Chapter 112: Equivalent Exchange (1/2)

Touch of Fate mobius_factor 45750K 2022-07-24

Instructor Agatha stalked over to Lily, once she had determined that the problem student wasn't planning on creating any more explosions in the near future. She spoke in a low voice, ”Lily, we've talked about this. If you must experiment with unstable compounds, do it on your own time.”

Grinning, Lily sketched an ironic salute, ”As you say, Aggy. I'll stop scaring the newbies.”

With a sigh Agatha returned to the front of the room. The whole series of events felt ritualistic, almost as if the two of them had gone through this conversation many time before.

Stern faced, she turned and addressed the class. ”I know you are all probably feeling a bit uncomfortable at the moment, but it's important for you to remember that Alchemy is a messy business. If you can't handle a little bit of goo, you will have a hard time in this course.” Her face softened a little bit, ”If you haven't already done so, please use Lifestyle Magic to clean yourself and your immediate area.”

There was a flurry of minor magic. Agatha waited until it ceased before continuing. ”All settled now? Good, let's begin. Alchemy is, quite simply, the art of using magic and mundane materials to produce goods. Everything from household items like soap, to adventuring tools like restoration potions, to the anti-gravity cores used in the construction of airships are created through the use of Alchemy.”

[Airships?! They have airships in this world? How did I not know this?]

”Who here has already unlocked their Alchemy skill?”

A few hands were raised in response, including Lily's.

”I must apologize to those of you with your hands raised. Today we will be focusing on unlocking the skill of the rest of the class. However, you still stand to gain some practical experience. Now, did everyone receive a letter from your department regarding your Alchemy equipment? Please bring them to the front in an orderly fashion. Once you have done so, you may collect a set from one of the cabinets.”

Mike joined the line, turned his form in, received a key numbered 16, and followed the flow of traffic to the cabinets on the wall. Opening his assigned cabinet, Mike found two separate compartments divided between safety wear and actual alchemical equipment. In one a grey lab coat, a pair of leather gloves, a set of leather and glass goggles, and a complex hood-like apparatus that seemed to serve as rudimentary gas mask. The other held a wide variety of glassware in various shapes and sizes, a mortar and pestle, a miniature clay oven, a heavy box marked with arcane runes, and a selection of knives, tongs, pliers, and hammers that would look right at home in a torture chamber.

”Today we will be working on a relatively simple recipe to help unlock your skills. Please put on your protective coats and gloves, and bring the oven, the furnace box, and the mortar and pestle to your seats.” Agatha gave some quick instructions while removing a set of her own equipment from a footlocker under the front table.

Mike took a moment to Appraise the 'furnace box,' assuming it was some kind of magic item.


{Furnace Box}

Magic Item (Tier 1, Rank 2)

A magic tool used for a variety of purposes. When activated, will produce a steady amount of heat at a variable temperature. All functions are controlled by pressing the activation runes on the box's front side.


[Seems simple enough.]

Mike took the required materials back to his seat, and waited with anticipation as Agatha came around and dropped off two small bundles and a flask of water, at each table. As soon as they arrived, Lily grabbed the flask, ignoring the two pouches.

”We will be making Clarifying Tonic, one of the easiest Alchemical recipes to produce. Even untrained, there is no reason anyone in this classroom should have any trouble completing it after a few tries.” Agatha spoke with a degree of emphasis on this last point when she passed by Lily.

Although she likely intended it as a subtle reprimand, it was apparently too subtle for Lily to catch, as the problem student went on preparing her materials while humming cheerfully to herself.

”This tonic can be used to ease the suffering induced by excessive indulgence in alcohol, restoring one's mind to clarity. As such, is one of the most popular alchemical creations on the market. There are three ingredients to this recipe. First is a sprig of Iceroot, which provides the cleansing qualities for which the tonic is famous. Second, a measure of ground Joran Nut, which serves as both the primary stabilizing agent and the source of the minor restorative properties for the solution. Finally, a large portion of fresh water. I'll write the specific quantities on the board, but don't be too concerned with accuracy just yet. The Clarifying Tonic recipe is very forgiving when it comes to ratios.”

She paused her lecture to follow through on her earlier claim.

”Now please start by grinding the Iceroot and Joran Nut together in the mortar. Don't bother shelling the nut, simply grind the husk into the mixture. Add a dash of water to make sure it becomes a nice, thick paste.”

Mike opened the two small pouches as found a sprig of a greenish-blue herb with sharp, pointed leaves, and a small brown nut, that resembled a walnut. He tossed them into the mortar, added a bit of water he created through magic, and started mixing. Although it was a little difficult to break the shell up in its entirety, he nevertheless ended up with a chunky paste after a few minutes of effort.

”Once you've gotten the ingredients mixed, it's time to start up your furnace box. Do so by pressing the spiral symbol at the center, once it lights up, you will see four identical runes to the right of it. Press the second one.”

Mike followed her instructions. The top portion of the box immediately started producing heat, causing the air above it to ripple and sway.

[That's way faster than an electric range back in my old world. Magic sure is convenient.]

”Pour the contents of your mortar into your ovens, divide the remaining water evenly with your seat mates, and add it to the oven as well. Next, make sure to cover them and place them on the furnace. It will take a few minutes for the tonic to be ready.”

He watched as Lily simply threw the water in her own oven, placed it on the furnace box, and started watching it intently.