Chapter 120 - 112: Resurrection Of Old Enemies (1/2)

In the underground lab that Hikaru built just for this moment, thousands of Otsutsuki Clan members kneeled in front of him as they all groaned in pain. He saw many of them with a lost limb or two. And they were all severely injured, the team he sent certainly didn't hold back.

By his side was none other than Orochimaru. He wore a lab coat with normal clothes underneath his coat. He had a smile on his face, as if the scene in front of him was very interesting.

Hikaru decided to resurrect him because, as much as he hates to admit it, he is the only person qualified for this kind of job. Besides, he believes in second chances… not really.

For Orochimaru to not go rogue any longer, he gave him Seath's Primordial Crystal, at least a small part of it. Now, he will no longer pursue immortality because he already has it.

”Fufufu, how intriguing. Those wounds that they have would've killed a normal shinobi in less than seconds. But they survived it! Not only that, they are healing! But slowly. You sure about giving me all of these lab rats, Hikaru-kun?” Orochimaru said with a small smile on his face.

Hikaru nodded and said, ”Yes, as long as you make something capable of giving the genes of these Otsutsukis into normal shinobis, then we'll have no problem. And might I need to remind you that the moment you betray me, is the moment your soul gets obliterated out of existence.”

Orochimaru laughed nervously, ”Of course I wouldn't do that. I've had enough of staying inside that jar while spending my time in the darkness.” He spoke with a bit of fear in his voice. Truthfully, he doesn't want to experience that ever again. He almost lost his mind after spending many years in that jar, the only reason he stayed sane was because, well, he's a genius and a prodigy.

And after spending years inside that jar, he developed a kind personality. Staying in that jar made him reflect on a lot of things, and thus gaining a bit of shame for all his done to those people he wronged. He has changed, in a way. While he wanted to gain redemption, he had to work for Hikaru for a while.

He saw Hikaru wave his hand and mutter, ”Great Heal, Bind,” then a wave of blinding light engulfed his vision. He flinched for a moment before he regained his vision.

He saw all the Otsutsukis that Hikaru captured all healed up, but they were also tied up by some kind of transparent rope. They couldn't move but they tried struggling out of the rope but to no avail.

”[Wide Weakness], [Wide Blindness], [Wide Paralyze].” Hikaru waved his hand again and chanted numerous debuff spells towards the struggling Otsutsuki Clan members. And then, there was nothing. All of them plop down to the ground with a thud with their mouths foaming and their eyes blackened due to his spell [Blindness]. They also couldn't resists [Paralyze] because of his spell [Weakness], which weakened their strength to struggle.

Orochimaru was smiling on the outside, but inside, he feared him. This scene in front of him gave him two feelings; awe and fear. Hikaru is a man of many mysteries. He can conjure thousands of those elemental spells of his and not break a sweat. He has more than enough power to decimate armies with a single flick of his fingers, enough power to reduce the famous ten-tailed beast into a mere puppy.

Truly, he can't fathom how such a man exists in this world. He's a man that literally goes against nature herself, a man that can control the gods in his whims.

Orochimaru chuckled at the scene in front of him. To think that these people were the ancestors of the famed Uzumaki, Uchiha, and Senju Clans. How utterly ridiculous. These people are less than dogs, by how their mouths foamed like children infected by some kind of rabies. Though, he can't help but lick his lips at the thought of breeding those Otsutsuki women with male humans. Would another Sage of Six Paths appear? Or they would just be reduced to failed experiments? Either way, Konoha would get its powerful shinobis once these Otsutsuki women births half-human children.

Hikaru was just about to leave, when he turned around to say something.

”Orochimaru,” Hikaru called, ”Once the breeding program for the subjects finishes and they've birthed many half-Otsutsuki children, those children will be placed in a special orphanage that I have made myself. They will be fed and dressed well. Nagato, Konan, and Yahiko will be the ones to take care of them, along with the rest of Akatsuki members that I will resurrect soon. For now, see if there's anything wrong with the subjects. If there is none, proceed with the experiments.” Find authorized novels in , faster updates, better experience, Please click /book/traveling-to-the-world-of-anime-with-the-dark-souls-system_17253890906198605/chapter-112-resurrection-of-old-enemies_50952598366251660 for visiting.

And then, he left through the stairs that went to the land above them.

Orochimaru chuckled at how Hikaru is so blunt with things. Truly, he treats these Otsutsukis as if they're just animals. Well, in his eyes, all of these Otsutsukis are just experimental subjects, nothing more, nothing less.

Though, Hikaru seems to have a little soft spot for children. He noticed that he wanted the best for those children when he talked to him earlier, if making a dozen strong S-Rank Shinobis take care of them is proof enough. He wonders, how strong would Hikaru's personal army be?

(With Hikaru)

He hasn't been slacking at training his magic spells and resurrection spells, contrary to that he has been upgrading every spell he has. Especially the resurrection spells. With enough research, he was finally able to create bodies without taking that much time. Years ago, it would take days or weeks just to create a single body. Now, he can create bodies within minutes! With that much power in his hands, he decided to resurrect some Akatsuki members. Sasori, Deidara, Kakuzu, and Kisame. He wanted to resurrect Hidan but he realized that the jashinist is not actually dead, he's just been buried alive under the Nara Clan Forest, though in pieces.

You might be saying, ”How can you control someone as unpredictable as Hidan, a Jashinist?” Well, you might be surprised. Jashin, Hidan's god, is actually Shinigami! Shinigami actually has more than ten thousands of followers as Jashin. You see, when gods lose their followers, their faith, the gods would slowly lose their immortality, making resurrection impossible for them. If a god has the faith of his followers, they can resurrect no matter how many times they die. And Shinigami decided to use his powers as one of the gods of death to give fake immortality to his followers as Jashin. But it is a secret, no one else could know that he is doing, or else he will be punished severely by the Chief God that has jurisdiction over them.

Well, Hikaru found out and decided to use his new blackmail material to convince all of the Jashinists to side with him. He gave them strict training for 2 years and now a majority of them are at least High-Jounin lever to Low-Kage shinobis, a dozen of them are High-Kage Shinobis. He has an entire army in his hands that could literally take over the elemental nation if he wasn't here!

And do you know what they call him in the Jashinists Church? The Heavenly Messiah. Oh yeah~! Though, they first called him The Messiah but he decided to add ”Heavenly” in it. Things that have ”Heavenly” in it sound cooler than anything, the same goes for ”Emperor”. For example, Heavenly Shit, Heavenly F.u.c.k, Heavenly D.i.c.k, Heavenly Ass. All of them sounded cooler with the title ”Heavenly” in them. Even Heavenly Ass sounded e.r.o.t.i.c and cool at the same time, and it just reminded him of Azumi's ass. Maybe he'll visit her in the Kage Tower later.

As he sat on the moon eating an apple, he stared at the majestic planet in front of him. It was gorgeous, majestic even. He still couldn't understand how these planets are made, even with all of his strength and knowledge. They say that a planet starts as a dust smaller than a man's hair, then it just grows from there. It sounds ridiculous at first, but with time moving as fast as it is, it is completely possible.