Chapter 57 - 52 (1/2)
In one of the brothels on the red light district, you can see Jiraiya talking to the people in the lobby, though it seems like they were arguing.
”Sir, for the last time, you're not handing us any money in your hand! You don't even have money and you're saying that inside this briefcase is full of money!? Bullshit! There is no jackshit in there!” The employee said angrily.
”What do you mean there's no money!? Look at it!” Jiraiya pointed to his right hand.
The employee looked and there was nothing there except his right hand, which seemed to be holding an imaginary briefcase.
The employee stared at him blankly before yelling, ”Security! Get this man out of our establishment! Immediately!”
The securities answered his call and came right next to him. They were two tall black men wearing suits and sunglasses. They then held each of Jiraiya's arms and said, ”You have disturbed our brothel enough, we think it's time for you to go home.”
They then dragged him towards the door as he kept yelling and kicking his legs, only for the two men to hold tighter.
”LET ME GO! LET ME GO!” Jiraiya screamed.
Considering the fact that he's a Sannin, I would think he completely forgot about him being one of the greatest shinobi in the world. A shame that he's an idiot, it would've been good if he died while fighting Hanzo, that way, Tsunade and Orochimaru would stay in the village to protect it as a symbol of their friendship. That would be unlikely though, since the both of them don't care shit about him.
Meanwhile, back at the hot springs…
Hikaru just got out of the hot spring bathhouse and he rejoiced that he finally got the rest he well deserved. He's been grinding here and there for souls, dying left and right, at the very least, this bathhouse is only second to him and Azumi making out.
As he walked out of the bathhouse, he decided to buy some chocolate milk from the shop right beside the bathhouse establishment. It was delicious since it was quite cold.
He then disappeared in a burst of speed and suddenly appeared outside of his house. He went to open the gates before walking towards the door then opened it as he entered his house.
When he entered the living room, he saw a white spiky haired with markings on his face sitting on the couch. This is Shiro, One of the Yokai Lords. But he seemed a little tired, because there were bags under his eyes.
Shiro turned his vision towards Hikaru, who had just entered the house, and said, ”You've arrived. Thank god you're here, please tell me why you haven't opened your letter yet?!” Shiro suddenly asked while agitated.
Hikaru, not so surprised seeing him here 'cause he already sensed him two miles ago, simply said, ”I just forgot about it, don't worry, I'll check it now.”
Shiro suddenly heaved a sigh of relief, as if the most comforting thing just happened in front of him…. Which is kinda true since that Old Monster had been threatening them to extinct all Werewolves Yokai if Hikaru doesn't check his letter. Shiro, who is now both a Yokai Lord and the Head of his Clan, had been very stressed lately because of that. Their economics were crumbling piece by piece because of that Old Monster. His people are now living in fear that the Old Monster would suddenly just appear in front of their gates and destroy their entire village in minutes without them being able to do anything.
He, Shiro, had been trying to find time to leave their village to check on Hikaru but he never got the chance since his people are always filling up the paperwork on his desk. Thankfully, from all this noise, his father went out of his seclusion. who was learning the secret technique of their clan. He then temporarily gave the duty to him and went out here to check on Hikaru.
Imagine having your entire clan having the threat of someone just destroying their entire village because some guy forgot to open the f.u.c.k.i.n.g letter. That Old Monster may be a kind-hearted old man but he has a very short fuse.
Hikaru took out the letter from his storage box and opened it. He then took out the paper inside it.
”In this letter, it is said to be the summoning jutsu for Godly Mythical Creatures. Now, why would I need that?” Hikaru said as he waved the paper from his hand.
”Godly Mythical Creatures? Aren't the creatures there are phoenixes, dragons, fairy, krakens, unicorns, and many, many others? The Old Monster must really like you to give you that as your summons, but now that you have opened it, I'll go back to my village. Please, just go there.” Shiro said before disappearing in thin air.
Hikaru raised an eyebrow and said, ”What's his problem?”
He just ignored it and looked at the paper in his hand. After memorizing the hand signs written in it, he returned the letter back to his storage box. He then did the hand signs and yelled, ”Gyako Kuchiyose no Jutsu!” before he disappeared in a puff of smoke.
Now, not a single song remains inside his house. Only the eerie silence of the house can be spotted.
( The Land Of ??? )
This world was once a home to all creatures. Yokai, Mythical Creatures, Gods, Simple Animals, and Humans. But then, the Juubi came destroying almost everything. Not even then could combat it, so they retreated to the deep earth, where the Juubi could not reach.
Milleniums passed and they managed to make a decent civilization inside the very earth and made home to countless creatures. They came to know that some humans and simple animals survived the Juubi thanks to what they call ”The Sage Of Six Paths”. They were stronger than him, that's for sure, but he had these weird skills that, in the end, defeated the Juubi.
He was no mere mortal since he sealed the juubi inside himself but at the cost of his lifespan. Living a short 100 years, he died while his offsprings were battling each other every single day. He separated the life energy of the Juubi into nine separate beings before he died.