Chapter 330 - Next Up (1/2)

Translator: StarReader

Editor: Elitecoder

“Bring out the box. Let’s see who’s the next lucky bastard.”

Zhuo Fan’s condescending smile turned manic, “The suspense is killing me. I have to get back in the game, hi-hi-hi…”

Zhuo Fan’s demonic side was there for all to see, sending shivers and horrors to the fainthearted.

People thought Zhuo Fan was using an excuse to let them go, for the bigger picture and what not. But they all knew they had grossly overestimated him. Zhuo Fan wanted nothing more than to play a savage game and toy them to death in the process.

The hatred boiling in Zhuo Fan had driven him mad for a long time now. His ‘unorthodox’ method at exacting revenge had few appalled, and the rest horrified.

Only those three knew of Lin Xuanfeng’s true anguish and pain. The rest would be fortunate to seek out suicide than wait for Zhuo Fan to find them.

Shaking their heads, people sighed. Messing with the seven houses? Fine. Stomping on Regent Estate’s toes? Not bad either. But may god have mercy on any who was ignorant enough to incite the wrath of Demon Archon Zhuo Fan. The end wouldn’t be pretty, that was for sure…

Yan Fu presented the object of interest and Zhuo Fan smiled. He plunged his hand inside and soon came out with the lucky runner up.

Zhuo Fan looked at the number and smirked, “Humph, enemies meet on a narrow road. So I’ll be hunting down this lackey next.”

Zhuo Fan flipped the wooden piece over toward the wood exit for all to see.


None other than Xue Ningxiang’s killer, You Yushan!

Zhuo Fan’s eyes flashed and he pointed above.


A flare rose above the clouds, exploding in a brilliant double firework.

Huangpu Qingtian and Yan Bangui checked nervously, then looked at the holes on their chest, and finally relaxed.

[Thank god it’s not me!]

Though they knew this safety was ephemeral.

With how soon Zhuo Fan let out the second flare, it went without saying that Lin Xuanfeng had bit the dust. With You Yushan as the second victim, who was to know how long he’d last before death would loom over them?

With nerves stretched tighter than a violin, the wait was mounting the ever present fear. They could literally feel Zhuo Fan’s demon claw squeezing down on their throat.

Like Zhuo Fan said, death wasn’t terrifying. But dying… was agony.

Palpable fear was their longtime companion now, Huangpu Qingtian in particular. The guy had been invincible one too many times in his life and had never experienced this side of a battle, almost having a nervous breakdown.

He had reached such a state that any loud noise was treated as Zhuo Fan sending a signal, doing nothing but pushing him further into the depths of despair.

Right now, he was angry. Providence had made him king, so how could he be such a coward? He had completely ignored the precarious and erratic state his mind was currently in.

Zhuo Fan’s death game had him running scared, crushing any royal demeanor he ever had…

In another corner of the forest, You Yushan finally had the keys to the metal exit. His cheering was quite premature and disconcerting, at least when the flare exploded in the sky and fear replaced any trace of joy.

Looking down at his own chest, two holes were there for all to see. Demon Zhuo Fan was on the hunt for him.

You Yushan’s face fell, his fate suddenly turning on him. It was so appalling that his mind exploded in quite the colorful curses.

[That damn rotten Lin Xuanfeng! Wasn’t he praised for speed? Why did he let himself get caught so fast? Did he give up? Couldn’t you hang on for at least a few days longer and let your brothers reach safety?]

[Humph, a gimp is a gimp, alive or dead. Not a single damn use!]

You Yushan cursed at the dead, but the top priority was still getting out of here and out of Zhuo Fan’s range.

As luck would have it, he was a short way off the metal exit. He only had to reach it and he’d wallow in safety.

You Yushan set into a sprint, thinking he still had some time before Zhuo Fan got to him.

You Yushan dashed like a maniac and the fact that Zhuo Fan hadn’t shown himself yet, eased some of his tense muscles.

His guess had been spot on. Zhuo Fan would need time to get to him.

But as we all know, appearances can be deceiving. The golden exit shined its glow before him, like the goddess of victory opening her arms to welcome him. But then his eyes shrank and his body froze in place.