Chapter 316: A Simple Request (1/2)
”I'm terribly sorry about all that, the adventurers around these parts are a close-knit group, and they tend to treat Wren here as something like a little sister they need to protect.” The Guildmaster explained while indicating a chair on one side of the cramped office. ”Please have a seat.”
The woman in question was standing in front of a couch on the far wall. She'd cleaned herself thoroughly using Lifestyle Magic, but was evidently still concerned about any lingering grime, since she spent a few seconds carefully inspecting herself before sitting down.
”No harm done.” Mike replied while taking a seat. ”I'm sorry it turned out the way it did. Hopefully there weren't any lasting injuries.”
Torentio waved dismissively. ”The members of this guild branch have few redeeming qualities. Durability is the foremost among them. Don't concern yourself at all.”
”Alright, then what did you want to speak to me about. I take it there is more to this invitation than simply apologizing for overzealous adventurers.”
”You are right on that account.” The Guildmaster agreed. ”I'm guessing that you came here with the intention of checking in, and perhaps even looking for a request.”
”Perhaps...although I'd say looking for information on the dungeons in the region is a larger part of my visit. I intended on visiting the ones nearby when I have the chance.”
”Of course, of course. While we are not directly responsible for managing either dungeon, we can still vouch for you, and ensure that you are allowed entry. Believe it or not, the Lions rely heavily on our recommendations when determining who is qualified to enter.”
Mike thought he sensed a subtle threat to the man's words, which confused him slightly. What benefit could the Guildmaster derive from potentially insulting a powerful visitor.
[Maybe he intends to use his recommendation as leverage to get me to resolve some issues for him. If that's the case, I think he will be sorely disappointed.]
Perhaps sensing his sudden wariness, Torentio gave a reassuring smile. ”We will of course be indicating our full confidence in your abilities. If a Tier 4 has a mind to do anything, well, I would be quite foolish to try and stand in his way. Wouldn't I?”
Mike nodded, still trying to get a read on the man.
”Of course, the same could not necessarily be said of any you plan to take with you.”
[Ah, there's the catch.]
He raised an eyebrow and allowed a little bit of anger to enter his features.
”Now, now Sir Dragonknight,” The Guildmaster placated quickly. ”I don't mean any offense, it's just that the Lions treat our recommendations seriously because we remain impartial in the manner in which we give them. If we were to loosen those standards for any reason, we may very well risk losing our standing with them. If it is not obvious from the state of our branch office, we really aren't in a position to give up what little we currently have.”
As if to punctuate his statement, a loud whistle blew from the building next door at a deafening volume that bordered on painful. It continued for a few seconds before trailing off into a warble. Once it had fully quieted, the chute on the side of the meat processing plant opened up and dumped a long stream of fresh gore into the wooden box underneath it.
Somehow, Mike could smell the offal through the office window, and he used a bit of Air Magic to push the foul odor away.
”Looks like it's near closing time at the plant.” Torentio explained with a tired look on his face. ”They always clean out their meat traps at the end of the day. The smell will stick around for a few hours, even after they take the slop for disposal.”
”You have my sympathies, but I still fail to see how my traveling companions are not qualified to enter the dungeons.”
”Please, I never said anything of the sort. Any qualified member of the guild is eligible for our recommendation, so long as they meet the rank requirement.”
”And what's the requirement?” Mike asked.
”Rank 3 for the Seaside Citadel at a minimum, although we recommend bringing a few higher ranking members with you, since some of the monsters can be rather challenging. As for the Screaming Dark, while Rank 5s are allowed, you need to have at least one Rank 6 in your party to receive a recommendation. I know it seems a bit unreasonable, considering how rare high ranking adventurers are, but the Guild felt that the dungeon had too high of a casualty rate with Rank 5s alone.”
Unfortunately, with the exception of Tal and Sera, most of the rest of his party was unregistered with the Guild and it would take a great deal of effort to achieve that kind of advancement in a short period of time. He'd anticipated this problem, but assumed his status as a Tier 4 Mage would solve most of these problems for him.
”Perhaps I should speak with the Lions on the matter.” He offered while leaning back in his chair, keeping a close eye on the Guildmaster's face as he responded.
”You certainly could, but I suspect you will find them quite intractable. They are renowned for their strict adherence to the letter of the law, and will not bend save in the direst of circumstances. Alternatively, you could visit the College of Worthies the next time they are in session and petition them to make an exception. I seriously doubt that they would choose to hinder you.”
”And when would that session be?”
Torentio looked thoughtful. ”I believe the next session is scheduled to take place in about two months. You see, they are currently in the midst of their winter break, when landholding members return to their homes to manage their affairs. It might be possible to have them call an emergency session, but I fear it would still be several weeks before they could be gathered again.”
Mike sighed. Apparently he would need to force the issue. ”Alright, what is it that you want?”
”I'm sorry?”
”This whole discussion has been leading in the direction of getting me to do something in exchange for allowing my party members to enter the dungeons. Now, what is it that you want from me?”