Chapter 140 - 128: "Ill kill you... you monster!" (1/2)
Adam and Eve continued to hone their survival skills after their almighty father left them, and managed to read all the books their god gave to them. They became knowledgeable about procreation, smithing, farming, and many more.
Most physical labors were given to Adam, while Eve studied this thing called ”Science” through the books that their almighty father gave to them.
Through sheer hard work, they were able to create a village with only 7 houses in it after a few years. They also made walls to protect them from the beasts that are always hunting them, but it doesn't do much against them.
They mastered the art of farming, thus managing to farm vegetable seeds in a few farming lands they took for themselves, and they also mastered the art of hunting and gathering, thus they were able to hunt animals like deers and capture domesticated animals to become their livestocks. It was hard for them, but it was worth it.
Now, they just have to get to procreation, and this was easy since all they have to do is stick Adam's p.e.n.i.s into Eve's v.a.g.i.n.a, then everything would work itself out. They just hope that their offspring won't have any disabilities like the thing they read on the book.
(Note: Technically, they're siblings but they don't need to know that).
And now, 60 years later, they are now weak and have around 50 children or so. They had s.e.x every year since they first did it, now they have many offsprings that can continue on the bloodline and their legacy.
They died ten years later, and now the village has the exact population of 93 people. 30 percent of them were the result of 3 decades of inbreeding, and it would continue on like that for many years, but they didn't have any kind of disabilities due to some tweakings Hikaru did to their DNA.
He didn't like the nature of humans where they get disabilities when they breed with a blood-related family. It was a useless thing, he really doesn't get why gods would make humans like that. Though, don't get him wrong, he's not exactly l.u.s.ting after his sister back in his previous life… well, maybe a little… just a little… yeah.
Anyway, fast forward to 600 years later, kingdoms were born. There are hundreds of thousands of humans inhabiting this world now, and, well, some people didn't exactly agree on some things, so now they learn the meaning of WAR!
There are only two kingdoms, The Twilight Kingdom and The Sunlight Kingdom.
They used to be one, but now they are divided into two because of some disagreeing that they had. The people of the Twilight Kingdom wanted to conquer the world since they thought that the world rightfully belonged to them, while the people of the Sunlight Kingdom just wanted to live normally and believe that the almighty made them for a greater reason other than conquering. But, in the end, they all entered the battlefields of war. It was either to be killed, or be a killer, for them.
The war started 20 years ago, and is still going on 'till to this day.
The people of the Sunlight Kingdom were losing the war because they were exiled from their original kingdom, Sunrise. The Sunrise Kingdom was their home when the two sides weren't divided, now they just build tents that were made of the objects around them. They have no permanent location and are always on the move, with thousands of people in their population.
They are all just hiding now, most of their trained men died while battling the Twilight Kingdom's forces. They cannot fight them in their condition, so they had to run away to some place far from their enemy. You can say that they are nomads now.
The Twilight Kingdom has basically won the war, but they weren't content of that. They wanted to see their enemies burn, so they continued to hunt the people of Sunlight until there were no more of them.
Hundreds of their people died every single day, it was only because of the King of the Sunlight that they were able to fend off most attacks. The King of Sunlight was the previous Crown Prince of the Sunrise Kingdom and the King of Twilight Kingdom was his father, the previous King of the Sunrise Kingdom.
The crown prince didn't know what happened to his father. His father used to be so kind and gentle, a person who followed their ancestors' belief. But everything changed when his father, the king, found a certain weapon of mass malice. It was a Scythe that they found somewhere within the deepest parts of the most dangerous forest of this region.
Countless wild beasts filled that forest, but they were curious what was inside at the time, so they went inside of that forest and found a scythe as tall as two men withs its blade longer than a tree and has a curve that shined dangerously under the light.
But there was a very dangerous creature there, guarding the weapon. A black dragon that breathed black flames.
He didn't know what came over his father, but with the few hundred men they had, they charged with their roar of battle. They defeated the dragon in the end, but lost over 97 percent of the people they had.
His father, though, wasn't worried about that. He only cared about that weapon, that damn weapon! Maybe it was that weapon's fault that everything went so awry? He should've destroyed it when he had the chance!
(King of Sunlight POV)
The horse, it's extremely tired. I know you can't go on any longer, but please bear with me. I need to escape for my people's sake, all of them died back there and I am the only one left.
I begged my horse not to stop, for I am the only hope of my forsaken people. God, almighty, if you're there, I beg thee for help! I am their hope, but you are my only hope! I cannot escape this siege without your help, God, Father, Almighty! Anything will do!
Not for long, my horse collapses on the ground. I got up to feel something hurting right around my right leg. I looked down, only to see my feet broken.
'I can't die like this!' I said in my thoughts, despair becoming so apparent.
I limped just to run away without turning my head back to my horse. I felt sorry for her since she has been with me since I was but a snot-nosed brat, but I can't give up now. I am my people's hope, I will avenge their deaths!
The forest seemed so calm, so quiet. There were no animals, only the wind rustling by the trees, my heavy breaths, and my right leg being dragged on the ground by me as I desperately tried to run away. They're there, my enemies, my father and his men.
I didn't really expect for my father to chase me and my people in person, but I guess reality is often surprising.
*gasp* *gasp*
Blood trickled down my face along with my sweat. Pain's evident all over my body, but I didn't give up. I could never betray my people's trust!
I hear them, their horses neighing, their swords being brandished, and my father ordering his men to find me.
I quickly hid behind one of the trees, hoping that my father would never find me. I tightly gripped the sword on my waist, not lowering my guard. I hear their horses running on the paved road, then it becomes quiet. Deathly whispers of silences covered my ears, my heart thumping loudly.
Then, I heard breathing right beside me. My heart tightened as I saw my father's face right beside me, with a smile that sent chills to my spine. His dark, obsessed eyes frightened me but I quickly pulled out my sword but he was faster. A blade so sharp was on my neck, it was long and curved. I saw that it came from my left, the Scythe!
”What are you doing here, Roddrick?” My father's chilling voice sent another chill to my spine, ”Come with me, my son, let us return to our dearest home. Your mother is waiting for you.”
I felt anger rushing in my body, how dare he say that!?
”King Farnock, Monarch of Twilight, haven't you done enough? You have slaughtered my people! You butchered them like animals, and now you talk like my mother's alive!? I know what you did! You killed my mother! That's one of my main motives why I rebelled, don't you remember!?”
My fathe-- no, this monster smiled more widely than before, as he said, ”What are you saying, my little bolt?” Bolt was my nickname, he made that when he saw my blonde head, ”Your mother's alive and well in our home, she's waiting for you to return~! If you follow me back home, I'll forget all~ about this rebellious attitude of yours~.”
I need to escape, he's going to kill me!
But he has me by the neck, he could kill me anytime he wants.
Please, Almighty Father, if you are there, help me! I've been loyal to you this whole time! I've been praying every single day! At least, just for this one time, answer my prayers!