Chapter 42 - 40 (1/2)
After killing the pair of Akatsuki duo, Hikaru took their rings because he thought that they might be useful in the future, even though he doesn't know the exact function of these rings.
Since Gato was willing to spend hundreds of millions of Ryos just to kill them, Hikaru decided to take all for Gato's money for himself. That's billions of ryos, mind you. He could do a lot with that, and there is only a few million ryos in his Konoha bank account.
As he thought about this, greedy glints in his eyes would often show, which Kakashi and the others found weird. Hikaru wasn't exactly the ”greedy” type.
One day later, he was now in front of Gato's mansion. It wasn't hard to find, since it was literally glaring at him while he was in the town of Wave. He decided to tell Kakashi that he had something to do, and the cyclops just narrowed his eyes at him before agreeing.
”Let's see, do I use a wide-ranged spell, or should I just go there and quietly assassinate Gato? Nah, I'll just barge in and take all of his precious items. I mean, a conceited guy like Gato would most likely have gold bars laying around somewhere in his mansion.” Hikaru said as he looked at the huge mansion in front of him.
It was not exactly the modern type mansion back in Earth, but it's quite decent. Too bad he'll destroy it after taking the money.
He stood in front of the main gate and the guards took notice of him, which was just thugs armed with Katanas.
”Oi brat, what're you doing 'er? Do you wanna die?” The thug asked him as he looked down on him.
”Hahaha, hardly. It's just that, your boss something I really want. Now, please die.” Hikaru replied. In less than a second, the guards were already missing their heads, and Hikaru was behind them while sheathing his Uchigatana.
This Uchigatana has no enchantment, it's just a regular Dark Souls Katana that he bought in the system. Heck, it's not even upgraded. Since, he thought, he's just dealing with low-level opponents, a normal katana should suffice. Though, even though it's just a ”normal katana”, it's still pretty sharp. It's sharpness is close to the Kirigakure's Seven Swords.
But this Uchigatana has one glaring weakness. It breaks too easily.
Without paying any mind to the corpses around him, Hikaru continued his walk in the huge front yard of the mansion like he owned the entire thing.
Every step of his, blood would appear. Numerous thugs tried stopping him throughout his walk, only to be either, sliced in half or beheaded by Hikaru's blade.
”Since Gato put the entire Wave into poverty, it's only right for me to put HIM into poverty.” Hikaru said while looking coldly at his surroundings.
”AAAH! DIE YOU MONSTER!” Another thug appeared with a blade but he was killed almost instantly by Hikaru.
”Seriously, is this an ant hill or something? Around a few dozen thugs have already been killed by me, and yet, they're still running towards me left and right.” Hikaru said, annoyed.
He still haven't reach the front door of the mansion and a few dozen thugs have already been killed by him.
”Sigh, maybe I should just ransack the entire mansion.”
Hikaru weighed down the options before ultimately deciding to ransack the entire mansion.
”First, I should just kill every thug. Let's see, ah, yes. Fireball.” A huge fireball appeared in his hand.
That day, Gato waited in his room while overcome by terror as he saw everything that seems expensive get stolen away by Hikaru.
Hikaru didn't even notice Gato when he killed him. He just continued stealing everything he can, even Gato's bank card was stolen by him. Gold bars, precious jewelries, expensive wines. Every expensive things in the entire was stolen by him.
He spared the girls he found, and the people who were getting ready to be sold into slavery in the bas.e.m.e.nt of the mansion. It was a quite disgusting scene he stumbled upon in that bas.e.m.e.nt. Feces and piss were everywhere, he guessed that these people weren't allowed to go to the bathroom.
He returned them into the surface and after a long walk, he was finally able to bring them to Tazuna.
Everyone was in the house and the rest of his team were there, too.
”Hikaru, where did you find all these people?” Kakashi asked.
”Them? After causing a havoc in Gato's mansion, and ultimately destroying it, I managed to stumble upon them under Gato's bas.e.m.e.nt. I realized that they were either slaves or s.e.x toys used by Gato. Either way, they're not our problem now.” Hikaru said while sitting at the table of the house, drinking the hot chocolate that Tsunami made.
”That;s true. Since Gato is dead, then after Tazuna-san finishes the bridge, we will go back to Konoha. That wolf summon you did before must've reached Hokage-sama by now.” Kakashi said as he ate the food prepared by Tsunami.
”Aah~, finally, I will be able to return back home. I need my beauty sleep, I've been quite stressed these days.” Sakura said as she laid her back against the chair she's sitting on.
”Hmm, that's true. I can't imagine myself doing another of these missions. An A-Rank shinobi and 2 S-Rank shinobis. God, I wonder if Itachi also got this kinds of missions.” Sasuke said while rubbing his forehead.
”Guys, guys, just relax. We will soon get our most deserved rest after we finish guarding Tazuna-san.” Azumi said while eating her food that was also prepared by Tsunam.
”Hahaha, you guys won't last long if you keep complaining like this.” Kakashi laughed at them.
”Hmph, at least I'm not a pervert who's just reading p.o.r.nographic books everyday to solve his l.u.s.t.” Sasuke retorted.