Chapter 48 - 45 (1/2)
As Hikaru sat on a branch of a tree, near his teammates, he suddenly received the memories of his clone.
As he reviewed it, he couldn't help but facepalm.
”Did my clone really hold back that much? I gave them weapons, and strong jutsus. But for some reason, he decided to hold back and play with that Team.” He shook his head in disappointment.
”What's the matter, Darling?” Azumi asked worriedly.
”Nothing, ” Hikaru's short reply.
”Okay, ” She decided not to delve in deeper.
As they waited for the clones to come back, they suddenly heard a bunch of metal clanging just behind the thick trees.
Pang! Pang! Pang!
”What's that!?” Sasuke said, alarmed.
”Sasuke-kun, I'm scared.” Sakura said as she held Sasuke's right arm to feel safe.
”Don't worry about it, it's probably just 2 teams fighting, ” Hikaru said nonchalantly as he laid his back against the tree.
When Sasuke heard that, he suddenly got an idea.
”Why don't we ambush them? We can take both of their scrolls, and maybe one of them is the Earth scroll.” He explained to his team.
Hikaru raised his head to look at Sasuke before saying, ”No, let's wait for the two teams to kill each other. That way, they will be a lot less problematic.”
”That's true...” Sasuke muttered before he suddenly heard a familiar voice from one of those teams.
”They're strong! Hinata, back away, I'll take them on!” That voice oddly sounded like Kiba's...
Hearing that voice, Azumi widened her eyes and yelled, ”Darling!”
Just as she finished, Hikaru dropped down from the tree and dusted himself before saying, ”Truly, this is messing up my plans. Why can't everybody just follow the plan for once?”
He disappeared from his spot and appeared where Team 8 is. He looked around and saw three Amegakure genins. They wore the same black cloak the rest had when he saw them.
Behind him was Team 8. They were tired, low of chakra, and bruises were vivid everywhere in their body.
Seeing that, Hikaru turned his head towards the Ame Team.
He did not speak, only silence can be heard.
He draw his Uchigatana shortly before putting it back on its sheath.
The next thing Team 8 saw, was the mincemeat bodies of the Ame Team.
Hikaru sliced them so fast that no one could see it. The bodies were cut into a thousand pieces of meat.
Hikaru picked up the clean scroll that the Ame team carried before he turned around to look at Team 8 and said, ”Follow me.”
As he saw the scroll, he smiled. It was the Earth Scroll. Just what they needed.
”Hikaru... how did you do that?” Kiba asked while he carried the injured Shino. Hinata was slightly better than the rest of her team, so she could walk on her own.
”How did I do what?” Hikaru replied with a question without turning around as they walked towards the safe location he made for his team.
Kiba got annoyed, and said, ”You know what I mean! A genin shouldn't be able to wield that kind of power! You somehow just took out your Katana before you put it back into its sheath for less than 3 seconds, and then they died!”
Hikaru seemingly just ignored him and took out three golden golden bottles.
He stopped and turned around to give them those bottles.
Kiba was just about to ask what they were but Hikaru shut him off with a simple shush.
”These three bottles are called Divine Blessing. Don't ask where they came from, the only thing that matters is that it heals you fully. Drink it.” Hikaru said as he gave them the bottles.
Hinata took one of them and was about to drink it, when Kiba intervened and said, ”Don't drink it yet, Hinata-chan. I'll drink it first to see if it's safe or not.”
Hinata narrowed her eyes, and coldly said, ”Don't order me around, Inuzuka. I'll drink whatever I want.” She then proceeded to drink it and a golden glow came off from her body before it dissipated.
All of her bruises and wounds were healed almost instantly after she drank the Divine Blessing.
”Wha...?” Kiba couldn't believe his eyes, such a miraculous thing actually exists!
He then drank it too and he felt the same thing Hinata felt. It healed his wounds, and injures. He suddenly felt energetic again! But then, he looked at his partner, Akamaru. He was also injured, and it's more likely more fatal than Shino.
”Um, Hikaru, can you please give me one of those again?” Kiba asked but his voice were lower than before.
”Hmm, sure but after we get back, you will give me 100,000 Ryo.” Hikaru said as he smiled at him.
”Huh?” Kiba was suddenly confused.
”Now, did you really think that another one of those is free? Don't be absurd, I only gave you three for free because of your injuries. If you want one now, you will have to agree to give me a hundred thousand Ryo by the end of this phase.”
Kiba staggered at huge amount that Hikaru is asking, and it would likely burn a hole in his wallet. And that hole would not be small.
”How about a... discount?” Kiba asked timidly instead of the previous boisterous one.
”No, ” Hikaru's simple answer. Even though he's probably richer than any other clans in Konoha, he still wants more. Even if 100,000 Ryo is just a drop of water in his bank account, it's still money.
”Tch, fine. Give me the thing and I'll give you the money later.” Kiba said as he extended his hand to receive the Divine Blessing.
”Deal! Here you go.” Hikaru gave him another Divine Blessing.
While they were talking, Hinata helped Shino drink the Divine Blessing and he was restored to full health.
Kiba opened the lid before making Akamaru drink a single drop per time. Before long, the dog was healed.
”Waf, waf, waf!” The small dog barked.
Hikaru then turned around to leave.
”Let's go, some teams may try and attack us.” Hikaru said as walked away while the other three followed.
A few moments later, they finally arrived where Hikaru planted his genjutus. In here, not a single soul can see them even if they went close to that person. Of course, you would have to have Hikaru's permission to enter here.
When they arrived, Hikaru saw three of his clones kneeling in front of him.