439 Dreamless (1/2)

Third time inside the city, Tasha was still taking in the sights of the city, she was able to chat to some shopkeepers while buying some items, wine, jewellery, moonstones, bread, fruit and monster cores.

She seemed to enjoy the interactions, even with the eagle eyes of the archive master plastered on her back, she tried not to give away any knowledge of the outside world, tainting the subconscious was a death wish and a big no-no.

Walking side by side, Tasha and archive master were conversing along the way, they discussed things that Tasha thought was peculiar, especially with her knowledge about Yunan from her days with him.

”You mean that Yunan has a lover-mentor-student-friend and also a therapist with some of his teachers? That is so messed up on so many levels!” Tasha had already seen how Yunan and his teachers acted when they were together, she just did not know how deep was the rabbit hole.

”Indeed, strange but also predictable, from our perspective, hat relationship is to be expected, Yunan has always been a member of the party, he was given a voice, chances to lead and strategise, even if his ideas were strange and maybe even childish, he was always given just the right amount of correction, therefore, having such a complicated relationship is expected”

The words of the archive master made Tasha think a bit more and understand a little bit about the apparent compatibility between Yunan and his teachers, in some strange ways, Yunan was too compatible with Debauchery party, thus he had the multitude of roles attached to him.

”Then I should assume that any party who can be compatible with Yunan have a multi-layered relationship with him, does that include me?” she asked the archive master, who seemed a little bit distracted again today.

”You should get to that part on your own, realising how your connection works will affect how you work together, therefore, I decline to answer your question, even if we the subconscious, we would like to refrain from affecting anyone but Yunan, I hope you understand” the archive master then started walking towards the theatre while Tasha prepared to leave, she was already running low.

Across their journey, Tasha and Yunan did not meet anything dangerous, some creature roaming the void came to investigate but most creatures left them alone, the void was a dangerous place and if in doubt, fleeing was the rule.

Most of these creatures came from broken universes, the result of the culling going to an extreme, some universes were very strange, they would destroy their rivals instead of just taking over the Fate of the prey universe, they would tear it to shreds, sometimes releasing along with the dead bodies some creature or another that can survive in the void.

These creatures were on the level of gods, they were smart and cunning. if they found prey, they hunted, if they had the slightest bit of doubt, they would flee, very few chose to investigate first.

Yunan was still meditating when they came close to the next target, and Tasha chose not to wake him up, she did as she saw him do last time, and used Dreamscape to infiltrate the universe, unfortunately, this universe had no concept of dreams, therefore, Dreamscape was found immediately, and it was attacked relentlessly.