Chapter 269: Titular Character (1/2)
”What are your thoughts, Sir Dragonknight?” Andrea asked from across the table. Her siblings sitting to either side of her were paying close attention to the discussion, but seemed content to let her serve as their spokeswoman.
After he'd agreed to speak with the royals, he'd been directed to this private tea room. Surprisingly, it was decorated modestly, with the walls left bare and most of the furniture serving strictly utilitarian functions. As far as he could figure, this seemed to be an intentional choice to allow for discrete or unofficial negotiations to take place in relative secrecy.
At the moment, he was flanked by a pair of Royal Guards in full battle dress. While he didn't recognize the one to his left, to his right was the female knight Leona, who'd mistakenly tried to kill him after he'd rescued the princess from Viscount Wendel. Three more of the gold-clad warriors were spread about the room, including a rather frail looking man in robes that must have been some kind of mage.
In the past he might have been intimidated by such an array of marital might concentrated in one place. However, he could tell from their facial expressions and body language that these experienced soldiers, who represented the peak of military might in Almir, were actually wary of him. One of the younger ones even looked a bit afraid.
[Seems I've definitely overstayed my welcome here.]
”Please Your Highness, we are old acquaintances at this point, feel free to just call me Mike.”
She nodded. ”Very well, although I think it is only fair that you do the same and refer to me as Andrea.”
Mike hesitated for a moment, then shrugged. ”Can't argue with that. Alright Andrea, as to your generous offer, I believe I must decline.”
She frowned, ”Is it a matter of the amount of territory? While we can certainly allocate more in the future, it would mean having to rearrange a few feudal boundaries. Given the delicate situation surrounding the annexation of Tenundi, I don't believe we can afford to irritate regional lords at this moment.”
The Second Prince, Nathaniel, chose that moment to break in, a dark look on his face. ”They would demand to know why a newcomer, regardless of his achievements, would be given a large amount of developed land when vast tracts of new acquisitions are available.” He sneered. ”They would conveniently ignore the fact that it would take years for most of those lands to begin producing any real wealth. Of course, we could always just find a corrupt noble or two and use our wartime powers to strip them of their titles and land.”
Johnathan chuckled a bit awkwardly, ”Of course we won't be doing anything like that, but I am in agreement with my sister. I'm afraid the rank of Margrave is the best we can do at the moment. Creating another ducal house so soon after the war with Tenundi would send the wrong message. We will have more flexibility in the future, if you are willing to be patient. That said, I'm sure we can add a bit more territory, if that is the issue.”
”Not at all, Your Highness. I have no problem with the terms themselves, but I cannot in good conscience take on the responsibility of running a territory when I fully intend to leave this country in the near future.” Mike replied firmly.
A pang of genuine remorse passed across Andrea's face, and she asked in a quiet voice that was nevertheless heavy with emotion, ”Is there nothing that might change your mind?”
Deciding that it was best to put an end to this definitively, he shook his head. ”I'm sorry, but no.”
She lowered her gaze but didn't reply, leaving the room in a gloomy silence that was only broken when her twin Matthew spoke up.
”The way I see it, you aren't inherently against a noble title, merely the obligation that comes along with it, right?”
”That's more or less correct. While I helped out in this war, I don't intend to become a servant of this country, nor do I want to be tied down with territory or official responsibilities.”
He smiled at that, despite the blatant criticism underlying Mike's statement. ”I can certainly understand that, but look at it from our perspective. You are a newly risen Tier 4 mage who seems favorably predisposed to our country. Given the potential heights of your power and influence, it would be in our best interests to ensure that you remain so, and prevent other countries from luring you away.”
”You don't have to worry about that. I have no intention of allying myself to another country at this point.” Mike replied dismissively.
Matthew leaned forward, a speculative look on his face. ”Perhaps, but objective observers might disagree. As of right now, you already have a close relationship with the daughter of one of Dovistan's most powerful noble families. It is not hard to believe that this might lead you to falling into their sphere of influence. That's not even taking into consideration the possibility that you might create your own country. After all, the Tenundian Marshal Kiertesan is against the annexation, and would likely welcome a powerful ally capable of preventing it. He'd likely be willing to even allow you to take the throne yourself, should you manage to keep the country independent. If you factor in the orc tribes and Barren Islanders that would flock to your banner, you could easily make yourself a force to be reckoned with. One we would have little choice but to acknowledge given your achievements.”
[Huh, I guess that makes sense. In that light, I can see why someone who didn't know me might view me as a threat. Honestly though, I'm more surprised that anyone is actually worried about Lily having the wherewithal to influence me in that manner. Anyone who's talked to her for more than a few minutes would know that's an irrational fear.] Mike thought to himself as he examined the situation.
[Wait...who were the Barren Islanders again? Have I ever had any dealings with them?]
He shook his head to clear his thoughts. ”I can assure you, that I have no intention of doing anything of the sort.”
The Third Prince smiled again. ”I believe you, but I feel it is in our best interests to at least make a token gesture to both reassure the people of Almir and signal to the rest of the world that you are, at least in name, a friend and ally of our country. Which is why I suggest that the kingdom bestow Mike with the title of Sebastos.”
This mainly earned a bunch of confused looks from the rest of the room, with one notable exception.
”Ha! That's perfect!” Nathaniel exclaimed gleefully, ”That would really stick it to those bastards on the council.” He glanced over at his younger brother. ”No wonder you got the better of me over these last few months. When did you get so devious?”
Johnathan frowned. ”I'm not sure I follow…”
”Ugh. I fear for the future of this country with such a dullard at its head. The title Sebastos dates back to the Pyrathien Empire, and was originally given to direct relatives of the Imperial Family to differentiate them from other lesser nobles.”
”That doesn't sound like a solution-” The First Prince started, only to have Matthew cut him off.
”During the Empire's decline, it took on a different meaning. When the provinces started rebelling and forming their own countries, it was used by the Emperor to honor the new rulers, while still maintaining his preminece over them. Since the recognition of the Pyrathean Empire was valuable to those unstable governments during those chaotic times, most quickly accepted the title. There was even a period of time where several countries actually referred to their royal families as Sebastoi, although it has fallen out of use since then.”
”But aren't we trying to avoid having Mike become a ruler? Won't this send the wrong message?”
Nathaniel butted in again. ”That's the beauty of it! By falling back to the Pyrathien traditions, we can signal to the rest of the Inland Sea Region that we're not only still powerful, but will soon achieve a level of national strength that will rival the Empire of old. Considering how weak we've looked these last few months, this is exactly the kind of thing we need. At the same time, we can elevate this guy to a position slightly below the king as a means of recognizing his contributions, demonstrate an almost family-like relationship with him, and ensure that other powers will think twice before trying to seduce him to their causes. Since it's purely an honorary title that doesn't come with any inherent rights or responsibilities, there is nothing to prevent him from galavanting about as he pleases.��
Johnathan looked thoughtful for a few moments before glancing at Mike. ”That does seem to be an elegant solution. Would that be acceptable to you?”
[Doesn't sound too bad...Still, I feel like I should consult with Sera before making any decisions. There may be some factors I'm unaware of.]
Perhaps sensing his hesitation, Matthew added. ”You don't have to decide right now. The awards ceremony is scheduled for tomorrow. Just let us know before then, so we can make it official.”
Mike nodded gratefully, ”I'll do that.”
”Please rest assured that an empty title is not all that we intend to give you for your accomplishments.” Johnathan added in a hurry. ”We've quite literally opened the treasury to provide adequate compensation for all of the contributors to this war. Your name is, of course, on the top of the list.”
Just as Mike was about to reply, Andrea stood up. She'd been grimly silent for the last few minutes, and her face was now a stony mask. ”It seems that our negotiations for today are at an end, then. Forgive me for the discourtesy, Sir Dragonknight, but I'm afraid I have some business to attend to. If you would excuse me.”
With that she stalked out of the room, quickly trailed by a slightly flustered looking Leona.