Volume 1 Chapter 3 (2/2)

I was so surprised by their bellowing that I froze; a second later, pain blazed across my back Before I could even see which bastard attacked me from behind, Leaf had already rushed over and dispatched the ”dead knight” to his eternal rest with a single burst of holy ic Leaf then turned to examine my back anxiously, and I even heard the hiss of his breath faintly as he gasped

It's not that serious a wound, I hope? Nervous, I turned my head to take a look, but I still couldn't see h

What I did see, however, was Earth setting up his ultih I still really detest that fellow, I must admit that my favorite spot is behind his shi+eld, especially when the eneht stood across from someone else, his Divine Ice Sword - which really looks just like an icicle - in hand and a furroeen his eyebrows Judging froht's face, this eneh to make a furrow appear between Ice's eyebrows

”Sun, does it hurt?” Leaf asked me apprehensively

I shookto ht who has surviveddown for several ht who can continue to s down a staircase with three-hundred so steps!

”It really doesn't hurt?” Leaf sounded extree to roll my eyes damn Leaf! Why did you have to force me to speak?! I replied, ”The sunshi+ne which the God of Light gently showers upon us has made the small amount of pain vanish without a trace”

”Sun really is a,” Leaf muttered to himself ”To be this wounded and still call it just a 'small amount of pain'…”

I paid no more attention to Leaf, my interest piqued by the felloho had sudden appeared His appearance was really very weird At first glance he looked like an ordinary person, but a second, more careful look convinced me that this felloas definitely not a human!

After all, there isn't a type of human that's ”discolored”, is there?

This fellow's hair was a discolored sort of brown; his skin, a discolored sort of beige Even the knight's ar was a discolored sort of silver Basically, he was grayish-white in color fro for all the world like a person who hadn't moved for several centuries and had, as a result, accumulated a thick layer of dust on his body

Frouy could just be a lazy person who hasn't bathed for several years and hence accumulated too much dust on his body I am still absolutely certain, however, that this fellow is not a human!

The reason is because there were no eyeballs in his sockets Instead, in their place blazed two grayish-white fires!

What the heck! Production standards must be really sloppy these days if even fires can be discolored

The sword in that fellow's hands was probably the only thing that wasn't discolored Its design was austere to the point where it was colinted coldly off its extre that it wasn't a blade to be trifled with

Fortunately, the Divine Ice Sword in our Ice Knight's hands was the real deal as well Although it ht look just like a popsicle that's been filed to a point, a popsicle is nowhere near as sharp as it!

Besides, Ice Knight is famous for his excellent swordsmanshi+p I suspect that his coher thana popsicle…

Ahe style is passive in nature; that is to say, he can stand still for a whole day with his sword in hand This will continue until the opponent can no longer stand it and co at Ice with his weapon raised At this point Ice will - with a single, fatal thrust - finish off his opponent

As such, Ice's fights are the type which nobody wants to watch, since there's nothing interesting about them

It was no exception this time either The discolored fellow clearly did not have the patience to remain locked in a face-off for an entire day Barely a fewat Ice He was also alarly fast - hardly a second went by from the moment he first moved, but that fellow had almost reached Ice already It didn't look at all like he'd moved, but had simply disappeared froht in front of Ice!

With such speed, it's no surprise that he could actually land an attack on ht, who, of all the Twelve Holy Knights, specializes in ht that it was Earth deliberately letting e for what happened earlier

Fortunately, Ice Knight's concentration is genuinely first-rate Although the discolored felloas really fast, Ice still ed to raise his popsicle…I mean, raise his Divine Ice Sword to block the attack in time

However, it was clearly iht to finish off the enee a flurry of blows and parries with the opponent, and both parties were frighteningly fast I took aforced back

I watched eagerly and gleefully froht between my companion and the eneht with a discolored appearance, eht?!

Whoaaa! Looks like we've finally onist

”Sun, do you want to heal up first?” Leaf asked from behind me in a rather worried voice

”Sun is fine” 1 I'ht! It's a rare chance to see Ice exchanging thistill later

Happy as I ht, it was evident that Ice was having a slightly difficult tiive him a hand; after all, he did help me to fend off the enemy Otherwise, if Ice were to be defeated, since Earth specializes in defense and Leaf is a long-range attacker, wouldn't that ht?

If that happens, there's an eighty percent chance that the floor would be covered in e, and that my head would be on the floor by the third

”Ice, let me assist you!” I shouted loudly I wasn't worried that Ice est out of all the Twelve Holy Knights to begin with

Since I aht who deeply abhors undead creatures, awere specifically s Let's take for instance the spell ”Holy Blessing”; with it, I can bless any object, infusing it with holy power for a short while, thusit several tiinally intended to cast Holy Blessing on Ice's popsicle, but after a while, I realized that there was a huge proble too fast for et it, I'll just exert a bit y and infuse Ice hiht showers the world with dazzling sunlight, cleansing it of shadows and evil…” (The rest has been o of words praising the God of Light, just as the death knight ed to inflict several wounds on Ice's body, I finally pronounced the !”

Within ahiht have the effect of increasing the dae done to undead creatures, it also has another very useful effect: it can make it difficult for the opponent to see where they should attack, even if the opponent isn't an undead creature!

”Bless ry at last He was probably provoked by the sight of Ice getting wounded He stood next to me with a stern look on his face, and he held in his hands… Haha! Youthat it's the Divine Leaf Sword Let !

It's the Divine Leaf Bow!

As I was too lazy to recite all those words praising the God of Light yet another tirabbed the arrowhead of the arrohich Leaf had nocked The edge piercedan arrowhead that was fully coated with ht, my blood has perpetually been blessed with holy power, rendering it simply poisonous to undead creatures!

Leaf looked moved as he said, ”Sun, I will not waste the blood which you have contributed”

As for Ice, now that I had enveloped hiht was clearly extre his attacks Ice, as originally losing, was now fighting on an equal footing with the death knight

However, there was still another person on our side - Leaf - atching the fight intently, waiting for the lint in his eyes, as though he could bore holes in the eneot to ht raises his bow, he iuy” to ”a really terrifying guy” He can fire five arroithin ten seconds, and all of them would hit the bull's eye

That's not nearly as i a song, turn his head to look at a hot babe, and at the sa with his arrows

Basically, I would choose taking upto fight Leaf when he's armed with a bow and a quiver of arrows With the forht With the latter…how does a person outrun an arrow?!

Next towas perfect - the death knight was dodging Ice's attack at that veryhim with no way to evade this arrow that came out of nowhere and no alternative but to take the arrow in his chest Now, a nore at all to a death knight, since the latter is already dead However, it is a completely differentsound just like the sound of a fish frying on a pan could be heard froe chunk of his chest vanished, leaving behind a deep hole There was no blood, however, only a sticky, grayish-black liquid that slowly oozed out

Ice ht's left arm, and the latter let out an inhuman bellow Ice's attack had alht's li by a strip of flesh froht retreated within the blink of an eye Such a quickthat Ice could catch up with However, there's still Leaf on our side!

Not even a death knight can outrun an arrow!

With a ”fwish fwish fwish”, Leaf fired three arrows in rapid succession, but this tiht evaded thee two of the arrows The only arrohich found its e it dealt was so ht couldn't even be bothered with pulling it out

I gave a faint sain wrapped my hand about the arrowhead just before Leaf fired After a ht, however, it struck ht not hit the target, and so I simply raised my bloody hand over Leaf's quiver and let my blood to drip onto all the arrows at once

Leaf didn't fail ht e a nued to find their ht

”crap! He's running away,” Leaf exclai arrows He was so fast that I could only see a fan-shaped blur, followed by the sound of his bowstring being released as he fired a steady stream of arrows Leaf sure lives up to his reputation as the archery specialist aet about counter-attacking; by this point, the death knight had his hands full trying to dodge the rain of arrows, and was running further and further away…

”I will coht!”

Just like every other villain who has fled, the grayish-white death knight threw out a sentence threatening the protagonist just before he disappeared as a speck in the distance…wait, the one he threatened was the Sun Knight… atasn't eance must have a source, a debt must have a debtor”; all I did was to cast a bit of shi+ny holy light on Ice and coat a bit of poisonous blood on Leaf's arrohile I was at it! Ultiainst were the two of them, not et hacked at, I'd even ht; what on earth did I do to deserve this?!

Just then, Ice Knight sheathed his sword, and Earth Knight put away his shi+eld as well The two of therim looks on their face, but for soht of me

”Sun, you…do you need help?” Earth asked, with a look on his face which seehost

I shook my head emphatically Why does everyone seem to think that I need help?

Ice didn't say a word, but his gaze traveled down froh, his expression kind of looked like he was spacing out Curious, I followed his gaze and looked down at the floor

WHOA! Since when did the whole floor become covered in blood? This sea of red does look pretty awe-inspiring…

Wait a second! Why have ht's pants turned red?

”Sun… Are you really alright?” Leaf's voice was so urgent that he seemed like he was about to cry

The blood on the floor…is mine?

”Leaf…” I said, only to discover that my voice was so weak that it was about as loud as a

”Huh?” Leaf drew closer hurriedly, probably because my voice was simply too soft for him to hear

”Give raceful fashi+on, I…


[Sun Knight Volu of yourself in the third person is not always a cutesy affectation There are tays to talk of yourself in the third person: the first is to say ”rén jiā”, which means ”others” This is the cutesy way The second hich Sun uses here, is to say your own name This is used in ancient China as a for