Chapter 273 - Great Haul (1/2)


Zhuo Fan pummeled the entrance wall. The gonging sound was eerily similar to someone knocking on a metal door.

The girl looked on dazed, from a very safe distance. [This punk has nerves of steel, I’ll give him that. Or is he plain indifferent to the 6th level spiritual beast just waiting for him inside.]

[Speaking of his insensitivity, was he that easily taken in by my charm?]

The girl looked at him closer, [Something isn’t right here.]


Then, the sound of water was heard and a meter long water serpent swam out of the cave. It shook as its body expanded.

It was back to its five hundred meters long size in a blink, which created a huge splash as he hissed at the two humans.


The stench licked his cheek and Zhuo Fan clutched his nose as he sized the snake.

[This guy ate Shaping Spring alright.]

The girl was waving her hand down yonder in panic. Not out of worry for Zhuo Fan, of course, but his death would mean her venture would abruptly end with a big fat zero haul.

[Why is this brat just standing there? Is he scared shitless? God damn it, why did I fail when I’m so close?]

The girl gnashed her teeth in annoyance.

The venomous serpent thought the same, laughing out loud and looking with contempt.

[This brat must be so naive to knock at my home. Now that he has basked in my royal glory, he’s scared witless. Ha-ha-ha, it’s only natural. Even I am in awe of my glorious self most of the time, ha-ha-ha…]

Glancing at the delusional snake, and its wagging tail, Zhuo Fan could read him like a book. He grinned as he simply flew inside the cave.

“Guard this place and don’t come in without my say.” Zhuo Fan belittled this useless thing and just waltzed in.

The venomous serpent was out of it from shock. [What did he just say? To watch the door?]

The serpent was enraged. No one ever ignored it, least of all claim its cave like he owned the place!

[Oy, punk, do you have any idea whose home this is? Do you have a death wish?]


The venomous serpent got closer to Zhuo Fan and hissed in his face. Covering him in drool, it hoped to knock some sense into him with its almighty majesty.

The girl was soaked from fear. [Run you fool!]

Yet Zhuo Fan only had disdain in his eyes. He wiped the drool from his face, and glared, “Behave.”


The venomous serpent almost spat blood. It had never met someone so full of themselves to ignore it and even belittle it. It was royally pissed.

The girl was scared witless.

[You behave, brat! You’re pissing it off by telling it to watch the door. I get you want to die but could you at least do it down yonder? Some of us still need to get in, you know?]

[The guy’s brains are on the fritz!]

She sighed. She could practically see the kid torn into pieces by the angry venomous serpent.

And that was what the serpent was about to do.

[Holy friggin’ balls! I’ve seen many dauntless, but none so boneheaded to not even care for their lives. They look for death or, better yet, they deserve death with such an idiotic stance.]

[You’re dead meat, so cut the act. Humph, as you wish, this king will send you off.]

Licking its sharp fangs, the venomous serpent hissed and went on to swallow him whole. With how the red mouth was covered in poison, Zhuo Fan would find himself melting the instant he touched it.

The girl closed her eyes and looked away. She couldn’t bear the horror that followed.

Yet Zhuo Fan was cool as a cucumber as the azure flame flashed in his eyes.


A ripple wracked the venomous serpent.

Scared, the huge serpent froze in its place.