Chapter 236: Orcish Pride (1/2)
[Alright, think Mike. How many orcs have you met over the course of your time in this world? Surely there can't be that many. What was the name of that raider who nearly enslaved you? Talg or something? Anyway, she was a short tomboy, not a statuesque amazon.]
The shocked and increasingly furious orc was a lot more obviously female than the warrior in his memories. She was wearing a mix of leather and chain armor, that was still light enough to not restrict her movements. As a result, her muscular but womanly frame was readily apparent. A long spear was clenched in one hand, although he noted that her knuckles were becoming alarmingly white as they tightened on the haft.
Fearing that the answer wouldn't come to him, he used Appraise in the hopes of jogging his memory.
Age: 19
Race: Half-Orc (Human)
Class: Raid Leader
Title: Chief of the Ashborn
”Ah! Talgratha! I hardly recognized you. How have you been?” He asked with as much feigned excitement as he could manage.
Evidently this was not good enough, since she growled and raised her fist in a threatening manner. For a moment it looked like he would try to strike him, but she eventually she unclenched her fist. With a disgusted noise, she instead pointed at him, ”We are going to have that fight, and you are going to spend the next twenty years as my footstool. But first, let's hear about this message that was so important you had to stop our battle.”
[Why a footstool? Or rather, do we really have to fight?...Now that I think about it, why does everyone keep trying to challenge me to some form of ritual combat?]
”Well, we can talk about the first part after we deal with the second, but let's bring in the other side's leaders. This message concerns all of us.”
As they were walking back to Red, Sera leaned over and whispered to him. ”I know you've got that strange destiny and all, but I still find it odd that you manage to make so many enemies.”
”Its not that...alright, I see your point. In my defense, shes only angry because I beat her in a fight months ago, and I only did that because she was threatening to enslave me if I didn't.”
”And I understand that, but somehow I feel it was still your fault in some way.” She replied with a hint of a laugh in her voice.
[I'm glad you're finding this entertaining.]
Once they rejoined the rest of his intended audience, the various groups naturally formed into a triangular pattern, with Talgratha and Morris on one side, Jurtrik and Huthar on another, and Mike, Tal and Sera forming the last. It didn't take long for the two opposing factions to begin bickering.
Unsurprisingly, it was Jurtrik that started causing mischief. ”I see the Almirans brought their pet dog along with them. Tell me manling, does she really kneel down and beg for scraps like they say?”
Before Morris had a chance to cut in, Talgratha was already launching back with her own insult. ”Huthar, why do you continue to ally with this fool? His idiocy is going to get you both killed at some point. In fact, if it wasn't for this one stepping in when he did,” She pointed at Mike,”you and all of your warriors would have been crow food.”
”Jurtrik is a fool. That is certain.” The Skulltaker's chieftain started, earning a growl from his ally, ”But at least he isn't a half-blooded mongrel. It is an abomination before Angrosh, that one such as you has risen to Chief of the Ashborn. I can only imagine that your orc ancestors are gnashing their teeth in the Otherworld.”
Talgratha shrugged in response, ”That is merely your interpretation of the Unconquered's edicts. If my existence was really such a problem for him, he'd have never allowed me to reach my position. Rather, it is your tribe's practice of upholding outdated traditions that has led you to this point.”
She drew herself up to her full height of nearly 1.8m, and allowed herself a smug smile. ”Both of you are on the verge of annihilation, and in a generation, there will be no orc that can recall the name Bloodtongue or Skulltaker.”
Evidently, this was a terrible insult for the leaders, who immediately pulled out weapons and prepared to attack. Morris and Talgratha did likewise, although only the latter looked keen for a fight. Clearly this would evolve into an outright battle if nothing was done.
With a sigh, Mike exercised his will and crushed the three hot-headed orcs to the ground under pillars of condensed air. ”That's enough of that. We have bigger things to worry about.”
He waited until they'd clambered back onto their feet before continuing, ”I am here, in part, to inform all of you that Kingdom of Almir and the Dutchy of Tenundi signed a cease fire this morning.”
”What?” Morris asked, shocked, ”What happened? Did we win?”
”In a sense, yes, but the cease fire has more to do with our common enemy than the results of any battle.”
”Ha!” Jurtrik cut in while nudging an annoyed Huthar with his elbow. ”That bastard lost his nerve in the end. I told you it was a mistake to ally with the Tenundians. Didn't I tell you the Duke didn't have the spine for it?”
The Skulltaker Chief huffed, ”Whatever. I take it that means you've found out about the Lacotian forces coming up behind us? Are we to fight together now? I'm surprised that the Duke would even tolerate such a course of action, given his feelings about the Almirans.”
Sera spoke up, ”The Duke was killed last night, along with the majority of his court. They unleashed a powerful monster with the intent of using it against us, only to have it turn on them. As of right now, Marshal Kiertesan has taken charge.”
”While that is important information, I would rather hear about the Lacotians.” Morris interrupted the stream of questions that followed her statement. ”What is the situation?”
”According to Tenundian scout reports, a force of roughly 300,000 is currently marching west on the Continental Highway. They should be here by tomorrow.” Mike answered seriously.
His friend suddenly looked intensely thoughtful and began muttering under his breath too quietly to be heard.
”The undead hmm...I haven't had a chance to fight them yet.” Talgratha commented absently.