Chapter 97: Shadows of Fore (1/2)

Touch of Fate mobius_factor 50720K 2022-07-24

William, the exploding woman's bulter, was at the door when Mike answered.

”Pardon my intrusion. I heard that we had a new neighbor, so I am here to welcome you to the fourth floor of the Lighthouse Dormitory. My name is William, a butler in service to house Dornovo. I'm afraid that my mistress, Lady Dornovo, is currently indisposed, so I will be greeting you in her stead.”

Mike noticed with a great deal of interest, and some sympathy, that the formerly clean-shaven butler now sported a full-sized beard. His steel gray hair had also doubled in length. It seemed that whatever experiments William was involved in had led to the sudden growth.

[What could she be researching? It has to involve magic.]

”Of course. Thank you for your consideration. I'm Michael, but please feel free to call me Mike. I am a new student in the Magic Department. This is Sera, Tal, and Brenden, my friends and traveling companions.”

”A pleasure to make your acquaintance.” The butler said with a little bow. ”Please feel free to call on me if you should have any questions. My mistress and I have been living here for close to three years now. I could be considered something of an expert when it comes to University life.”

”Once again you have our thanks, we'll keep you in mind-” Mike was interrupted by a hungry and slightly upset Audra, who had crawled up his back and flopped out onto his shoulder.

”My word….” The butler exclaimed.

Panicking slightly, Mike started trying to explain, ”Well, you see…”

”Is that a Water Drake? I haven't seen one in years. Thought they'd all gone extinct.” He said with a cheery, nostalgic smile. ”I actually had one as a boy, you see. Best pet I'd ever had.”

Mike laughed nervously, ”Is that so? We weren't really sure what she was. I just happened to acquire her egg by chance.”

”How fortunate! They're really quite exquisite pets. Smarter and longer lived than cats and dogs. Cleaner too. They can eat almost anything, and, although they rarely show it, they have some proficiency with low level Water Magic. A perfect companion for an aspiring mage!”

”Good to hear. I was a little afraid that she wouldn't be allowed in the University.”

Laughing as if he heard a good joke, the butler responded, ”I'm not so sure about classes themselves, but there is no rule preventing students from having pets on campus. Why, I'm certain I've seen a few of the Magic Department students with pets of their own. Although I think they call them something else.” He frowned in contemplation.

”Well, I greatly appreciate the information, but we had a few tasks left to take care of before dinner…” Mike left his statement hanging.

”Oh! Of course. I hadn't meant to stay so long, please excuse me.” William exclaimed while stepping away from the door, and heading downstairs. There was something troubling him about the exchange he'd just had, but he couldn't place it.

[I don't recall Water Drakes having four legs. Must be getting old.]

Mike closed the door with a sigh. It sounded like they at least had a decent cover story for Audra now. He fed the little dragon a piece of dried meat he'd started keeping in a pocket. She devoured the offering quickly, and gave him an expectant look.

He walked back into the living room and started hunting for something to feed the bottomless pit that was his familiar. They'd be going down to dinner soon, but he had a sneaking suspicion she wouldn't wait that long.


”Sir, I believe we may have a problem student on our hands.” Instructor Thomas was standing rigidly in front of the Magic Department Chair.

Emmanuel Garthun, also known as The World Strider for his mastery of Space Magic, wearily looked up at Thomas in mid bite. It was not the first time the fussy instructor had come to him about potential 'problem children' in the department, but he usually waited until he was in the office to harass him about it. The Department Chair set down his fork, wiped his mouth with a napkin and motioned for Thomas to take a seat at the cafeteria table he was currently eating at.

”Alright, what's the issue this time?”

”I just conducted the admissions test for a student less than an hour ago. He managed to destroy a fully powered Testing Ring in the process.” Thomas whispered, trying to not let his words carry too far in the small cafeteria.

This got the Chair's attention. Most mages would have a hard time damaging the enchantment laid on the ring, let alone destroying it. ”Had he studied somewhere else before coming here? Or was he the descendant of some Dynastic Mage Family?”

”I am ashamed to admit, that in my shock I failed to ask him these questions, but I believe he was primarily self-taught. I overheard him speaking with Henry, the scholarship student who was manning the front desk today. He only claimed knowledge of two low level elemental chants.”

Emmanuel sat back in his chair, and ran a hand over his trademark slicked-back hairstyle. ”What chant did he end up using? I can't imagine any Tier 1 elemental spell being that potent, regardless of who cast it.”

”He mangled the chant rather badly, adding words and changing others, but I believe he used Stone Javelin.”

The Department Chair sighed. He would have to do some investigation into the student to confirm he wasn't a poorly trained spy or assassin from another country or some shady organization. The recent political situation meant that the University couldn't afford to become involved in the developing dynastic struggle.

To compound matters, this was also the year that the Mage's Guild was planning on conducting an inspection on their training regime. He heard rumors that there were a few big wigs coming through, possibly even the Archmage himself. The last thing his department needed was a major disruption caused by an unknown variable.

However, if this new student proved to be genuine, then he might very well be a prodigy. One that could bring the department a great deal of prestige, and validate their admittedly outdated training methods.