86 Searching and a damsel in distress! (1/2)
So it's decided. We will start to investigate all those locations and determine if we can find a trace of the Council.” Miruliru nods with a satisfied expression.
”And you are sure that Eris told you the truth?” Carne grumbles while he is flipping through a stash of papers.
”Sure as much as it's possible. I kept Eris close just in case.” I smile at the group at the table. We are in Asheim to talk about our future actions.
”You kept her close? Don't tell me you did something unreasonable like with El Shaddai!” -Chiffre
”Nonono. It's nothing like that. You don't have to worry.” I keep smiling. Hmmm. But the talks about El Shaddai remind me of something.
It feels like I forgot something. Hmmm.
”I see, you don't want to tell. Well it's the same in any case.” Gwalonna shrugs her shoulders.
”We will check all locations within our territories and report back as soon as we find something.” Zanders nods at the group and vanishes.
One after the other, the rest leaves too until I am alone in the room. Hah. It still feels like I forgot something.
Whatever. I will remember it sometime. While I hum a tune, I step onto a pathway to take a look at our newest project.
I reappear on a panorama platform above Chimera. To be more exact it's on the moon. To deal with the rapid appearance of new Spheres, we decided to massively invest in our fleet of flying fortresses.
By stepping closer to the big window, I get a good view on a long row of crystalline ships. Well I will call those things ships. They are smaller than the fortresses with long and sleek forms.
We decided to do it that way because they are easier to build. Or grow in this case. And using a whole fortress is serious overkill to deal with small incidents.
The other powers don't have something like that yet. But they are playing with the thought. The Arcane Community already launched a few of their prototypes.
The fortresses and ships offer protection if nothing else. It's not that easy to crack open a crystal armoured shell. And in case of fights, they are perfect rally points of strategic value.
”I see you came to take a look at my work.” Margerie's voice reaches me from behind.
I turn around and smile while hugging her. ”I got curious how far your project has evolved.”
”The first few ships will fly within the next month. We concentrated all our efforts in developing the moon as a shipyard so far. If we face no unforeseen problems, we will start to finish a ship every three days.” Margerie smiles proudly while she crosses both her fingers in front of her.
I arch my eyebrows. That's more than I bargained for. ”Do we even have enough people to man them?”
”They have smaller crews than the fortresses and there are many security features to the systems. We could even lend them to the other powers if we run out of personnel. Of course only in exchange for a little fee.” -Margerie
I smile wryly at her. ”I wouldn't be too confident that guys like the Arcane Community wouldn't be able to work around those security features. They have some very crafty people.”
Margerie snorts at that comment. ”I doubt that they would have the guts to dabble with my security features. I linked any security breach directly to a complete energy conversion.”
”Energy Conversion?”-Me
”The mana which makes up the mana crystal will completely convert directly into energy, if a foreign power would take control of the vessel.” -Margerie
”ARE YOU INSANE!? IT WILL BLOW THE WHOLE SOLAR SYSTEM APART!” I scream up. That's dangerous! Never release the energy of a mana crystal uncontrolled!
”MUAHAHA! It will be fine! It's all within my calculations. Half of the mana will be spent to create barriers. The destruction will be restricted to a small space around the vessel.” Margerie pats my shoulder with a confident smile.
”I still haven't a good feeling about something like this above Chimera.” -Me
I keep talking to Margerie about her security measures for half an hour until I feel relatively assured about the safety of this project.
Afterwards I set out to get back to my family for dinner. It became a custom for the whole family to eat together at least once a week long ago.
I reappear inside the dining room where Celes is already waiting with the kids. Arthur, Katrine and Ireth are there too. Just Nicosar is missing?
I sit down at the table. ”Where is the geezer?”
”Nicosar took one of the fortresses to investigate possible hideouts of the Council.” Ireth gives me the short version.
He could have let others do such a boring job. Checking out all the places someone could hide within the multiverse is a hideously boring task. Even if you can move at instant speed from one location to another.
”Well. He could have taken the time and came here for dinner at least.” -Me
”You know him. If he is on a task, he doesn't stop until it's accomplished.” -Arthur
”Dear. I wondered lately. But have you released Tjenemit like we decided?” Celes asks me while Rose serves her a plate of food.
I hit my fist into my open palm! ”That's IT! I knew I forgot something!” I grab the globe out of my pocket. I carried it around for so long! It felt completely natural to have it in my pocket and somehow I forgot about it's existence.
I grin at the Tjenemit globe. Somehow I don't want to give it away. This little gabble is very amusing, and relaxing too. It's a real treasure trove of entertainment.
Suddenly the globe gets snatched out of my hand! ”HEY!”
”That expression on your face was creepy! I will deal with this. You are obviously too reluctant to throw used and old stuff away!”Ireth glares at me.
While trying to object, my words get stuck in my throat. I can't go against mother. What's wrong me!? I am the King and I can't go against my mother! I have to stand up against this!
”Yes, mother.”
Damn! I wanted to say no! I will never get rid of this conditioning!
*********In another world, at another time*********
Nyaaa! This is the worst outcome ever! My journey to glory and salvation! I only got halfway to the north when slave traders captured me!
Now I will be most likely sold as a lust slave! I wanna cry! Stupid life! Stupid curse! Stupid chains!
*Kick* *Kick* *Kick*
”Miss! You are going to draw the slaver's attention.” The little girl beside me is chained to the same tree as me.
The slavers started a camp when night fell. There are twenty of them and about fifteen slaves. Mostly women and small children.
I heard that they are from a nearby village. The slavers attacked it while the capable men were on a hunt. While plundering everything, they captured everyone who couldn't run fast enough.
”Who cares! They will do horrible things to us. Does it matter if it happens sooner or later?” I grumble at the little girl.
”You are a gloomy one, Miss. Why don't we hope for the best and trust in our abilities and the gods?” The little girl smiles at me.
I start to chuckle. ”Abilities and gods? Curse them all! I was on a journey to get rid of my abilities! And gods? The only thing I received from them so far are curses!” I spit on the ground to make a point.
”It looks like you had a hard life until now Miss. Care to tell me about it? Maybe I can help?” The little girl sits cross-legged besides me and pats my shoulder.