Chapter 249: Enjoining Threads (1/2)
Once the last ship was in place, Count Graveston ordered the fleet to depart. They had a lengthy haul to a beachhead where the small army they carried could be offloaded, but it looked like they would make it in time. Thanks to the experienced seamanship of the raiders that formed the backbone of the fleet, they'd been able to quickly dump their refugee cargo, and depart for the front lines with little delay.
The Count took a seat in his cabin, and turned to his aide, Leo, a veteran soldier from common origins who had served at his side for decades. ”Report.”
”Yes, sir. It seems that things are progressing more or less as you anticipated. Although communications have become unstable due to their proximity to the Lacotians, our contacts in the coalition army have confirmed that the Dragonknight and his companions were able to defend against two separate attacks, and he is now preparing to assault their formation in earnest. As to the city, things are largely quiet, save for a mass exodus of the criminal underworld.”
”Are they finally abandoning ship?” The Count asked disinterestedly.
”Actually, sir, it seems that someone claiming to be the successor of the King of Thieves has united them, and is in the process of leading them to join with the coalition army.”
”Hmm...interesting. This could work to our advantage. Prepare a dossier with all the information we have on this new King of Thieves.”
”Of course, sir, however, I do have one last piece of information to report.”
Leo nodded, ”I believe you are aware that the Prime Minister has been missing for much of the last few weeks.”
The Count shrugged, ”He'd been sidelined politically, and by all appearances had chosen to retreat away from the public eye. I believe there were a few reports of him acting suspiciously, but we didn't really have the resources to waste on him.”
”Indeed. We actually lost track of him for quite a while. However, he was spotted leaving the city in the company of two others yesterday, a man and a woman.”
This caught the Count's attention.
[For him to be making a move...could he have an inkling of the true threat here. To what purpose, though? Individually, he lacks the ability to influence events...Unless...]
”Do we know who he was traveling with?”
Leo shook his head. ”Our information is coming from one of the gate guards on our payroll, and he only barely recognized the Prime Minister after the fact. However, he did have some information that might be of use.”
He pulled out a sheet of paper and began perusing it. ”According to the guard's report, he'd found the trio unusual from the start. Not only were they leaving the city during wartime, but they had hardly brought any luggage with them. Following standard procedure, he asked them a series of screening questions which were answered by the man accompanying the Prime Minister. The answers were satisfactory and he was forced to let them go, but the guard thought the man's appearance a bit odd. He was deathly pale, and almost seemed to be on his deathbed, but moved with the strength and purpose of someone in the peak of health.”
[A message for me, is it? Looks like that old monster decided to take action, after all.]
After a few moments of consideration, the Count gave his orders. ”Ignore them for now, but have someone investigate the current status of the King.”
Leo blinked, but saluted. He knew better than to question his lord. ”It will be done.”
The Count nodded absently, and resumed reading, only speaking up again when the aide was about to leave. ”Oh, and Leo? Once our agents have discovered that the King is also missing, make sure they keep the news under wraps.”
The veteran adjutant froze at the door, a flicker of fear appearing on his face before his usual professional indifference prevailed. Finally, he saluted again. ”As you wish, sir.”
Once Leo had departed, the Count glanced out the window with a slight smile. He watched the passing scenery absently while mentally revising his plans in light of this new information. It was looking to be an interesting battle.
”Are really you sure this is wise, my lord?” Tanya asked again, unable to completely conceal the tremor in her voice.
Viscount Wendel, the now infamous traitor, didn't spare her a glance as he continued putting the finishing touches on the ritual circle. ”My dear, we no longer have the freedom to rely on wise methods. All that is left for us is bold, daring, and some would say reckless actions. It is, unfortunately, our only way out of this mess.”
They were currently sequestered within one of the few transport wagons the Lacotians had bothered to bring with them. Being an army compose entirely of tireless troops who had no need for shelter or food, their supply requirements were minimal. However, even the undead had some use for war material, so a few wagons had made their way into the army's ranks, pulled by zombified horses.
Tanya gave him the look she used when she was still full of doubts, but had resolved to see it through with him anyway. He'd been seeing a lot of it recently. ”If you say so, my lord. Is there anything I can do to help?”
”Unfortunately, no. The process of forming this kind of ritual circle would be difficult under normal circumstances. Now that I have to compensate for the Lacotians' shielding effect, it requires every component to be perfect.” He muttered while carefully pouring a crimson liquid into his most recently carved rune, filling the etched space with a dark, red substance that gave off a slight glow.