Chapter 12 - Will He Win? (1/2)
(5 Days Later)
After that conversation with the Hokage, Hikaru decided to transfer all his stuff in Naruto's house, since they would be living together. It wasn't much, he just had a dagger, Gold Pine Resin, his thief set, and his last remaining humanities, which he isn't going to show to Naruto.
He bought new clothes to replace his armor. It was too hot inside it and some of his movements are restricted because of the weight. He bought 4 new pair of clothes and some for Naruto, I mean, if he's gonna live there, he might as well buy something for Naruto. All of it cost 500 Ryo. Now, he only has 2500 Ryo on his hands and he's going to share it with Naruto.
Unlike her, Hikaru doesn't need to eat for sustainment. Meanwhile, she will die if she were to starve herself. Since transferring to Naruto's house, Hikaru has been buying ingredients to cook Naruto food. He had some experience with cooking since he was always left alone in the house while his parents were out working.
Naruto was overjoyed when she saw his gift for her, an orange cloak similar to the Fourth Hokage's cloak. She has always been a fan of the Fourth Hokage, and ironically, he is her father. Hikaru felt his face heating up when Naruto hugged him because of his gift to her. He didn't notice it but at that time, Naruto was tearing up.
It was the first time that someone, besides the old man, bought her a gift and a precious one at that too. She couldn't wait to parade it all over the village. She's going to brag it to the kids in school, and maybe, just maybe, she could make friends with them too.
Hikaru felt like he was babysitting his little sister because Naruto is like the epitome of a very lazy person. When he first arrived there, he saw her place covered in many kinds of trash. He could even see a cup ramen, still full, on the ground.
Hikaru just decided to clean it all up, and by the time the sun had set, the entire apartment was good as new.
After his fight in the school, the five boys' families mysteriously disappeared by the next day. Like, poof! The boys were never seen again either, and he was sure that the Third Hokage was the one who did that.
'Anyway, it's not my problem. They could die for all I care they're just assholes anyway, ' Hikaru though as he sat through the class trying not to fall asleep from the boring lesson of his teacher.
All this time, he still hasn't made any progress and that's bothering him. He needs to gather souls to level up and prepare for his battle against the Olden God that resides in this world. So he decided, tonight he would farm lots and lots of souls. But first, he will have to equip all his stuff.
Also, since the day he fought with those kids, if you could call it like that, he was never allowed to bring his Drake Sword to school. The Third Hokage himself said so.
Hikaru looks at Sasuke, who's right beside him sitting in his part of the chair. He seems to be listening to this boring lecture, guess having an older brother you're supposed to kill for revenge is a very good motivation for a nine-year-old child. Itachi you should be proud of your brother. He's actually listening to this boring lesson.