Chapter 134: Tentorium (1/2)

Touch of Fate mobius_factor 55430K 2022-07-24

”What do you mean, he escaped?!” Andrea yelled.

”Well, it appears he had access to an artifact from the Second Age, which allowed him to teleport somewhere. At this point he is beyond our reach.” Mike replied.

The princess walked over to the railing and gave it a solid kick, before sulkily crossing her arms and staring into the distance. The remaining Tennundian soldiers briefly shifted their gazes to the temperamental woman, before looking down at the ground. All told, they appeared to be demoralized and beaten. Believing that his presence was no longer necessary to keep them in line, Mike had Red let go of the ship and fly alongside it.

Now, all that was left to do, was drop the ship off at the University, sneakily escape in the confusion, and find a way of blending back into the crowd of surviving students to make sure that no one suspected his absence.

[I'm beginning to see why superheroes are always complaining about having alter egos.]

While he was debating on the precise method he would use to achieve all of that, he heard a woman shouting distantly.

”PRINCESS ANDREAAA!” It sounded faint, but grew louder near the last syllable.

Mike looked around. They were still a kilometer above the ground, at the very least. Confused, he walked to the railing where he heard the sound coming from.


Something moving extremely fast flashed by, and Mike's vision was suddenly filled as a woman in golden armor flung herself in his direction. If it wasn't for the sudden burst of hostile intent, Mike would have been at a loss to respond. He quickly dived to his right, narrowly avoiding a powerful spear thrust which shattered the portion of the deck he'd been occupying just seconds before.

His attacker was tall, roughly 1.7m and dressed in ornate golden plate armor. The center of her breastplate was etched with the royal crest of Almir, a skyward pointed sword between a pair of blue lions on a field of red. A white cape extended from her shoulders giving her a heroic air. Her shoulder length orange hair was tied back in a ponytail.

”Release the princess, you fiend!” The woman said while leveling her spear at Mike.

”Alright.” He responded nonchalantly.

”Very well, I will have to make” The knight blinked, head tilted slightly in confusion. He took this opportunity to use a quick Appraise.


Leona Albright

Age: 26

Class: Dragoon

Title: Almiran Royal Guard


”Leona! Stand down! That man saved my life!” Andrea called while marching over.

”Ah?” The woman apparently called Leona replied with a slight head tilt. ”Ah! Princess you're alright.”

She rushed up to Andrea and crushed her in a tight armor-plated hug. ”I'm so relieved! When I heard you'd been kidnapped, I stole a courier hippogriff and rushed here straight away.”

”Urk! Leona! Let go! You're crushing me again.”

”Ah! Sorry, princess.”

”I take it you two are familiar with one another?”

Andrea pushed herself free of the other woman, ”Yes. Leona here is a member of the Royal Guard, and has been my chosen knight and companion since I was a child. She has been my protector as long as I can remember.”

”Indeed!” The golden knight replied before rounding on Andrea with stern disapproval written on her face. ”If you had only allowed me to accompany you during your studies, this would have never have happened.”

Andrea opened her mouth, ready to deliver a fiery comeback, but hesitated. After a few moments, she spoke in a quiet, depressed voice. ”Yes. You are right. I overestimated myself and my abilities, and others paid the price.”

”Princess….” Leona muttered, clearly overwhelmed by conflicting emotions.

Now thoroughly feeling like he was intruding on a private moment between two close friends, Mike surreptitiously moved himself towards the side of the ship once more. He hopped up onto the railing, pausing to face the pair. ”Well, it seems like you are in good hands, Andrea. I believe it is time for me to take my leave.”

She looked over at him in surprise, ”Wait! I still don't know your name!”

”I'll be seeing you.” He fell backwards off the ship, neatly landing on Red's back, as the dragon flew by.

He glanced back long enough to see Andrea staring after him from the railing, raised a hand to bid her farewell, and directed his mount to find a good place for him to jump off near the city, finally settling for a small sandbar near the northern shore of the bay.

[Thanks for the all the help today.] He message Red while watching the dragon depart. [You were a real lifesaver.]

Just before he was out of sight, Mike heard a loud draconic roar, which his Communication Magic translated as something along the lines of ”No problem, boss.”

Dismissing his mask and storing his cloak, Mike started making his way back towards the city. Judging from his location, he would have to jump the walls. Luckily, his Air Magic had finally increased in tier, and he was now only a few steps away from being able to fly himself.

He eventually succeeded in throwing himself over the University's walls without being seen, but it was a close thing. The guard had been tripled, likely due to the attack, and he had to time his magic just right. Once he'd reached the lighthouse near his dorm, he could finally relax. It seemed as if he'd successfully completed two of three tasks. Now if he could just reintegrate into the crowd on central campus, all would be well.

Except, now that he thought about it, there were at least three people who knew he'd summoned a semi-permanent flame dragon. The same dragon which had promptly turned the tide in battle and had been instrumental in saving the princess from her kidnappers.

For a brief moment, Mike seriously considered simply leaving it all behind and living in the woods. With his ability to talk to animals, he could probably have a fulfilling life in the wild. However, he would miss the conveniences of city living. Especially the food.

[Oh well, I'll just deal with it, if it becomes a problem.]

By the time he'd made it back to central campus, the cavalry had arrived. Not just figuratively, but literally as well. Mike was forced to dodge as a group of armored knights on horse and dinosaur back rode past, heading towards the walls.

University guards and soldiers wearing the heraldry of Almir were everywhere. Now that the danger had passed, it seemed that they were trying to go overboard on security to make up for their initial blunder. Just to get into the area where the other students were receiving treatment he had to answer a battery of questions.

He was forced to come up with a story where he had been separated from the rest of the students in the chaos, and was chased by a group of enemy soldiers. Eventually, he was able to escape them thanks to his knowledge of the terrain.

Although the guards that were questioning him didn't look fully convinced, they let him through once he showed them his student card.

[Should have just done that from the beginning, I guess.]

He quickly spotted his companions, and was glad to see that they looked uninjured. They were standing a little bit away from the rest of the students, talking quietly. Tal was the first to spot him, waving tiredly as he approached. ”Welcome back. Glad okay.”

At the elf's words, Sera and Brenden turned to look at him with very different expression. The Oracle looked slightly depressed at the sight of him, but quickly became angry. Brenden, on the other hand, grinned. ”Looks like you had a rough time of it.”