93 Ascending! (1/2)
”~Travelling is Sharid's lust. High over mountains and deep through valleys...~”
Nyahahaha! I had the best time in my life since master is gone. I decided to follow his advice and chose spellsinging as my preferred skill. It's directly connected to spellweaving which is my profession now.
With the delicate age of sweet nineteen, I am wandering the world and join various groups of adventurers as a spellweaver. A magician with this profession lacks offensive power because his spells have the nature of enchants or curses.
I didn't stay in any group for too long. The male members tend to become too pushy over the time. Even though I have pretty good control over my abilities now. I can't hold serious conversations with guys.
But by assisting others I am able to hone my skill which relies on allies.
Right now I am using a spellsong to increase our groups endurance. Back in a small village I joined four adventurers on their journey through the dark forest.
Joining up with other adventurers eliminates my biggest weakness. And that's my sense of direction! If there is no big road to follow, I am lost. It's as simple as that. I don't know why.
Once I started my journey in the high north and lost the road because I camped a little further away from the path. The next morning I didn't find the path any more and started to walk through the wild nature.
When I finally found civilisation again, the village people told me that I was far in the south!
So since then I followed a few rules. First, always follow other people. Second, always camp on the road. Third, Never take a leakage out of sight of the road.
As for my current group. There is a swordsman named Ron with a two handed longsword. Then we have Maxime who is our priestess. Sondo is a skilled marksman with a bow and daggers for close range combat. Iris is a knight in heavy armour. I don't understand why a woman would want to engage in close combat. But everyone is different.
Our current goal is to cross the dark wood, which is a dangerous forest. We want to get to the western coast behind it in order to find employment.
Walking around it would take us thrice the time than simply crossing through. The only problem are the wild monsters and orks which haunt this place. I hum my melody while our group walks past big forest trees.
”You are the most cheerful person I have ever met Sharid. Do you ever stop singing?” Iris notices my most valuable trait.
”Not really! I sing whenever I can and as much as I am able to. My dream is to become the best singer in the world!” I raise my arm to point towards the sky! Of course I want to become a god, but saying that loud would only be understood as a joke.
”I think you are already the best singer in the world, Sharid. I never heard a voice like yours. You could make unbelievable sums of money by working as a singer in a big town.” Ron joins the conversation.
”Oh, please. Stop the flattery! Besides, I wouldn't get to see the world! What's life worth if you always stay in one place!” I correct the grip on my backpack while I avoid a root on the path.
”It wasn't...” -Ron
But Sondo interrupts him by raising an arm to signal the group to stop. ”We are surrounded. There is something in the bushes ahead and to our sides behind the trees.”
”Can we turn and run?” Iris takes the shield from her back.
”I don't think that we would get away, but....” -Sondo
The sound of an ork-horn interrupts him. With the signal thirty armed orks jump out of the thick underwood twenty metres in front of us.
Eight orks leave their hidings to our left and nine to our right! That amounts to fourty seven enemies! We are hopelessly outnumbered!
But Maxime keeps her cool and immediately throws a binding spell onto the enemies to our right while Sondo throws a big smoke bomb at the main group. It's immediately followed by a set of different other grenades. Then Sondo draws his daggers and enters the smoke screen.
While flashes of light throw the main group into disarray, Iris and Ron make a stand against the attack from our left.
I start to sing a hymn of strength and defence to assist my comrades. Four orks stop their advance in order to deal with our close range fighters while the others simply run past them to attack our rear guard.
”Sharid! Maxime!” -Ron
”I can't bind them and defend myself!” Maxime has a frightful face while the shackles of light on the group to our right start to flicker.
I step before Maxime while I continue to sing. The first ork arrives with a raised axe and I jump forward to kick him in the groin while I catch the axe which was coming down at me.
The ork is lifted two metres into the air while I throw the axe at the second ork. The axe enters his rusty chest plate with a satisfying *Thud*.
As the third ork arrives, I evade the first swing of his rusty blade and give him a back handed slap to the face. His head bends backwards into an unhealthy angle and I grab the rusty sword out of his limp fingers.
The fourth ork wields a mace at me but I use the rusty sword to redirect it and the mace buries itself into the ground. A quick kick to the ork's shin snaps the bone with a crunching sound and the monster falls backwards.
Before he can get up his skull is crushed under the sole of my foot. Haaah! I like it to ~crush~ bad guys.
Picking up the mace, I turn to finish off my first opponent / ~victim~. He is still on his knees while the mace comes down on his neck and ends his miserable existence.
Having dealt with the disturbance, I concentrate my full attention on singing again. With the enhanced strength and agility our close combat fighters manage to deal with their enemies rather easily.
Then they advance towards the shackled group and start a bloody execution.
I turn my attention to the lifting smoke screen and realize that something bad happened on Sondo's side.
There are orks emerging out of the smoke. I switch my aria to a song which weakens enemies. The orks fall to their knees with strained expressions on their faces.
Spellweaving is a very powerful art, but it comes with a price. Spells which affect such a huge area come with a hefty consumption of mana. Mana is a power within ones soul. It's directly connected with your ability to concentrate and your life force.
And I feel my reserves dwindle! Singing so many powerful spells is using almost my entire power. The last song is especially difficult because I have to suppress all enemies affected by it.
I feel my concentration wavering while I try to use every ounce of power within me. I have to do this! Thirty enemies at the same time are too much for this group!
Pearls of sweat are forming on my forehead while I feel the last of my power disappearing. But there has to be more! I continue to sing while I search within myself for anything besides my own life force.
But scraping a bit off of my own life is better than dying? Isn't it? I continue to sing while my comrades finish the last of the shackled opponents and advance towards the main group.
My voice starts to waver while my life diminishes with each word. But I have to hold on.
When my life is almost gone, I suddenly realize a small spark of power within myself. It is so small. I would have never felt it if I hadn't drained my reserves to that extend!
Like someone dying of thirst, I grab for that small spark of power and suddenly an unbelievable force floods through my entire being!
There is so much mana! More than I ever felt before. It shakes my entire being. A white nothingness of pure power is all around me and I become aware of streams of pure energy through all my surroundings.
I never felt them before. I never realized that there was so much power everywhere all along! Then I am overwhelmed by this new realization of reality and everything goes dark.
A slow swaying motion wakes me up and I open my eyes. A slight pain stings into them, as I am blinded by the light. ”Ouch! Too bright!”
”Sharid? You are awake? Thank the gods! Ron, set her down!” Maxime's voice reaches my ears.
”What happened?” I blink as I am helped off of Ron. Looks like he carried me on his back.
”You were out cold for a day. We are almost out of the forest!” Sondo looks at me with a worried face. He has a pretty big bump on his forehead. Did he run into a tree?
”Ngh! I am so sorry! You guys had to carry me all the way?” I get to my feet. Somehow I feel light!
”Careful! You don't have to apologize. You saved us all with that last song. To hold down that many orks. I am sorry. You even used your own life force! Are you sure you are able to stand?” Iris gives me another worried look.
”It's okay! I never felt better! What's wrong with you guys?” I smile at them.
”Um... your hair...” Ron points at me with an awkward expression.
I pull my hair into my view and become aware of a pure white strand. It seems to origin from my left temple. ”Hm. Does it look cool? It gives me a villain look doesn't it? Can you tell me what happened?”
Iris takes the lead in explaining things. ”After you started that last song, we hurried to deal with the paralysed orks. We realized that you started to burn your own life to keep them in check and worked as fast as we could.”
She takes a breath.
”But when we were halfway done, you suddenly emitted this light and your whole body started glowing. You sang and sang. It was like a messenger of the gods came to the mortal realm. And then you suddenly dropped to the ground and were unconscious. Nothing we did could wake you up and so we carried you all the way here.”