Chapter 445: Gains (1/2)
[Seventh Floor Complete. Upgrading Title.]
[Choose Reward: Evolution of [Verun’s Bite], Duplicity Core Upgrade to E-Grade, Upgrade of Port Atwood to World Capital]
[Additional Reward 8th place: Limited Title Slots +1, Peak F-Grade All Attribute fruit]
Zac’s pitch-black eyes went back and forth between the three choices, the pain and exhaustion almost completely blown away. Then again, the black dimension seemed to have some sort of suppressive effect on wounds, so he probably wouldn’t be as chipper when he left this place.
A quick look down at his chest proved that the crazy girl had left a burn-mark that almost looked like a fractal, but the wound showed no signs at spreading at least. However, that didn't provide much comfort, as there had obviously been something off about that piece of flame she had shot at him.
His best guess was that she had formed some sort of Karmic Tie to him for some reason. Iz Tayn came from some top tier force though, and Zac hoped that the distance to his remote sector would prove too far away to make it worth tracking him down. If it was even possible since she was just an F-Grade cultivator.
However, the encounter with the crazy flame girl wasn't enough to put a damper on his feelings at the moment. He had passed the 7th floor, a feat that only happened once every few millennia in a star sector with trillions of cultivators. And were no two ways around it, these rewards were amazing.
Better yet, they were clearly custom-made for himself, which was a first since he entered the tower. The reward for clearing the 6th floor had been pretty great too, but it was still something generalized apart from the compatibility.
Was it because he had cleared a high-tiered floor, or was it because there had been a special event?
Even better, there was actually a bonus reward for reaching the 8th place, and it provided something he had never even heard of before. Getting a fourth slot for a Limited Titles was an extremely powerful boon, and Zac started to understand why so many had been fighting tooth and nail even to the point that some died.
Getting another spot for Limited Titles wasn’t as simple as having another title. If that was it then Zac wouldn’t have been so excited, since he already had thirty of them. Limited Titles had never been too important for Zac until now, simply because he hadn’t encountered any such opportunities so far.
But Galau had properly described the roles of Limited Titles during their climb. The merchant had already confirmed that getting real titles would get harder and harder, and most people got almost 80% of their titles during the F-Grade. That’s why some called normal titles ‘Foundational Titles’. They set the foundation for your entire cultivation journey.
Limited Titles were something that you could continuously improve though, and there was almost an unlimited number of opportunities for such titles in the Multiverse. They were the lure the System used to keep luring cultivators into deadly trials and unexplored Mystic Realms, and they just kept getting better the more dangerous the trial was.
One single Limited Title snatched from a deadly D-Grade trial might be even better than the Tower-title he had worked for the past 70 days. Getting another Limited Title slot was essentially getting a 15-20% boost to your power, provided you could get a good title that provided Efficiency.
The reward might not be useful at the moment, but Zac would quickly be able to acquire a few Limited Titles after leaving Earth. As for the scions who risked their lives, it was understandable as well. This was a reward that no amount of treasures, wealth, or guidance could provide, and they no doubt had a bunch of top-quality Limited Titles to choose from through their forces.
Not only that, the System even threw in a small bonus in the form of an All Attribute fruit, which was equivalent to a pretty good Low-Tiered Title. That was the most valuable of all the Attribute fruits, even more so than Luck Fruits. Zac was extremely thankful that he didn’t give in to the fear in his heart that told him to cut his losses after narrowly surviving his soul getting crushed.
The rewards from this floor alone far eclipsed the rewards from the first six floors combined.
It also made him wonder just what the others received. Take Iz Tayn for example. She was already strong to the point that it felt like she had somehow snuck inside the Tower while being E-Grade. Just what level would she reach after getting her individualized reward plus whatever reward was awarded the first spot. Did she get multiple Limited Title slots?
Remembering the traumatizing encounter where he almost died made him think of something else, and he reluctantly turned his eyes away from the rewards. Zac wasn’t ready to immediately make a choice what to pick, so he first opened his Status screen to check something, and just as expected he had taken a huge step forward.
Zachary Atwood
[F-Rare] Hatchetman
[E] Human
[Earth] Port Atwood - Lord
Born for Carnage, Ultimate Reaper, Luck of the Draw, Giantsbane, Disciple of David, Overpowered, Slayer of Leviathans, Adventurer, Demon Slayer I, Full of Class, Rarified Being, Trailblazer, Child of Dao, The Big 500, Planetary Aegis, One Against Many, Butcher, Progenitor Noblesse, Duplicity Core, Apex Hunter, Heaven's Chosen, Scion of Dao, Omnidextrous, Eastern Trigram Hunt - 1st, Tyrannic Force, Achievement Hunter, The First Step, Promising Specialist, Tower of Eternity - 7th Floor, Heaven's Triumvirate
Limited Titles
Fragment of the Axe - Early, Fragment of the Coffin - Early, Fragment of the Bodhi - Early
[F] Duplicity
980 [Increase: 75%. Efficiency: 163%]
498 [Increase: 60%. Efficiency: 155%]
1282 [Increase: 80%. Efficiency: 163%]
673 [Increase: 65%. Efficiency: 163%]