Chapter 197: Darts (1/2)
”Looks like the Dragonknight is keeping them preoccupied. Have our artillery switch to anti-personnel rounds and focus on the assault force. Surely they can hit formations of that size.” The 1st University Division commander was commenting. ”Now we just need to keep an eye out for any secondary attacks, and we should have this one in the bag.”
The first few scaling ladders were almost at the base of the wall, and the defenders were currently in the process of raining arrows, bullets, and various heavy objects on the approaching Tenundian soldiers. Every now and then, a few spells lit the sky with energy, however, they were all quickly intercepted. Typically, in this kind of conflict mages conserved their mana until there was a good opening, where they could launch a devastating attack.
Tal found the whole experience rather interesting. While this was not the first time she'd witnessed a battle, it was the first time she'd been able to watch it from such a commanding vantage. Seeing the tiny, insect-like dots moving around on the plains below made the conflict seem like something distant and inconsequential, even though she was well aware of how horrible things must be in the thick of it.
Thankfully, it seemed that the Tenundians weren't too interested in taking down the observation tower, at least for the time being. While Harnik did have to use the defense to deflect a few attacks from the siege weapons at first, that had largely abated when Mike started his attack.
”So, why am I here exactly? I feel like he left without really explaining anything.” The Oracle commented from her seat at the work table Mike had created a little while ago. As is often the case with open, flat surfaces in a military command center, it had been quickly covered with piles of reports, maps and other miscellaneous documents.
”Safer.” Tal muttered distractedly. Red had just taken off again, and had resumed his casual destruction of the Tenundian siege equipment.
[I suppose that means he's doing alright.]
”Yeah, because sitting within cannonball range of an ongoing siege is definitely safer than anywhere else.” She commented dryly.
Tal knew Sera was just pouting. With Mike's abrupt departure, his seeming lack of concern for her, and his assumption that she needed protection, the girl was left feeling despondent and sulky. While this was certainly understandable, these kinds of emotions were troublesome in the midst of a battle.
[She could use something to take her mind off of things.]
”Have idea.”
Sera, who was currently resting her chin on the surface of the table, rolled her head slightly to look up. ”Oh?”
”Training.” Tal used some of the mana stored in the bracer Mike had given her to summon a handful of tiny stone spears, roughly the size of a dart. With another application, she made a circular target board of relatively hard clay, and affixed it to one of the tower's interior walls.
As Sera looked on curiously, the elf flicked one of the spears at the board, hitting a point near the far left. It remained embedded, sticking straight out. Tal offered Sera the rest, ”Do better?”
The Oracle grinned. ”Just watch me.”
[Hm, that wasn't quite as effective as I hoped.]
The cone of chilled air had created a patch of frost on the ground in front of him, but it wasn't nearly as potent as he'd originally anticipated. The Shaman had managed to summon a barricade of earth in front of her at the last second, which seemed to have caught the brunt of his attack. The other three were effected to varying degrees.
Orin, the martial artist was coated in a fine layer of ice, and was moving stiffly, evidently in pain. Lorelia was grimacing while in a similar state, although it looked as if she would recover in the near future. The Pact Mage, Calian had wrapped himself in a pair of massive black feathered wings that had sprouted from his back at some point. As Mike watched, the wings vanished in a shower of feathers, revealing the unharmed Demon Binder.
Mike channeled his mana, and began another chant. He figured a wide area spell would keep them tied up while he took them down on a one on one basis. Besides, this was an excellent time to practice a variety of magic he hadn't much of a chance to use yet.
”Primal flame of the earth, whose origins lay in the unknowable past, lend to me the strength of creation. Bring forth the molten tears of the planet and shower them with the fury of Ea. [Volcanic Surge].”
The ground under Orin and Lorelia began to bulge and steam as the magically created heat and pressure warped the landscape.
”Shit!” The large woman cursed as a geyser of steam scalded one of her legs. Reacting quickly, she grabbed Orin and dived out of the area of effect.
In seconds, the earth erupted in an explosion of molten rock. A wash of intense heat filled the area, quickly melting any remaining frost. While globs of the superheated material were raining down on the now panicking Tenundian soldiers, Mike seized control of the lava with his will, and split it into four streams, directing one at each of his enemies.
Wren created another wall, this time made of mud, which protected her from the effect. Calian leapt into the air after summoning the black pair of wings again, however, he was forced to dodge and weave as the stream continued to follow.
The two non-mages had a bit more trouble. Orin was forced to sprint for cover, which caused the molten stream to wash over an entire squad of soldiers, eliciting horrifying screams as they were effectively melted by the river. He dodged behind one of the wagons, putting him far enough away that it was getting difficult for Mike to maintain his concentration the spell.