Chapter 127 - 118: Gold Mines (1/2)
It's been 3 days since he arrived in this place, and he has gained a little bit of knowledge about this world. He learned a little bit of history from one of the local devils here… yes, devils exist in this world, along with fallen angels, legit angels, dragons, and gods. Well, from what he gathered from torturing that devil's soul is that this world is governed by many factions.
But the most eye-catching factions are the three factions, who had been at war with each other for thousands of years. These three factions are the devils, fallen angels, and those legit angels. But he also learned that they've been at peace with each other since the war greatly reduced their kinds.
But what he is most interested in are the gods. He wanted to know if they are real gods, like the ones he had fought. Though, when he heard of their strength from that devil he captured, he was disappointed. A Minor God is capable of at least destroying numerous continents, but with enough magic power, they might even destroy a whole planet, and a Major God is capable of destroying a planet if they wanted to.
But the gods in this world are weak, super weak. They could only destroy one continent at a time, and their power to create is as weak as their power to destroy. But the most powerful of gods is the biblical god. It is said that he created this universe, but Hikaru knew that that is a lie. Creating a universe requires a balance of powers to destroy and create.
But the Biblical God died, he DIED. A god doesn't die, they merely resurrect, unless they don't have followers anymore. But from what he has seen, thousands of his churches have been erected all around this world. And he also has millions of followers, maybe even hundreds of millions! The Biblical God shouldn't have died.
But Hikaru came up with a theory. The Biblical God didn't die, no, it was impossible from someone as influential as him. He hid himself from the eyes of the world, meaning; he faked his death. But the question is why? Why would he have to hide himself? Maybe he is weakened?
He realized that he needed more knowledge than this, knowledge about this ”supernatural world”.
Anyway, the devil, who proclaimed that he was a member of the devil clan ”Phenex”, was burned to death by his pyromancy. Even the devil's soul was obliterated into nothingness. The ”Phenex” Devil no longer had any uses for him, so killing him was the best way to maintain secrecy until he is ready to reveal himself.
Even though he could probably take on the entire world, both the supernatural and human world, he has still taken the extra faction of REAL deities. Deities like Kami, Yami, and Shinigami. He has yet to meet those deities, but he could feel their presence in this world. The worst thing is, there is also a Chief God present in this world. He can sense them, albeit hard.
Anyway, the devil dropped a small luxurious rectangle box made of what seemed to be pure gold. When he opened it, he saw 12 chess pieces.
This is the Evil Pieces that ”Phenex” devil was talking about!
Though, Hikaru didn't know what to do with these. He heard from that devil that you have to inject your very essence to this Evil Pieces for them to work in the intended way.
So he did, but instead of injecting his essence, he injected a huge amount of darkness magic into the evil pieces. He didn't care if they break, he could just hunt another High-Rank devil, after all.
Normally, evil pieces are red in nature to symbolise devils, but when he injected his darkness magic into them, they turned pitch black with an aura of darkness emanating from them.
His plan was world domination, so he would need servants. Each of these pieces will become his general that would lead thousands of soldiers to fighting the entire world. Even though he could probably take on the entire world with his current strength, but where's the fun in that? A little bit of Kingdom Building wouldn't hurt. After all, he has all the time in the world.
(Scene Change)
He should've left a while ago, but he grew quite fond of this family in such a short time. They were fun to hang out with, and they were kind. Though, uh, William seems to have a really shady kink. He didn't want to talk about it, since he saw William being whipped by Emma, and he was enjoying it.
Anyway, besides that, everything was normal. Benjamin and Olivia go to school, and Samantha is trying to fix her personal habits and attitude to get close with her family once again. She quit smoking and doing drugs, albeit he had to force her. She also changed her looks to look like her family again.
Her parents and siblings has blonde hair, while she dyed her hair black. She didn't know why she did that, it might be because of her rebel attitude. So, she washed the black dye off her hair to become a blond again.
She is slowly changing into someone her family didn't recognize, but they knew that this is a great thing.
But, even as she changed herself, she still doesn't want to return to school. Hikaru can understand that, even he himself doesn't want to return to school. School is boring and costly.
Even if you graduate from college, all you will have is a diploma and a huge ass debt. Oh wait, sorry, not just those two; there is stress, depression, and the urge to ill yourself to be released from this world.
School isn't fun, many things restrict you from doing things you do everyday. It's been literally hundreds of years since the school system was created and they haven't changed, not one bit. School doesn't bring out the talent in you, it brings out the servitude out of you. They want you to serve someone once you graduate. School was literally created to make factory workers, how the f.u.c.k did it gain so much popularity?
Elementary School, everyone can understand that, but c'mon, highschool, too? That's just overkill.
Hikaru didn't understand why people are grovelling in front fo the school system just for their children to gain education. In this day and age, you can just search the internet and find the things you want, even if its 2008. Yes, it is 2008, July 9 in this world.
The thing is, High School doesn't teach you to become someone successful in the future, it teaches you to become a factory worker. If you want to be successful, just do Youtube or something. Maybe E-Sports, you just have to be good at certain games like COD.
(Anyway, enough about my rant)
Hikaru sat at the table as he ate with the Brown Family.
Emma started a conversation, ”So Hikaru, we will be going to go to the mall later. All of us will watch movies there, would you like to come with us?”
”Mhm, I wanted to see some movies myself. What's the movie?” Hikaru asked.
”It's The Dark Knight, Ben wanted to see it.” She said as Benjamin nodded while chewing some food.
”Is it about a man who has a bat fetish?”
”Basically,” This time, Samantha answered.
Benjamin glared at both of them, but said nothing.
”Shush, your brother wants to see it. If you don't want to, go grocery shopping or something.” Emma shushed the both of them.