of water and zipped her bag. It took another few minutes for her to get into the taxi and told the driver where the destination was.

When she arrived, they were already there. With a cock of her eyebrow, they simply grinned and signaled her to see the man busy with arranging the set.

”Hey,” she air-kissed his cheeks as he did the same. Then she looked at the set. ”No more pom-pom?”

”Ha-ha. Not funny at all. Go get ready. No more time to waste.”

She chuckled and went to see another woman. She spent a few minutes chatting before went into another room to change her clothes.

The hours spent with laughter and giggles. They stopped for a short break and continued more. It was a nice break for Ryn after so many days focussing on her study. In here, she no longer the quiet and boring girl everyone in her class knew about but a cheerful and talkative girl.

When she got back, her parents were back. Finally. After weeks being away to God knew where they were finally back with what looked like boxes of things she did not want to know.

”How's your study?” her mother asked but her focus was on one of the boxes. She finally found what she was looking for and took it out.

Ryn's face turned pale. ”I've told you I don't want them. How many times do I have to tell you not to buy them again?”

”This is good for you especially when you're being active back,” her mother replied and when Ryn quickly looked at the boxes pretending she did not understand what her mother meant, her mother gained more confidence to lecture her daughter, ”Don't you try to hide it from me. You're wearing make-up!”

”It's for a friend. How could I say no when he promised to follow my schedule?” silently she cursed her laziness. She should wash off the makeup before she got home. Now she was caught red-handed.

”He's using you. Why do you always fall victim to the capitalist?” she followed Ryn to her room. ”It's not as if we ask you to support us. You are still studying, which you begged us to allow you to, and it breaks my heart to see you struggling with everything.”

”I'm not struggling. It's just…”

”It's been two years and you miss the life?”

Ryn froze. Her mother hugged her tightly.

”It's been two years, my darling. Two long years. It is time for you to forgive and forget, right?”

Ryn nodded.

”Besides, everything happens teaches you something. You have to take everything in your stride and turn it into your strength. And don't forget to eat only healthy and organic food. Do not touch those weird chemical food if you want to stay healthy and sane. I have no doubt they put something to brainwash everyone.”

”Oh, mom.”


She put the assignment into the bag and let out a sigh. She rolled her shoulders and sighed more. Finally, her work was done. Now she only needed to focus on the exam.

She went downstairs to prepare for her dinner. Although her mother always nagged about eating organic food, she followed her grandparents, eating whatever caught her interest and today she felt like eating beef.

”You shouldn't torture your body with that,” her mother commented when she came into the kitchen, lured by the smell of cooking beef.

”I'm hungry. Besides, I have finished all my assignments.”


She did not say another word, just bringing her food to the dining table. She would do the dishes once she finished. If she stayed in the kitchen, her mother would continue her nag as she prepared a meal for her husband and herself. Total vegetarian and organic.

She did the dishes once her parents finished their meal. Her father mentioned about her returning to modeling. She just smiled and shrugged. She did not think she would take many jobs like she used to.

And no more overseas assignments!

”I guess you're going to start your gym session again,” he commented but his focus was distracted with his magazine.

”I'm thinking of using the college's facility instead of looking for a new one. Don't worry, dad. I'll use my own money for everything. I'm going back to my room.”

He grunted. He called his wife and showed what took his attention. She gasped.

Ryn locked the door and went to open the door. It was still early but she had no plan today.

”What a long day today,” she sighed, lying on the bed.

She looked at her phone and smiled seeing the message she received. It seemed like her busy life would start back. She could not wait to be busy.


A month later...

Ryn wiped the sweat with the towel and walked back to the locker. After this, she had an appointment with her modeling agency.

”Excuse me.”

She reached for another bottle of water and uncapped it.

”Excuse me.”

A tap on her shoulder.

She spun and looked at the girl. ”Yes?”

”I'm sorry to disturb you but I would like to ask you a favour.”

Ryn simply stared at her.

”I'm sorry. My name is Cherie Yang. I'm a third year in the design and fashion and… next week is a fashion show and I'd like you to be my model,” Cherie stuttered, her cheeks reddened.

”Model?” Ryn unzipped her bag and frowned.

”I know it is a last minute thing but your height is perfect for what I've in mind. Friday night at the main hall.” Cherie started to scratch her nape.

”Friday night, right?”

Ryn opened her planner and checked whether she was available that day and time.