Chapter 231: A New Round of Talks (1/2)

Touch of Fate mobius_factor 88730K 2022-07-24

Brenden sat down on the wall with a sigh. He was feeling exhausted now that the adrenaline of battle had faded. Looking over the plains, he took note of the lightening of the sky that marked the approach of dawn, before glancing over at Mike. His friend had been strangely quiet since they'd finally defeated the monster. Even while he was performing his usual round of after combat healing, he'd hardly said a word.

[Probably just worried about what comes next. Can't imagine the Tenundians want to keep fighting after all this, but crazier things have happened.] He thought to himself before turning back to the others. ”So, I guess we can call this a victory. I'm surprised it actually worked.”

”It was a bit touch and go there a couple of times, but we came out on top.” Sera agreed. ”If that monster had been able to develop for a while longer, I'm not sure if we could have beaten it.”

She was resting against the low stone wall between Tal and Lily. The elf was unconscious, a product of the backlash caused by her application of Pact Magic, and would likely be so for the rest of the day. Lily, on the other hand, seemed completely fine. Her natural defenses had kept her injuries to a minimum, although she had somehow managed to get herself coated in a layer of drying blood that she'd yet to clean off, or even really notice.

”What do you mean?” He asked while idly scratching a spot on his arm that had been healed by Mike. The patch of skin was still fairly sensitive, as the new tissue still needed to be toughened up a bit. That, he knew from personal experience, wouldn't take too long.

”Well, like I said earlier, one of my new skills allows me to sense the relative strength of an enemy. With it, I got a fairly good idea of what was going on with that creature.”


”It felt...young, but flawed and sickly. Like a child born too early. Anyway, that's part of why Tal and I had the idea of implanting a self-destructive urge in the creature while its mental defenses were lowered. We figured that it wouldn't have the kind of resilience necessary to shake off that kind of effect.” The Oracle replied, fatigue leaking through her words.

”I'm surprised that worked. A primitive thing like that should have had a strong survival instinct.”

Sera nodded, ”I feel the same. Honestly, we were only hoping to suppress its regeneration long enough for Mike to kill it, but I guess our methods were more effective than we'd planned. Perhaps it naturally sought death in some capacity? We can ask Tal about it when she wakes up. She might be able to tell us more about it.”

”Let's leave that for another time.” Mike said while standing. ”We should be heading back. Its nearly sunrise, and you all deserve a long rest.”

To illustrate his point, he gathered Tal up into his arms and carried her over to Red. The recently healed dragon was patiently waiting for the group, going so far as to lower his body all the way to the ground to provide Mike an easily accessible place to climb onto his back. Evidently, his experiences during the fight had left him humbled, although Brenden was certain that this new attitude wouldn't last too long.

He fell in behind Sera and Lily, naturally taking his place at the back of the group. Perhaps it was because of this vantage or merely because he finally took the time to think about it, but he realized that he had a choice to make.

It was obvious to him now that his friends were ready and willing to welcome him back with open arms, albeit with a bit of ribbing in the process. Being just another follower again would agitate his pride a little, but it no longer seemed like such a terrible fate. His time as the leader of his own organization had taught him that there was a special kind of satisfaction that came with being part of something larger than oneself, and with Mike in charge, he felt certain that big things were in the offing.

However, he also knew that he'd changed in the short time he'd been away from the group. Whether or not that change was for the better remained to be seen, but he honestly felt that he'd matured in his new role. Returning to the group would mean giving up some of that. Not to mention the myriad of followers and responsibilities that he'd somehow acquired since becoming involved in the city's underworld. Leaving would mean abandoning them, and yet it was clear that Mike wouldn't be staying here for much longer. Judging from the man's personality, he wouldn't want to be the center of attention if he could avoid it. Unfortunately, his actions up to this point pretty much made it a guarantee. The only recourse would be to travel somewhere he wasn't so famous.

Brenden spent most of the short ride back to the dorm thinking about the problem. By the time they arrived, he'd yet to come to a decision. He was still standing outside of the rundown dormitory, debating his options, when the source of his issues interrupted his thoughts.

”You heading back?” Mike asked wearily. Despite his youthful face, he looked like nothing so much as a middle aged man who'd just finished a long and difficult day of work. It wasn't the face of a triumphant hero who'd just slain a terrible monster and saved the city in the process. Rather, it resembled someone weighed down by hardship and worry.

”Soon enough, I think.” He replied, knowing that doing so would likely make his decision for him.

Mike nodded with a tired smile. ”I understand. It was good to have you out there, all things considered. I don't think we could have done it without you.”

Brenden waved the praise off, ”You'd have figured something out. You always do.”

”Maybe, but we didn't have to take that chance, since we had someone there we could trust to get the job done.”

”What's with all this? You getting sentimental on me now?” He asked while turning away slightly, not really comfortable with where the conversation was going.

”I just wanted you to know that you'll always have a place with us, even if you decide that your path leads in a different direction.” Mike answered while patting Brenden on the shoulder.

They stood there in a slightly awkward silence for a few moments, before Mike turned away. ”Anyway, I should be getting back to headquarters. They'll probably want a full debriefing on the situation, and I expect that there will be another round of negotiations with the Tenundians.”

Brenden nodded. ”Yeah, that sounds about right. I doubt they'd be willing to keep fighting after all of this, but good luck regardless.”

”Thanks,” Mike replied with a chuckle.

A thought suddenly occurred to Brenden, ”Hey, before you go, do you still have someone watching me?”

Mike glanced back, ”Not right now. I have her working on something else at the moment, but I will likely have her return to her usual mission once she's done. Why, does it bother you?”

”A little, but its nothing I can't tolerate. That said, I'd like to speak with her face-to-face sometime. I never got a chance to thank her for her help during the assault.”

”That shouldn't be a problem.” Mike said while slowly lifting off the ground. Once he was a good few meters up, he waved, then turned and flew off in the direction of the New City.

[So, I guess he can actually fly now.] Brenden thought to himself as he began his trek back to the slums, not surprised in the least.


”We'll be negotiating for their withdrawal. With their losses over the last few days, I think they'll agree that the fight is largely over.” Emmanuel was saying as they waited for the Tenundian representatives. This time the meeting was supposed to take place in a neutral area between the city and the siege encampment, and an awning was set up for the purpose.

Mike's teacher had looked tired and ill since his fight with the titanic monster. So much so, that even the prospect of potential peace didn't seem to cheer him up.

”Hopefully. I could use a break.” Captain Henry replied with a sigh. ”By the way, can I ask why I'm here?”

”No.” The Marshal answered brusquely, obviously annoyed by the question.

Mike stifled a chuckle as the watchman was left with his mouth hanging open, unsure of how to respond to that answer.

”I think what our esteemed Marshal means to say is that you've been involved since the beginning, and that finding another representative for the City Watch would be difficult at this juncture. Not to mention your easy accessibility, given the circumstances.” Jarron Forthill, the acting mayor of Almirn, commented in reassuring manner.

The plump, middle aged man reminded Mike of a friendly uncle. One who might take you on a fishing trip and let you have one of his beers when no one was looking. However, from what he'd gathered from rumors, the mayor's kindly exterior hid a ruthless streak that once had him known as the 'Tyrant' of the Third District during his time in the City Watch. Supposedly, he still had a substantial bounty on his head that had yet to be collected.

”Think of it this way, Henry,” Mike started, unable to keep the amusement out of his voice. ”You are sitting next to two of the most powerful people on our side of the fight. Quite frankly, this is the safest place you could be.”

”As you say, Sir Dragonknight, but my bunk back at the station seems to be much more attractive right now.”

”Enough,” Emmanuel broke in, ”they're here.”

A few moments later the air in front of the tent warped and Marshal Kiertesan appeared with his two subordinates. All three of them were in rough shape, likely a byproduct of the events last night, however, they moved with an energy that betrayed a degree of desperation.

”Good of you to make-” Mayor Forthill started before Kiertesan cut him off.

”We don't have time for pleasantries.” He stated with a chilly voice. ”There are matters of great importance that we need to discuss.”

He stared around the tent for a few moments, as if daring someone to contradict him. When none did, he continued. ”Before I start, you should know that I speak with the full weight of the Tenundain government behind me. The events of last night have left me the highest ranking member of this expedition, and I fully planned on using this newfound authority to run this campaign in the manner I thought best. However, I received a report this morning that changed all that.”

”Let me guess, you want our help in dealing with enemy at your backs?” Emmanuel asked gruffly.

Kiertesan grimaced, ”You must be the Almiran Marshal. I'm starting to see why we had so much trouble. Your information network must be extensive.”

”You are the one that said you were short on time. State your business.”

There was a moment of silence as the two Marshals glowered at each other, before Kiertesan sighed and looked away. ”Although you already seem to know, I'll explain it anyway. A few days ago, we sent out a scouting expedition that was meant to investigate the disappearances of our supply convoys. This morning, the only surviving member stumbled into camp on the verge of death. He was rushed to the healers, but perished before he could receive treatment. However, he did managed to pass on a message scrawled by the expedition's commander.”

He drew a scrap of paper from a pocket, and threw it onto the table in front of them. ”You're welcome to read over it if you like, but I'll summarize. We, the people of Tenundi have been duped. According to our scouts, an army of undead bearing the banners of the Necrocracy of Lacot are advancing towards us from the direction of our homeland.”

There were a few gasps of surprise from the Almiran party, although Mike noticed Emmanuel seemed unfazed.

”What of the rearguard you left at the crossroads? Shouldn't they be the first target?” Mayor Jarron asked, a thoughtful look on his face.

”They should be, but considering the size of the undead army, I doubt they will be much more than a momentary distraction.” Kiertesan answered grimly.

”How big?” Emmanuel asked, for the first time looking slightly unsettled.

”Our scouts didn't have time for an accurate estimate, but they believed the number to be somewhere in the hundreds of thousands.”

A minute of stunned silence followed as everyone, even Emmanuel, was shaken by the news. Finally, even though he looked like he really didn't want to hear it, Jarron asked. ”Where did they come from? Surely they couldn't have transported all of those soldiers across the ocean without us noticing.”

The answer came to Mike before Kiertesan had a chance to answer. ”They were made in Tenundi, right?”

”...Yes, we believe so. Which means that the men and women that came with us on this expedition likely represent the entirety of the Tenundian people still alive...” The Marshal answered, shoulders sagging slightly under the weight of the sorrow his words brought him, but he straightened after a moment. ”As such, I wish to negotiate a cease fire and an alliance, so that I may protect the remnants of my people while we face our common foe.”

”You have a lot of nerve to ask that of us after all you've done.” Jarron growled. ”Do you know how many good people we've lost due to your invasion? And now you want to-”

”Enough.” Emmanuel cut him off with a gesture. ”We have bigger problems.”

He stared at Kiertesan for a moment, before nodding, ”Alright, what are your terms?”


Below is a status update. Please feel free to skip it and move on to the next chapter.



Michael Rasmussen

Race: Human

Age: 15

Class: Skill Master

Tier: 3 (High)


Title: None

Multiverse Traveler

Blessed One

Hunter of Renown

Battlefield Healer




Dungeon Savior


Saint of Healing

Nemesis of Demons



Fortuitous Alchemist

Known to the Lurker

Conjurer of the Draconic Bloodline



Battlemage (NEW)

Iron Soul (NEW)

Slyphkath (NEW)




Primary Skills:
