Chapter 26: On the Road Again (1/2)

Touch of Fate mobius_factor 47500K 2022-07-24

Once Morris had the requisite paperwork completed, and Mike felt strong enough for the walk back to town, the pair left the village. So long as they avoided any mishaps, they should be able to make it back to Mayde by later afternoon.

”Almost forgot to mention. Here.” Morris commented as they were a little ways down the road. He handed Mike a sack with a heavy round object the size of a child's skull.

”What is it?” Mike asked while peeking inside.

”It's the vargul's heart.”

”Blergh! Why would you give me that?!”

Morris laughed, ”It's the only really valuable component of the vargul. Much like other kinds of vampires, their bodies tend to break down after death, leaving only their heart which crystallizes. Vargul heart is a potent alchemical ingredient which can be used to make a number of products. Although the one we fought was probably a particularly young one, its heart should still net us somewhere in the region of 20-30 gold. That'd be enough to replace your weapons and armor.”

Mike glanced down at the sword he still wore at his side. The fight with the vargul had twisted it out of shape, to the point it barely fit back into the sheath. His leather armor that he had gotten from the Order was almost completely tattered beyond salvaging. So, with the exception of the bracers and greaves which were still functional, he sold the remaining scraps to the local leather worker.

”We can get you something basic once we get to Mayde, but if you want to make it as an Adventurer, you were going to have to upgrade eventually anyway. Wyrport has some of the best markets in the country, so we should be able to find you some good stuff.”

”Fair enough. What do you want to do with your share?”

Morris blinked, ”No, no, no. This was your kill. I don't mind taking half of the reward money for the request, since I certainly identified the threat, but I didn't do anything to help kill it.”

”Look, as far as I'm concerned, we're partners. If it wasn't for your insight and knowledge, I wouldn't have stood a chance against that monster. You contributed just as much as I did, so it's only fair that we split the loot.”

Morris didn't look convinced, so Mike continued. ”I know you've been feeling a little useless since you lost your arm. I can't imagine what it must be like to go through that, but if it wasn't for your help and support I'd be lost. Your experience and knowledge and wisdom have made this trip easy…., well, easier than it would have been otherwise. You can offer so much more than the strength of your arm, and I for one am proud to call you my friend.”

The older man looked away, obviously a little overcome with emotion. Eventually he looked back. ”Alright, you win. I'll take your money, but I'm buying the first round when we get back to town.”

It was Mike's turn to laugh, ”Fair enough. Hey, if you want, I'd even be willing to let you cover another night at the Fanciful Maiden.”

”Don't push it. Do I look like I'm made of money?”

The pair chatted amicably about various things for the rest of the trip back. They made good time and were able to stop by the Adventurer's Guild before it closed for the day.

Don, the guild receptionist seemed surprised to see them. ”I didn't think you would survive. I guess congratulations are in order.” Without changing his perpetually bored expression, he pulled a lever on the wall behind him. With a click, a banner unfurled from the ceiling emblazoned with 'Congratulations, New Adventurer!'

”The manager makes me do that for all the newbies who successfully complete their first request.” He drawled. ”Speaking of which, the manager needs to verify your placement.” He got up and slowly shuffled into the corridor leading up to the manager/guildmaster's office.

After a short wait, Mike was invited to head upstairs.

An exuberant Anton welcomed him into the office. ”Don tells me you've completed your request. Do you happen to have the form with you?”

Mike handed him the paper.

”Hm, yes I see. Full marks from the client with a bonus thrown in too. You seem to have gone above and beyond this time my boy, well done.”

Mike wondered what other times he was talking about.

He paused after reaching a particular point, and looked up at Mike in astonishment. ”A Vargul?! You actually killed a vargul? In its lair? At night?”

Mike nodded, but couldn't get any words out before Anton replied, ”Ridiculous! It would at least take a Rank 6 adventurer like myself to that. Do you have any proof?”

Mike silently dumped the varugl heart on Anton's desk. It sat there, glistening in the light, looking to all the world like a fist sized chunk of red crystal. One that vaguely resembled a human heart.

The guild manager stared at it for a good minute, disbelief written on his features, before he sighed and leaned back in his chair, looking older than he did when Mike first walked in. He motioned for Mike to place the heart back into the sack while quietly muttering to himself. Mike barely caught the words, ”Kids these days,” and decided it wasn't worth trying to listen closer.

Anton continued to glance over the document for a few minutes before placing it on a pile on his desk. ”It seems you have some talent as an adventurer, so I see no reason why you can't start at Rank 3. It's the highest rank I'm allowed to start you at, so don't complain to me about it being too low.” He murmured in a tired voice while rubbing his eyes, as if fighting a headache.

”I'm fine with that.”

”Place your hand on the orb again, and I'll update your rank.” He said while setting up the strange box device on his desk.