3 Escape?! (1/1)

”Where is the girl?”

Auntie looked at me. I stepped forward as I looked at the envoy's way. He then looked at my way starting from my feet up to my face. He then looked amazed and nodded.

”She's quite skinny, but she have a wonderful face. As by the viscount's order, I shall give you an additional 100 silver. ” Said by the envoy. Aunt and Ucnle gleefully received the bag full of silver and bow down. I don't really care though. It's not like I am attached to them. They're not really my relatives nor this body's blood relative. They're just a relative by law.

Then I saw at the corner of my vision, this previous owner's dearest. I walked towards him and bowed.

”Thank you for taking care of me all this time, I wish you well and happiness to your marriage.” I said respectfully and smiled. He was taken aback, but he smiled at me and patted my head.

”Of course, you're like my little sister. If you have no where to go in the future, just come home here.” He said. I just smiled and followed the envoy out the residence. I don't plan on going back here. I heard of what is it to become of me.

The viscount of the town was asked to gather young women from prestigious clans and family to be sent to the Imperial Palace. The Ermyntrude Family was somewhat a respectable family, but they only have me and two of my other cousins from other residence to be wed. But it's not like when you got the chance to go to the Palace, you'll automatically be the concubine, there are still the selection process. Normally, the Imperial Palace will release a statement regarding the Consort and Concubine selection and the families would fight for a slot just to get in the selection, but the Emperor right now is just simply so terrifying that not many ladies dare to send in their application thus this forceful manner was done.

Which is really absurd to be honest. Like, how can they fear the Emperor that much? Accessing this body's memory, the current Emperor was enthroned just three years ago, and with that short amount of time (basing from the usual length when a monarch rules) the Emperor did a lot of things in making and developing the life of his subjects. Well, there's also this fact that the previous owner of this body was oblivious to what was going on to her surroundings. So maybe she doesn't know what are the scary things the Emperor have done in the past years for him to gain the title Dark Emperor.

”This way, Lady.” A boy servant guided me to one of the carriages lined up on the road. There are 4 carriages. One is for the envoy, 2 are from a really wealthy clan that seemingly sending their daughter grandly and one that is simple yet still flattering carriage.

”Hello,” I greeted the 3 people inside the carriage. One was shaking nervously, one is just silently reading, while the other is just smiling as she looks out the window. The open seat available is besides the one who is shaking so I took my seat. After settling the very little things I have at the back, we set out.

An hour in the journey, the happy smiling girl spoke up.

”Hey! You looked calm. You know we're being sent to the Dark Emperor, right?” She said. I nodded in response. I would be stupid if I don't. The three of them looked at me.

”Hmmmm. You're planning something, right?” The smiling girl said again. Planning what now?

”A-are you also one of the girls who are going to...” The timid girl swallowed slowly before speaking.

”Are you also going to escape?” Said by the quiet one earlier. Wait what? Escape?