Chapter 22: Moonlit Walk (1/2)
Randolph swept towards the boy angrily, ”What's this about your sister? What happened?”
”T-The cow, M-Martha.” Will stammered, terror and guilt warring in his features. ”She was giving birth, and Tillie wanted to be there. S-She asked me to go, but I…I couldn't, not while it was still out there.”
He choked back a sob, ”Hic…She went by herself, even though it was dark. I waited for her to come back, but she was taking so long. I couldn't take it anymore, so I went to look for her and then I saw it coming out of the barn.”
The boy's face went pale as he started talking in hushed tones. ”I saw it, the same demon I saw by the lake. It had Tillie in its mouth. It saw me, a-and I couldn't do anything. I couldn't move, couldn't breathe, I-I could only watch as took Tillie and flew away.”
He looked up at the adults surrounding him, profound despair torturing his features. ”The demon got my sister and I couldn't stop it.” Tears started streaming down his face.
Mike glanced over at Randolph, expecting him to do something to comfort his son, but saw the man's face twisted in worry and indecision. He was constantly tensing as if to burst into action, but seemed to remain frozen.
Morris was the one to break the silence. ”You said this 'demon' carried your sister while flying away?” He frowned as if in deep contemplation.
The crying boy nodded in response.
”What did the demon look like?”
”It was big, the size of…..the size of a big horse. It was walking all hunched over, using its wings as a second set of legs. I think it was hairy, but I'm not sure. I couldn't look away from those horrible red eyes….” Will trailed off into silence.
Mike suddenly had a thought, ”You said you've seen this thing before. Where was it?”
”There's a cave north of the fishing pier, in the side of the ridge. It's hard to see unless you are right next to it. I saw it coming out of there.”
”You can't take what he says seriously.” Randolph spoke up finally. ”Will has always been a big liar, talking about seeing fairies and spirits every time he comes back from playing in the woods. The thing is, he's the only one who ever 'sees' them.”
Will seemed to shrink under his father's dismissal of his claims. Frankly, Randolph's attitude was starting to piss Mike off. He was just about to start verbally attacking the man when Morris broke in.
”I have a couple of ideas about what this creature could be, but I'm not sure. If my guess is right, the girl could still be alive, but it would only be a matter of time for that to change. Will claims to have witnessed the creature leaving a cave near the lake, has anyone else seen it?”
The adults in the common room shuffled around nervously, but no one spoke.
”Fine, then Will's story is the only lead we have, and the only chance we have of saving the girl. Mike and I will handle the creature, but we will need someone to guide us to this cave. Does anyone know where it is?”
Once again silence reigned in the common room, until Will's quiet voice broke in. ”I do. I'll take you there.” He stood while wiping his tears. Morris smiled sadly and nodded.
”Hold on. If you are taking Will, I'm going to.” Randolph announced, determination evident in his face. ”I can't let strangers be the ones to save my girl.”
”Alright, is there anyone else brave enough to step forward?” Mike asked the crowd in a soft voice that nevertheless seemed to permeate the room.
His only answer was silence. No one was willing to meet his gaze, but most had the decency to look guilty about it.
He shook his head before turning to the other three. ”Let' go. The sooner we can save her the better.”
The group left the inn. Will took the lead, directing them towards the northeastern shore of the small Clearwater Lake. Randolph followed closely behind him, tension and worry evident the way he held his shoulders.
When they finally exited the town and had been traveling awhile, Morris held Mike back a bit, opening the distance between them and the other two.
Before Mike could ask him about it, Morris spoke in a hushed tone. ”You should know, that if I am right about the creature's identity, we probably won't be a match for it.”